June 13, 2023

Pro Tips from a Celebrity Groomer - with Jess Rona

Pro Tips from a Celebrity Groomer - with Jess Rona

Hey there!
In this episode, you’ll hear us refer to the show as Starlight Pet Talk—that’s what we called it before we decided to embrace the fur, mess, and mayhem. Don’t worry, you’re in the right place for
Muddy Paws and Hairballs—same great content, just with a name that fits! - Amy

Join us for an entertaining chat with the exceptionally talented Jess Rona, an award-winning groomer, instructor, and content creator who has built her own grooming empire and has an impressive celebrity clientele, including Katy Perry, Jane Lynch, Nina Join us for a chat with Jess Rona, award-winning groomer to celebrities like Katy Perry and Zoey Deschanel! Jess shares grooming tips and hilarious stories from her years in the industry. Amy and Jess discuss building trust during grooming, handling resistant pets, and managing client expectations. Get ready for insights on maintaining your pet's coat in summer and showing gratitude to your groomer.

Comment on this episode! For questions or if you need a reply- please email us at Amy@StarlightPetTalk.com

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Thanks for listening to Muddy Paws and Hairballs, your go-to resource for all things pet care. From dog training, behavior, and socialization to cat enrichment, pet adoption, and tackling behavior problems, we provide expert advice and real talk to help you create a happy, healthy life with your pets. Whether you're dealing with dog anxiety, looking for puppy training tips, or exploring enrichment ideas for your cat, we've got you covered. Be sure to check out all our episodes!


00:02 - Grooming Tips for Pet Owners

10:30 - Reduce Pet Grooming Stress Tips

15:10 - Challenges With Pet Grooming Expectations

26:21 - Don't Shave Double-Coated Dogs

32:02 - Grooming With Gratitude and Honesty

40:01 - Dog Grooming and Care Tips

48:05 - Supporting Animal Rescue


00:00:02.085 --> 00:00:14.766
Welcome to the Starlight Pet Talk podcast, where we'll talk about and explore ways to help pet parents and future pet parents learn everything they need to know to have a happy and healthy relationship with their pet.

00:00:14.766 --> 00:00:22.952
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00:00:25.260 --> 00:00:29.050
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00:00:33.832 --> 00:00:41.287
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00:00:41.287 --> 00:00:47.968
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00:00:47.968 --> 00:00:49.043
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00:00:57.320 --> 00:00:58.445
Welcome to Starlight Pet Talk.

00:00:58.445 --> 00:01:02.451
I'm your host, amy Castro, and today we're going to talk about grooming your pet.

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It doesn't matter if you have a dog or a cat or some other animal, and it doesn't really even matter what kind of coat they're wearing.

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All our pets need grooming to be at their happiest and healthiest.

00:01:12.689 --> 00:01:23.543
So my guest today is Jess Rona, and Jess is an award-winning groomer, an instructor and president of her own multi-dimensional grooming empire.

00:01:23.543 --> 00:01:31.870
She has a cult-like following you would not believe on social media and an impressive celebrity clientele for her Los Angeles business.

00:01:31.870 --> 00:01:41.870
She's also a content creator and a comedian, and she spent her 20s and 30s basically grooming dogs by day and making people laugh doing improv at night.

00:01:41.870 --> 00:01:43.825
So I think we're going to have a fun episode.

00:01:43.825 --> 00:01:47.831
Jess, thank you so much for being with me today, and I know you're super busy.

00:01:47.831 --> 00:01:50.807
I appreciate you making the time for us, of course.

00:01:50.807 --> 00:01:52.030
Thanks for having me, hi.

00:01:52.030 --> 00:01:55.167
So how did you get started as a groomer?

00:01:55.167 --> 00:01:55.600

00:01:55.620 --> 00:01:57.585
obviously I'm sure if everything's a path right.

00:01:58.328 --> 00:02:01.528
Yeah, And it was the path that I was not expecting to take.

00:02:01.528 --> 00:02:04.048
I sort of fell into it organically.

00:02:04.048 --> 00:02:14.549
My mom would get cat food at PetSmart deep in the valley in LA, in Recita, and I went with her to get cat food and there was a help wanted sign.

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She found out they were hiring and she's like a very pushy mom and she was like we're getting you a job.

00:02:19.783 --> 00:02:22.026
I just needed a job of any kind.

00:02:22.139 --> 00:02:27.270
I was 18, and so I saw all these different jobs on the application.

00:02:27.270 --> 00:02:34.288
You can work with the aquatics In the aquatics section, you can work as a cashier, You can do all these things at PetSmart.

00:02:34.288 --> 00:02:38.949
But then, oh, there's dog-bather And I was like, ooh, that's cool.

00:02:38.949 --> 00:02:41.127
That's not a typical nine to five job.

00:02:41.127 --> 00:02:42.846
I feel like that would be more fun.

00:02:42.846 --> 00:02:49.364
And so I started bathing dogs and I was so bad at it, It was so hard.

00:02:49.364 --> 00:02:51.125
I did love it, though.

00:02:51.125 --> 00:02:52.221
I loved it.

00:02:52.342 --> 00:03:02.603
And then, because I had always wanted to be an actress, I saw myself as an actress, And so I was like, well, this is a fun temporary thing just to make some money while I pursue acting.

00:03:02.603 --> 00:03:21.087
And then I was at PetSmart for four years, and over those four years I was a bather for two years and then I slowly just started to learn how to do pads, What's a cock, or haircut, What's a schnauzer, Like all these different breeds, because when I first started I knew nothing about dogs, I only had cats.

00:03:21.087 --> 00:03:22.520
So I knew nothing.

00:03:22.520 --> 00:03:25.044
I didn't even know dog breeds, I didn't know anything.

00:03:25.044 --> 00:03:30.314
And so, yeah, I just started to learn organically over the years.

00:03:30.314 --> 00:03:33.224
But that's the short answer, but that's how I got started.

00:03:33.879 --> 00:03:36.268
It's funny that you said that you thought dog bathing would be fun.

00:03:36.268 --> 00:03:37.925
That's anyone that has a dog would know.

00:03:37.925 --> 00:03:39.919
It's probably, unless it's a little dog Like.

00:03:39.919 --> 00:03:43.388
I don't mind bathing my chihuahua, but bathing my bulldogs a whole nother wallowax.

00:03:43.808 --> 00:03:49.865
Oh yeah, And I was a kid, You know, I didn't know anything at that time really He didn't know enough to be very afraid.

00:03:50.387 --> 00:04:00.034
No, so going from working at PetSmart to building your own business, i mean that is a I think it's a huge accomplishment.

00:04:00.034 --> 00:04:17.504
I mean for anybody to have a business, but to have a business that's operating at the level that you're operating with the clientele that you have, because and I will speak as a client And also I actually was a dog bather and I got to trim the pads and I got to do anal glands as far as they let me go- So I love that.

00:04:17.524 --> 00:04:21.144
You said I got to do anal glands Like it's a privilege.

00:04:21.144 --> 00:04:22.769
That's right, yeah.

00:04:23.639 --> 00:04:29.651
That's a, it's a graduation from bathing, right, but people can be very demanding And so it's a challenge.

00:04:29.651 --> 00:04:33.290
I think when people get into working with animals, you think about working with animals.

00:04:33.290 --> 00:04:38.827
You don't think about how difficult it can sometimes be working with people, whether it's clients, employees, things like that.

00:04:38.827 --> 00:04:43.170
So more power to you for doing what you're doing.

00:04:43.170 --> 00:04:49.362
So what I was hoping we could talk about today a little bit is because I have kind of seen it from both sides.

00:04:49.783 --> 00:05:04.187
I think there are definitely things that people can do to make the whole trip to the groomer easier for everybody involved, not only for yourself as the pet owner, but for your pet, but also for the groomer, because I think we expect groomers to.

00:05:04.187 --> 00:05:05.413
Sometimes we see these.

00:05:05.413 --> 00:05:07.440
I mean, i've seen your fabulous videos.

00:05:07.440 --> 00:05:12.072
You see these fabulous looking animals, but they don't happen in a vacuum.

00:05:12.072 --> 00:05:22.750
You know that that miraculous haircut or whatever it might be, doesn't happen without a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes to make that even a possibility.

00:05:22.750 --> 00:05:30.288
So what would be a couple of things you think that that pet owners could do, let's say, before they even leave the house or between grooming appointments?

00:05:30.288 --> 00:05:32.526
that would make the whole process easier.

00:05:33.100 --> 00:05:41.127
Well, when you say between grooming appointments, are you talking about making the process easier for everybody, at the groomer or at home?

00:05:42.519 --> 00:05:55.391
Let's start at home and then we'll go and then we'll kind of like, we'll kind of progress chronologically, because I think there are a lot of things at least in my experience that if you just did this first, then your groomer could do this magical thing that you want them to do.

00:05:55.711 --> 00:06:09.329
Well, sure, i mean, the first thing I think about is brushing, but I want to talk about brushing in a way that also, a lot of times, a new client will come in and say I brush my dog all the time, every day, and it's still matted.

00:06:09.329 --> 00:06:25.497
Or they don't believe that the dog is matted because they brush every day but they're using like a soft bore bristle brush and it's not getting through the coat, or they're only brushing the back of the dog And so when you brush a dog, you just want to make sure.

00:06:25.497 --> 00:06:31.680
For the most part, with most coat types, i recommend a slicker brush for pet parents.

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I sell one on my website.

00:06:33.307 --> 00:06:33.968
That's my favorite.

00:06:33.968 --> 00:06:39.670
I went to Tokyo to a dog show and I found this tiny brush and I was like what is this little, cute little brush?

00:06:39.670 --> 00:06:42.161
I'm going to try it and I'm obsessed with it.

00:06:42.161 --> 00:06:46.759
So I contacted the company and I was like please send me all of your brushes because I'm obsessed.

00:06:46.759 --> 00:06:52.762
So it's called the tiny K-Pro, but what I love about it is that it has a tiny, hollow handle.

00:06:52.901 --> 00:06:57.115
So a lot of times pet parents are like well, my dog hates getting brushed.

00:06:57.115 --> 00:07:06.281
So here's the thing with pet parents they think their dog hates getting brushed and they are brushing just the back or their dog won't allow them to brush certain parts.

00:07:06.281 --> 00:07:08.514
So there's so many ways you can tackle this.

00:07:08.514 --> 00:07:18.372
First of all, the dog hates being brushed because it probably hurts or it hurt in the past, so they have this memory of like brushing equals pain or discomfort.

00:07:18.372 --> 00:07:24.954
So what you can do is how can we think about rebuilding the trust, and that's what I'm working on.

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I have a new course coming out all about rebuilding trust.

00:07:27.886 --> 00:07:30.617
It's more for groomers, but I'm sure pet parents would benefit.

00:07:30.617 --> 00:07:44.048
But it's just like once you break the trust which happens like, oh, you're going to snag a mat sometimes And not every dog is going to be like now, i don't, i don't like you, but it's like what can I do to make this the most comfortable for the dog?

00:07:44.069 --> 00:07:45.392
And so what I recommend?

00:07:45.392 --> 00:07:46.295
there's a couple of things.

00:07:46.295 --> 00:07:47.720
Number one always have a slicker brush.

00:07:47.720 --> 00:07:52.829
Have maybe try to do a conditioning spray while you're brushing, which is just a nice thing you can do.

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You can mist it on the brush and glide the brush through, or you can mist it on the coat.

00:07:56.848 --> 00:08:08.608
If you don't have a budget for a conditioning spray, you can take some really high quality dog conditioner and mix it into a spray bottle and create sort of like a spray on leave on conditioner.

00:08:08.608 --> 00:08:12.338
Don't overspray and don't leave it in the bottle for months and months.

00:08:12.338 --> 00:08:15.473
That has a shelf life if it's mixed with water.

00:08:16.074 --> 00:08:19.706
Another thing I tell pet parents is to do one small section at a time.

00:08:19.706 --> 00:08:25.141
So let's say you just let's say your dog needs to be brushed, but your dog hates to get brushed.

00:08:25.141 --> 00:08:26.973
What if you only brush the tail?

00:08:26.973 --> 00:08:29.360
Just brush the tail today, that's it.

00:08:29.360 --> 00:08:32.234
And then give lots of treats And then tomorrow do one leg.

00:08:32.234 --> 00:08:49.692
And what I also recommend is put the dog up on a high surface, maybe on a yoga mat or a towel or something, so they're not slipping, and start by brushing the feet first and smush up the coat and do section by section and start with the foot and then go up from there.

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And if you can't do that, no problem, but just give it a shot.

00:08:51.864 --> 00:08:59.386
The key is you want to be able to open the coat and see the skin and also never leave a harness on Those harnesses.

00:08:59.386 --> 00:09:08.541
Make so many mats, and this also, you know, this just doesn't apply to short-coated dogs, but this is only for those dogs that really will get mad at if they don't go to the groomer.

00:09:08.541 --> 00:09:12.104
And so this is more for like maintaining your dog between groomings.

00:09:12.404 --> 00:09:19.311
I also have a pet parent course on my website for maintaining your dog between groomings, because I'm in alignment with you.

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I want to teach pet parents how to make it like not just easy on the dog but easy on the groomer and easy on the pet parent.

00:09:25.854 --> 00:09:27.337
Like what can we do?

00:09:27.337 --> 00:09:29.042
There's so many things you can do.

00:09:29.042 --> 00:09:30.412
That's just brushing.

00:09:30.412 --> 00:09:31.936
That's like one small thing.

00:09:31.936 --> 00:09:40.662
I also just highly recommend starting a nice relationship with the groomer early on in the dog's life or as soon as you adopt a dog.

00:09:40.662 --> 00:09:52.972
And so if you get a puppy, i even encourage people to go bi-weekly for just baths for the first three months after their last set of shots and book it when the puppy is like not even ready to go, pre-book it.

00:09:52.972 --> 00:09:55.918
I love saying do the first appointment if you can.

00:09:55.918 --> 00:10:01.063
Those first early appointments are usually the best because the groomer is focused on that one dog.

00:10:01.063 --> 00:10:03.274
There isn't the whole day of dogs coming in.

00:10:03.274 --> 00:10:04.458
There's so many things.

00:10:04.458 --> 00:10:06.005
I feel like I'm going off topic.

00:10:06.307 --> 00:10:07.653
No, but you're right If you think about it.

00:10:07.653 --> 00:10:18.221
I remember when my daughter's 30 now so, but when she was little, you know it wasn't like you wait till they're five and take them to the dentist and expect that they're going to cooperate and it's going to be a pleasant experience.

00:10:18.221 --> 00:10:30.883
I mean, at least our dentist was great in saying bring her here and we'll do nothing, just have her hang out while you're getting your teeth cleaned and then you know like we'll let her sit in the chair And you can tell I mean, even as a lay person, i can tell you talking about walking by.

00:10:30.883 --> 00:10:40.868
you know pet smart, you can tell the animals who've been there done that and the ones who somebody decided I'm eight years old and I need to go to the groomer out of the blue and they've not had that acclimation.

00:10:40.868 --> 00:10:48.639
that, i think, is really important for their not only their stress level, but I would assume it makes them much more cooperative when you're trying to work on them.

00:10:49.280 --> 00:10:56.682
Yeah, i mean I've been surprised, though Sometimes the dog is like an adopted dog and they haven't really been to the groomer and they're fine.

00:10:56.682 --> 00:11:05.413
So I mean, i think it's a lot about building trust and if the dog is just naturally submissive and passive, they're going to be okay.

00:11:05.413 --> 00:11:10.715
But if the dog has anxiety or isn't trusting, that's like another thing.

00:11:10.715 --> 00:11:21.248
It's funny that you said it's like a dentist, because when I teach groomers I compare our experience at a dentist to a dog's experience at the groomers.

00:11:21.248 --> 00:11:25.197
It's just this thing it sucks, we got to do it.

00:11:25.197 --> 00:11:28.687
It's like it's not fun, it's uncomfortable.

00:11:28.687 --> 00:11:35.611
But it's so funny that you said dentist, because that's how I explain, that's my, how I imagine a dog would feel about the groomer.

00:11:36.134 --> 00:11:41.273
Yeah, i was talking to my veterinarian the other day and she was basically talking about the same way with the vet.

00:11:41.273 --> 00:11:43.158
You practice by going in the car.

00:11:43.158 --> 00:11:49.081
you practice by making it a positive, like you said, giving treats, things like that, doing things in little steps If you need to.

00:11:49.081 --> 00:11:53.279
I mean, if somebody is go with the flow and they're great with it, then great.

00:11:53.279 --> 00:11:58.443
But I think being prepared to go through that process is probably important.

00:11:58.904 --> 00:12:05.322
So, let's talk about some of the things maybe that clients do, whether it's once they get there and making their appointment.

00:12:05.322 --> 00:12:08.519
That makes the process harder on everybody.

00:12:09.081 --> 00:12:09.442

00:12:09.442 --> 00:12:25.875
So a lot of times I will coach my clients to have a no big deal energy when dropping off the dog, because even some of my regulars the dog will get a little trembling and this is just their way of releasing their anxiety, so it's nothing to get too worried about.

00:12:25.875 --> 00:12:30.032
But what happens is with some of my clients they'll carry the dog in like a baby.

00:12:30.032 --> 00:12:41.100
They'll try to treat the dog like a human baby, which of course human babies give them all the comfort that they need, or little kids like, of course, hug all the children.

00:12:41.100 --> 00:12:45.135
But when you do it with a dog sometimes it makes it worse.

00:12:45.135 --> 00:13:12.082
So my biggest advice is to have a no big deal energy only at drop off And then when you pick up, also sort of have a no big deal energy and then wait for the dog to calm down before you say hello And that's sort of like just any greeting for the most part, because sometimes that big excitement can lead to other behavioral issues with dogs Too much jumping, just like overly excited, just crazy.

00:13:12.082 --> 00:13:14.892
So I just say just ignore, act like no big deal.

00:13:14.892 --> 00:13:29.940
And this is usually with newer clients that are new dog owners And I just say, like the biggest lesson I learned especially when I was a new puppy owner and I did all this research and I realized I have to wait till I had a little puppy.

00:13:29.940 --> 00:13:35.596
She's 11 now, but when she was a baby I had to kind of ignore her until she settled.

00:13:35.596 --> 00:13:40.193
And I never pet the dog when they're not in a state that I want them to be in.

00:13:40.676 --> 00:13:47.096
And so that's the biggest advice I can give to pet parents is, the more anxious you're feeling, the dog will pick up on it.

00:13:47.096 --> 00:13:50.942
So even fake it, fake having a no big deal energy.

00:13:50.942 --> 00:14:09.053
And if the dog is nervous at drop off, see if you can call ahead of time or email your groomer and give all haircut instructions or chat about it, so that you're not sitting and talking to the groomer while your dog is like panicked, because a lot of times once the pet owners leave, the dog calms down instantly with us.

00:14:09.053 --> 00:14:17.035
So it's like usually just that drop off And I have to convince them like I promise you they're fine once you leave.

00:14:17.035 --> 00:14:19.881
It's like the leaving part is really hard.

00:14:20.003 --> 00:14:21.452
And I'm a pet parent too.

00:14:21.452 --> 00:14:22.275
I'm the same way.

00:14:22.275 --> 00:14:24.764
I'm overly protective of my dogs.

00:14:24.764 --> 00:14:29.919
I have two dogs And I'm just I'm a naturally sort of anxious person.

00:14:29.919 --> 00:14:31.825
I do a lot of work on it.

00:14:31.825 --> 00:14:38.083
You know I meditate, i do a lot of work on that, but it's just in my bones And so I accept it.

00:14:38.083 --> 00:14:38.826
I live with it.

00:14:38.826 --> 00:14:42.038
But I don't want to put it too much on my dogs.

00:14:42.479 --> 00:14:46.836
That's great advice, and I did see that one of your videos about the short and drop off time.

00:14:46.836 --> 00:14:48.022
Yeah, i remember It's quick and easy.

00:14:48.022 --> 00:14:51.971
Yeah, make it, make it, make it no big deal And it's going to be no big deal.

00:14:51.971 --> 00:14:54.014
That's that's great advice.

00:14:54.014 --> 00:14:55.035
What else?

00:14:55.035 --> 00:15:03.082
what else do they do that might make things difficult for you in trying to accomplish what it is that they want you to accomplish with their pet?

00:15:03.576 --> 00:15:14.159
Well, i mean, pet parents are not groomers, and so if a pet parent is really heavy handed with the instructions, it makes a groomer feel like they're not trusted.

00:15:14.159 --> 00:15:18.500
That said, i don't mind some feedback, i don't mind being guided.

00:15:18.500 --> 00:15:19.317
You know, if you like.

00:15:19.317 --> 00:15:20.340
Long years, great.

00:15:21.254 --> 00:15:28.043
Before I became known, i would have to prove myself to my clients, and so they didn't know what I could do.

00:15:28.043 --> 00:15:36.086
So I would get a list of things like do this, this, this and this, and I would just be like well, of course I'm going to do those, like clip the nails, you know all that stuff.

00:15:36.086 --> 00:15:42.000
And this is just a responsible pet parent, you know, trying to make sure that they're getting what they're paying for.

00:15:42.000 --> 00:15:50.380
But I think there's a fine line between letting the groomer do their job and being too heavy handed, and so that's another little point that I wanted to make.

00:15:50.380 --> 00:15:52.600
Luckily, i don't have a ton of that.

00:15:52.674 --> 00:15:54.722
I don't think a ton of people are like that.

00:15:54.722 --> 00:16:09.785
For me personally, my preference is to allow me to do my job, and then I always say, especially with first time clients, it might take a couple tries for me to get it right, because I am a people pleaser and I want people to like what I do.

00:16:09.785 --> 00:16:18.542
So, yeah, i feel like, just if there's anyone out there listening, that is just not trusting of the groomer just maybe try to give it a shot and see what they do.

00:16:18.542 --> 00:16:20.625
I don't know, could backfire, who knows?

00:16:20.625 --> 00:16:24.062
I think it just depends on the skill level of the groomer.

00:16:24.462 --> 00:16:34.025
Yeah, And I think it's important too that people have not only realistic expectations of the groomer, but also of what you're giving the person to work with.

00:16:34.025 --> 00:16:51.205
It's like if you're expecting me to make a really high quality, fancy Italian dinner and you give me the cheapest canned tomato sauce and want me to use that instead of making my own with fresh ingredients, you're going to get what you get.

00:16:51.205 --> 00:16:55.894
So how do you handle people that have unrealistic expectations?

00:16:56.898 --> 00:17:13.807
Oh, I'm very honest with them And I've done so much work on how to run a business and how to have clients and treat them with empathy and love which I do, and I love all my clients And I just say, if you bring me a photo of a dog, that's a totally different breed.

00:17:13.807 --> 00:17:21.278
It's usually people bring me a photo of their dog when their dog was a puppy and say can you recreate this?

00:17:21.278 --> 00:17:25.503
Or they'll give me a photo of a dog that is not freshly groomed.

00:17:25.503 --> 00:17:32.104
They want a natural puppy look And what happens is puppies have a different coat than their adult.

00:17:32.104 --> 00:17:39.445
There's an adult coat and a puppy coat, and so I'll just be really upfront and just say well, this is, let's just call the dog, josie.

00:17:39.445 --> 00:17:42.421
This is Josie as a baby, so her nose is smaller.

00:17:42.421 --> 00:17:49.724
Like, puppies have different coat types, their features are different, and so I won't be able to recreate it, but I can use this as inspiration for sure.

00:17:50.615 --> 00:17:52.603
But I'm just totally honest with people.

00:17:52.603 --> 00:17:53.719
That's how I handle it.

00:17:53.719 --> 00:17:55.159
I'm just like you know.

00:17:55.159 --> 00:17:56.262
I'll do my best.

00:17:56.262 --> 00:18:06.124
This can be a beautiful starting point, but that's why I kind of give myself an out when I have new clients and I just say let the haircut settle for a couple of days, see how you like it.

00:18:06.124 --> 00:18:11.439
I'll check in in a couple of days and we can go from there and just I love this, i don't love this.

00:18:11.439 --> 00:18:13.019
I love feedback.

00:18:13.019 --> 00:18:20.544
So I want to make sure I get that from my clients because ultimately, i'm in the service industry and I want to make sure I'm being of service.

00:18:20.544 --> 00:18:25.000
I also, like I said, i'm a total people pleaser, so I'm in the right line of work.

00:18:25.000 --> 00:18:26.760
So if you're happy, i'm happy.

00:18:27.236 --> 00:18:28.781
Well, and you've got the double challenge too.

00:18:28.781 --> 00:18:36.702
I've, you know, not only keeping the person happy, but keeping the animal happy and doing what's what's right by the animal, for sure, oh yeah.

00:18:37.064 --> 00:18:39.457
Oh yeah, if a dog, it's a very.

00:18:39.457 --> 00:18:39.959
I'll tell you.

00:18:39.959 --> 00:18:43.836
There's a very common cycle, especially with doodle owners.

00:18:43.836 --> 00:18:47.284
Doodle owners are getting a reputation in the grooming industry.

00:18:47.284 --> 00:18:56.703
I don't know if you know about this, but what happens is I'll tell you, and especially since you have a an audience of pet parents, if you're a doodle owner.

00:18:56.703 --> 00:18:59.009
Here's what we groomers are starting to say.

00:18:59.009 --> 00:19:08.718
I mean, i don't know if you're noticing, but it's harder to get your doodle groomed unless you are grandfathered in or you've started as a puppy and you come regularly New doodle owners.

00:19:08.718 --> 00:19:10.723
It's hard to get in, especially in LA.

00:19:10.723 --> 00:19:20.988
I don't know if it's like this everywhere, but here's a cycle that we're seeing over and over again is the pet parent wants to keep the dog fluffy, so fluffy.

00:19:20.988 --> 00:19:24.317
Sometimes they don't even want the eyes trimmed So fluffy.

00:19:24.317 --> 00:19:25.557
Right, i don't care that.

00:19:25.557 --> 00:19:28.142
You can't see I know they don't care, the dog can't see.

00:19:28.335 --> 00:19:30.201
I mean, not everybody's like that, but some of them are.

00:19:30.201 --> 00:19:32.442
They do not brush properly.

00:19:32.442 --> 00:19:37.921
And when they say I brush every day, all I do is brush my dog, Do you brush in between the toes?

00:19:37.921 --> 00:19:39.012
Do you brush the armpits?

00:19:39.012 --> 00:19:40.119
Do you brush the ankles?

00:19:40.119 --> 00:19:41.459
How about under the tail?

00:19:41.459 --> 00:19:43.180
How about behind the ears?

00:19:43.180 --> 00:19:44.297
These little details?

00:19:44.297 --> 00:19:48.446
let's say I brush my whole dog, but all those little spots are matted.

00:19:49.055 --> 00:19:55.817
So now the dog is matted, according to the groomer, because this is going to take time, and the time is.

00:19:55.817 --> 00:20:04.440
I mean we charge $2 a minute for dematting at my shop And the clients pay for it because they get beautiful work, but also we draw the line.

00:20:04.440 --> 00:20:06.085
But hold on, i'm diverting.

00:20:06.085 --> 00:20:11.303
So the cycle is my dog is long, i want them long, great.

00:20:11.303 --> 00:20:12.575
They're a little matted.

00:20:12.575 --> 00:20:18.384
Let's demat today, but I recommend that you take the dog shorter so it's a little bit less of maintenance.

00:20:18.384 --> 00:20:19.067
No, no, no, no, no, no.

00:20:19.067 --> 00:20:20.519
I want my dog long, great.

00:20:20.519 --> 00:20:24.604
Next time I promise I'm going to brush and I'm going to stay on a schedule.

00:20:24.604 --> 00:20:27.623
Next time, same thing, same thing.

00:20:27.623 --> 00:20:32.506
So now a little bit more matted because the coat didn't get cut the last time, or the cut.

00:20:32.506 --> 00:20:33.859
The coat was left too long.

00:20:33.859 --> 00:20:38.747
Now the dog's more matted and now it's another D mat charge and the client is frustrated.

00:20:38.747 --> 00:20:42.545
Now the dog is associating being at the groomer with getting dematted.

00:20:42.545 --> 00:20:45.182
Luckily, at my shop I've trained everybody.

00:20:45.182 --> 00:20:47.462
We have a very gentle dematting technique.

00:20:47.462 --> 00:20:51.384
It's time consuming, but it is not uncomfortable for the dog for the most part.

00:20:51.384 --> 00:20:55.441
So now we have a cycle And then what happens is the client comes in again.

00:20:55.441 --> 00:20:57.356
The dog is so mad that we have to shave it.

00:20:57.356 --> 00:21:03.645
So now we shave the dog and now it's a shaved dog and the owner is so upset And so are we.

00:21:03.645 --> 00:21:05.898
We don't want to shave the dog, we want to do something beautiful.

00:21:05.898 --> 00:21:08.782
And then it happens again where we want to grow it out.

00:21:08.782 --> 00:21:11.723
Now I'm not going to go to the groomer for two months because they're not going to need a haircut.

00:21:11.723 --> 00:21:24.787
So here's what I recommend If you have a doodle that is a big boofy bear and is so cute, fluffy, there are alternative haircuts you can do that are still fluffy and adorable, especially those feet.

00:21:24.934 --> 00:21:26.759
My friend has a doodle and there's.

00:21:26.759 --> 00:21:30.066
In LA there's Fox tails everywhere and the dog got a Fox tail.

00:21:30.066 --> 00:21:30.968
She couldn't find it.

00:21:30.968 --> 00:21:33.141
He had to go to the vet The feet are all mad at it.

00:21:33.141 --> 00:21:33.983
It's like a whole thing.

00:21:33.983 --> 00:21:40.403
And this is like my best friend's dog And I'm like girl come over So like it's just better to just get on a routine.

00:21:41.055 --> 00:21:49.997
So if you want to keep your dog fluffy, go to the groomer weekly or bi-weekly and get just a bath and condition and just get the groomer to brush out the dog If you can afford it.

00:21:49.997 --> 00:21:52.505
If you can't afford it, come go once a month.

00:21:52.505 --> 00:21:54.502
If you can't do once a month, do every other month.

00:21:54.502 --> 00:22:00.984
But see if you could do a bath and tidy in between haircuts at the groomer, which is a less expensive service.

00:22:00.984 --> 00:22:06.625
People don't realize, like, if those bath and tidy appointments are just so valuable.

00:22:06.625 --> 00:22:10.003
Because we check the nails, we trim the nails, we trim the pads.

00:22:10.003 --> 00:22:12.060
Sometimes you could do the sanitary area.

00:22:12.060 --> 00:22:17.523
I mean, at my shop we do everything And then we glide a comb through a beautifully conditioned coat and it's perfect.

00:22:17.523 --> 00:22:23.227
So take advantage of your groomer for bath only appointments to, not just haircuts.

00:22:23.755 --> 00:22:27.645
And also one more thing short hair dogs need grooming too.

00:22:27.645 --> 00:22:31.365
A lot of people think if they have a short hair dog they don't need a grooming.

00:22:31.365 --> 00:22:32.519
That's not true.

00:22:32.519 --> 00:22:39.666
And if you don't want to go monthly, that's fine, but I recommend I think every dog should get a beautiful bath at least once a month.

00:22:39.666 --> 00:22:41.119
I have a short hair dog.

00:22:41.119 --> 00:22:46.307
She gets bathed, we de-shed, we deep condition, brush her teeth, clean her ears, trim her nails.

00:22:46.307 --> 00:22:48.580
There's so much you could do for a short-coated dog.

00:22:48.580 --> 00:22:49.363
We de-shed.

00:22:49.363 --> 00:22:55.342
So all the bears and babies need grooming, and when I say bears and babies I mean dogs.

00:22:55.342 --> 00:22:57.701
That's just how I could say.

00:22:59.055 --> 00:23:00.219
So many excellent points there.

00:23:00.219 --> 00:23:05.974
Obviously, doodles are super popular in Houston, as they are around the world.

00:23:05.974 --> 00:23:07.400
I guess they're just popular now.

00:23:07.400 --> 00:23:09.380
They are very popular.

00:23:09.380 --> 00:23:12.381
That's a whole other subject, but it brings up a couple of key points.

00:23:12.381 --> 00:23:17.826
Number one, obviously, what you said the things that people should be doing and then don't.

00:23:17.826 --> 00:23:27.299
So you're going to pay the price, whether it's paying the price or whether your dog's paying the price because it's there for hours or it's unhappy because it's getting mats taken out, things like that.

00:23:27.299 --> 00:23:31.476
But I think people need to think about that when they think about what kind of pet they're getting.

00:23:31.476 --> 00:23:33.323
how much maintenance is required.

00:23:33.323 --> 00:23:41.775
Do I have the time, energy, budget to maintain a doodle, or would I be better off getting a shorter hair dog?

00:23:41.775 --> 00:23:44.563
I mean, it kind of starts from the very beginning.

00:23:45.305 --> 00:23:55.945
Yeah, And as groomers, like, if we're doing a beautiful haircut on a doodle, one doodle could be the same time as three small dogs or two small dogs.

00:23:55.945 --> 00:24:04.242
For us, One doodle could be the same as, yeah, like two poodles, two little mini poodles, So I need to charge double for a doodle.

00:24:04.242 --> 00:24:07.282
So people are like, oh my God, groomers charge so much.

00:24:07.282 --> 00:24:16.585
Well, it's because you're taking the spot of two or three other dogs And I hope at groomers listening that you know that charge for your time and skill.

00:24:16.585 --> 00:24:22.747
And so if you're taking the time, charge the amount that you should charge for that.

00:24:22.747 --> 00:24:37.660
And people don't realize this is why it's so expensive And this is also why some groomers are like you know what, for my back and my time, everything, I'm just going to not have doodles over and I'll just have two Maltesers come over and it'll be much easier on my body.

00:24:37.660 --> 00:24:42.965
So I mean there's some groomers that feel that way because it's hard work.

00:24:42.965 --> 00:24:45.903
You're just a big doodle on your table.

00:24:45.903 --> 00:24:48.642
You're lifting the leg to get the armpit.

00:24:48.642 --> 00:24:50.201
It's physically a lot of work.

00:24:50.535 --> 00:24:51.579
It depends on the doodle though.

00:24:51.579 --> 00:24:53.761
Like some of them are just as big as horses.

00:24:53.761 --> 00:24:54.799
They're just so big.

00:24:54.799 --> 00:24:57.121
I mean I love the little mini ones.

00:24:57.121 --> 00:24:58.084
They're so cute.

00:24:58.084 --> 00:25:00.221
I mean, give me a mini doodle any day.

00:25:00.221 --> 00:25:03.864
It's just those big bears that are just so much work.

00:25:03.864 --> 00:25:08.586
And so if you're on the fence and thinking about getting a big doodle, I mean they're amazing.

00:25:08.586 --> 00:25:11.564
Keep them short, especially if they swim.

00:25:11.564 --> 00:25:14.116
Oh my God, swimming makes dogs so matted.

00:25:14.116 --> 00:25:22.688
If you have a dog that loves jumping the pool I'm talking doodles or big, curly coated dogs Just keep them short.

00:25:22.688 --> 00:25:23.789
It's so much easier.

00:25:23.789 --> 00:25:25.093
They'll grow out again.

00:25:25.373 --> 00:25:25.753
That's right.

00:25:25.753 --> 00:25:34.912
That's what I was going to say too earlier is like nothing we're doing here is permanent, So in another month you can try something different or take a different approach.

00:25:35.400 --> 00:25:42.683
The only kind of cut that is sort of permanent is if you cut a double coated dog too short For poms and stuff.

00:25:42.683 --> 00:25:48.386
I would not recommend cutting those dogs short because it totally damages the coat and it's just not great for them.

00:25:49.039 --> 00:25:56.577
That brings up a great point, because I remember when I saw you on Drew Barrymore and that was like a year or so ago, she had, i think it was, a golden retriever.

00:25:56.577 --> 00:26:04.729
But let's just say it was a golden retriever and you were talking about, other than maybe tidying things up, that you wouldn't cut the hair on a dog like that.

00:26:04.729 --> 00:26:13.167
One of the things people do down here in Houston, because it is so ungodly hot and humid, is that they like to shave their animals down.

00:26:13.167 --> 00:26:25.884
So they shave down golden retrievers and they shave down things that 40 years ago maybe not quite 40 years ago, but pretty close to 40 years ago that I worked at a groomer and the philosophy then was those aren't kind of dogs you shave.

00:26:25.884 --> 00:26:27.207
You don't shave a golden retriever.

00:26:27.227 --> 00:26:28.068
Still the philosophy.

00:26:28.489 --> 00:26:29.070
Yeah, okay.

00:26:29.070 --> 00:26:30.373
So what is the rationale?

00:26:30.373 --> 00:26:33.367
My dog will be cooler if I shave all its hair off in the summer.

00:26:33.921 --> 00:26:37.650
Oh, i have this conversation with my clients every summer and every winter.

00:26:37.650 --> 00:26:42.723
So dogs coats are not like sweaters, they're more like insulation.

00:26:42.723 --> 00:26:47.309
There's these little muscles around each follicle of a dog's coat.

00:26:47.309 --> 00:26:51.690
They're little follicular muscles that move the coat up and down to regulate their temperature.

00:26:51.690 --> 00:26:54.546
Dogs are absorbent through their skin.

00:26:54.546 --> 00:27:02.444
They have very sensitive skin And so when you take off their first defense, which is their coat, now they're going to be prone to skin issues.

00:27:02.444 --> 00:27:05.428
I hope they don't get sunburned, but it could happen.

00:27:05.428 --> 00:27:10.049
They're just exposed to the elements so much when they don't have that first line of defense.

00:27:10.720 --> 00:27:13.707
So the best thing to do with a dog to cool them off.

00:27:13.707 --> 00:27:15.730
I mean they're going to be hot at summer, everyone's hot.

00:27:15.730 --> 00:27:18.185
Don't leave them outside all day.

00:27:18.185 --> 00:27:22.451
Bring them inside, keep them cool and take out that undercoat.

00:27:22.451 --> 00:27:32.403
It's the undercoat that gets packed in for, like those thick double coated dogs, like the Huskies, the Palms, samoyeds, those kinds of dogs, some shepherds, so you just want to get.

00:27:32.403 --> 00:27:35.529
I love the Artero double-sided flexible slicker.

00:27:35.529 --> 00:27:37.461
It's a brush, they are.

00:27:37.461 --> 00:27:40.871
Tero love that brush for double coated dogs.

00:27:40.871 --> 00:27:56.030
They come in a different sizes, but what I love about them is that they're great for the undercoat of dogs And so for a dog that has a double coat, the best thing to cool them off is to brush them and bathe them and let their skin breathe by removing their undercoat.

00:27:56.030 --> 00:28:01.972
Because what happens is you shave these dogs and you completely damage their coat.

00:28:01.972 --> 00:28:04.692
I mean, it's not life or death, they're going to be fine.

00:28:04.692 --> 00:28:06.365
I get worked up.

00:28:06.365 --> 00:28:12.633
I used to get so upset seeing like shaved, double coated dogs, like, oh my God, like how could you?

00:28:13.482 --> 00:28:14.768
Because they don't know people don't know.

00:28:14.960 --> 00:28:15.701
There's one in my neighborhood.

00:28:15.701 --> 00:28:18.781
There's like a Husky that gets shaved and I'm just like you know what.

00:28:18.781 --> 00:28:25.145
When it comes down to it, these dogs are being taken care of, they have a home, they have food.

00:28:25.145 --> 00:28:32.086
Like you know, when it really comes down to it, it's not the end of the world, but I mean me as like a picky, opinionated groomer.

00:28:32.086 --> 00:28:37.506
I do, you know, scoff when I get upset, but it's not great for them.

00:28:37.506 --> 00:28:39.527
So I'll just say that it's not great.

00:28:39.527 --> 00:28:47.066
I think that, like something that's even worse is dental neglect or you know, if they neglect the nails and the nails grow into the pads.

00:28:47.066 --> 00:28:54.171
I mean, i've seen it all And the biggest, biggest pet peeve of mine is seeing dogs out on hot asphalt.

00:28:54.371 --> 00:29:02.244
In the summer I go to the flea market, I go to the farmers market in LA it gets to 80 or 90 degrees And these are in parking lots.

00:29:02.244 --> 00:29:03.786
The flea market is in a parking lot.

00:29:03.786 --> 00:29:14.884
It is 100% asphalt And I see these panting low to the ground dogs, especially smush face dogs like hugs, that are in this hot parking lot.

00:29:14.884 --> 00:29:17.951
They will overheat and you can really potentially harm them.

00:29:17.951 --> 00:29:23.691
That is what I'm really concerned about is walking your dog outside on hot asphalt.

00:29:23.691 --> 00:29:30.306
Even in boots it's still too much, because they're low to the ground and the heat will emanate from the ground.

00:29:31.169 --> 00:29:38.146
Yeah, we try to do a lot of education down here, because obviously it's ungodly hot here too And you get animals their pads burn.

00:29:38.146 --> 00:29:42.749
The philosophy is if you can't walk on your bare feet on it, they shouldn't be walking on it either.

00:29:43.210 --> 00:29:46.847
Yeah And like, don't just take a flip-flop off and put your foot down for a second.

00:29:46.847 --> 00:29:50.849
Walk bare feet for 10 or 15 minutes, can you do it?

00:29:50.849 --> 00:29:54.068
So, like, people think of their dog's coat as a sweater.

00:29:54.068 --> 00:29:59.384
They think they need to keep them longer in the winter and shorter in the summer, but that's just not the case.

00:29:59.384 --> 00:30:03.884
It's insulation and it regulates their temperature, so leave a little coat.

00:30:03.884 --> 00:30:11.292
That said, if your dog is a matted poodle or something and it gets short, that's great.

00:30:11.292 --> 00:30:15.068
You can keep your dog short if you need to to prevent matting.

00:30:15.400 --> 00:30:20.904
You can shave a dog with that kind of coat type and it won't damage the coat and it won't hurt the dog at all.

00:30:20.904 --> 00:30:31.984
It's mostly just the double-coated dogs the shepherds and that sort of thing the golden, the huskies Those are the dogs that should not be shaved, and especially Pomeranians, because I've seen it cause alopecia.

00:30:31.984 --> 00:30:39.448
I've seen it where the coat doesn't grow back or like half the coat grows back and only the undercoat, not that glossy guard hair.

00:30:39.448 --> 00:30:40.280
That's the.

00:30:40.280 --> 00:30:41.266
Those are the double coats.

00:30:41.266 --> 00:30:48.729
It's like a, a cottony undercoat and a glossy guard coat, and so sometimes only the undercoat grows back and it grows back and patches.

00:30:48.729 --> 00:30:49.951
And don't do it.

00:30:49.951 --> 00:30:56.791
Keep your dog brushed And if you can't maintain a long fluffy Pomeranian, do a longer haircut.

00:30:56.791 --> 00:30:59.085
It still damages the coat but it's not as bad.

00:30:59.085 --> 00:31:02.644
Or just like hand scissor the tush and the underline or something.

00:31:02.644 --> 00:31:10.567
Just one more thing If you do have a shaved dog that's like a white dog that gets shaved don't leave them out in the sun too long, cause they can get sunburned.

00:31:10.567 --> 00:31:11.589
Those little babies?

00:31:11.640 --> 00:31:12.303
Yep, they definitely do.

00:31:12.303 --> 00:31:19.827
What would you say would be some tips that would be helpful to facilitate communication between groomer and pet parent?

00:31:19.827 --> 00:31:26.826
I love, i love the advice to call and and have those conversations in advance and not at the door when your dog is nervous.

00:31:26.826 --> 00:31:31.412
But what are some things that we can do to better communicate with our groomers so that we're on the same page?

00:31:31.861 --> 00:31:46.249
Well, i think, just as humans let's just talk about human communication Have empathy and listen, and I feel like if both parties are having empathy and listening to each other, i think it would be a great relationship and a great way to communicate.

00:31:46.640 --> 00:31:58.249
When you're a groomer, you're in the service industry, and so you're of service to your client, and when you're a client, you're of service to your dog, really, and so you want to make sure that everyone is taken care of.

00:31:58.249 --> 00:32:03.070
One thing I really love is, on both ends, to show gratitude.

00:32:03.070 --> 00:32:13.407
When a client gives us gifts for the holidays you know I give gifts for the holidays I just really love to show gratitude, and I think it goes a long way in any relationship.

00:32:13.407 --> 00:32:24.465
So if you have a groomer that you love, show them some kind of gratitude, whether it's a big tip out of the blue or a gift, or if you're a groomer listening, what can you do to give your clients a cute little something?

00:32:24.465 --> 00:32:35.472
And it gets a lot to buy a bunch of clients something, but even if it's just some homemade dog treats or a little one year I did little custom name tags for my clients Just something to give back.

00:32:35.472 --> 00:32:40.278
So I feel like that's good for communication is empathy, listening and gratitude.

00:32:40.840 --> 00:32:41.762
Great, great.

00:32:41.762 --> 00:32:44.410
I was thinking of something else that I wanted to ask you related.

00:32:44.430 --> 00:32:45.172
Well, what is it?

00:32:45.412 --> 00:32:46.555
Oh, honesty, i'm trying to know.

00:32:46.555 --> 00:32:49.324
Okay, honesty, honesty, honesty.

00:32:49.324 --> 00:32:55.385
You were talking about these people that they say they brush their dog every day, but they maybe they do, maybe they don't.

00:32:55.385 --> 00:32:57.400
Do you feel like people are generally honest?

00:32:57.400 --> 00:32:59.607
Do you think that they think they're being honest, that they're not?

00:32:59.607 --> 00:33:01.528
Are they trying to pull something over?

00:33:02.061 --> 00:33:03.207
I think they're honest.

00:33:03.207 --> 00:33:06.130
I think their techniques are wrong.

00:33:06.130 --> 00:33:08.909
I always assume people have the best intentions.

00:33:08.909 --> 00:33:14.932
It's just an assumption I put on everyone my clients, my employees, every relationship.

00:33:14.932 --> 00:33:18.886
So I feel like I think they're trying their best.

00:33:18.886 --> 00:33:21.692
Whether or not they do it every single day, i don't really care.

00:33:21.692 --> 00:33:25.589
Basically I just care is the dog matted or not?

00:33:25.589 --> 00:33:30.007
And like I think they're just brushing the back, i think they're using the wrong tools.

00:33:30.007 --> 00:33:33.588
I think they just aren't educated on what real good brushing is.

00:33:33.588 --> 00:33:42.023
And so that's where the empathy comes in, where I'm like okay, you're saying this, it doesn't matter to me if they're lying or not, let's just go with the facts.

00:33:42.023 --> 00:33:45.888
Like you're saying this, i think what's happening is you're using the wrong tools.

00:33:45.888 --> 00:33:47.625
Let's get you on the right path.

00:33:47.680 --> 00:33:48.884
I'm going to give you this brush.

00:33:48.884 --> 00:33:53.851
I usually make them get the tiny K pro brush, and I have a conditioning spray that I sell at my shop.

00:33:53.851 --> 00:33:55.906
Those are the two things I send them home with.

00:33:55.906 --> 00:34:01.424
I say, if you're going to bathe your dog between groomings, just make sure to brush the dog when they're dry before the bath.

00:34:01.424 --> 00:34:08.347
Bathe and condition even if you're in a human climate condition the dog And then, once they're dry again, brush again.

00:34:08.347 --> 00:34:14.844
And I say brush with a slicker brush and brush the feet, brush the armpits, the legs, the legs, the back legs.

00:34:14.844 --> 00:34:19.411
Usually people will have their dogs sit when they get brushed, but then their back legs don't get brushed.

00:34:19.411 --> 00:34:22.168
So it's just like you know they're not professional groomers.

00:34:22.168 --> 00:34:23.885
I don't expect the world from them.

00:34:23.885 --> 00:34:30.228
So if they can't do it, let's get them into the shop, more especially if they have goals of keeping their dogs stunning and gorgeous and fluffy.

00:34:30.228 --> 00:34:33.307
If you have those goals, we got to get you in more, that's all.

00:34:34.059 --> 00:34:34.400
And if you can't?

00:34:34.420 --> 00:34:34.641
afford it.

00:34:34.641 --> 00:34:36.489
We'll just keep the dog shorter And it's not the end of the world.

00:34:36.489 --> 00:34:37.764
They look so cute when they're short.

00:34:37.764 --> 00:34:39.724
You can have a fluffy short.

00:34:39.724 --> 00:34:41.905
It doesn't have to be shaved or fluff.

00:34:41.905 --> 00:34:43.885
There's all different lengths now.

00:34:43.885 --> 00:34:47.010
The grooming I mean since you've been in and there's clip on combs.

00:34:47.010 --> 00:34:49.626
There's like all different blade lengths now.

00:34:49.626 --> 00:34:51.766
There's so many options for haircuts now.

00:34:51.766 --> 00:34:56.690
And also groomers are getting so good because now there's so much education out there.

00:34:56.690 --> 00:35:07.125
When I was starting, i was just emailing before and after photos to my mentors saying can you please help me Now, i mean with my online courses.

00:35:07.125 --> 00:35:11.983
There's online courses for everyone And I feel like there's just so much education.

00:35:11.983 --> 00:35:13.869
That wasn't there before.

00:35:13.869 --> 00:35:15.012
It's amazing.

00:35:15.012 --> 00:35:17.025
So now groomers are getting really good.

00:35:17.025 --> 00:35:20.429
Like the chop-chop, crappy groomers are few and far between.

00:35:20.429 --> 00:35:22.543
Now Groomers are getting really good.

00:35:22.543 --> 00:35:23.405
It's exciting.

00:35:23.927 --> 00:35:30.385
Yeah, That's kind of how I first started thinking about this concept of what we can do to do a better job with the groomer.

00:35:30.385 --> 00:35:38.068
We're speaking at a grooming conference and to see the hundreds and hundreds of groomers and how hard they were in the competitive grooming, That's a whole another.

00:35:38.068 --> 00:35:40.507
I know you've done that before.

00:35:40.507 --> 00:35:58.775
For those who've never watched or participated in competitive grooming and then correct me if I'm wrong at least the one that I went to they're basically handed a dog that they've never worked on before and are tasked with grooming that animal on a stage in front of a bunch of people.

00:35:58.775 --> 00:36:01.427
So that's pretty accurate, or not always?

00:36:01.427 --> 00:36:02.369
Not always.

00:36:03.101 --> 00:36:05.206
But that actually goes into consideration.

00:36:05.206 --> 00:36:05.809
With judging.

00:36:05.809 --> 00:36:09.650
I was apprentice judging in Hasidina at the Groom Expo.

00:36:09.650 --> 00:36:19.887
I'm starting to apprentice judge And one of the things I learned as what they take into account when judging is they say like, have you met this dog before?

00:36:19.887 --> 00:36:24.231
And if they haven't, they'll make sure that they know that on the file when they're pre-judging.

00:36:24.231 --> 00:36:27.329
Just to see the transformation, see how the groomer handles the dog.

00:36:27.981 --> 00:36:40.882
There is a competition called the rescue rodeo which is really fun And it's just a rescue competition where a rescue comes in and groomers get assigned a dog at random And those are the dogs.

00:36:40.882 --> 00:36:42.688
But there's a lot of leniency with those.

00:36:42.688 --> 00:36:48.889
I mean it's like rescue dogs But some of them get adopted after the show and it's really cool.

00:36:48.889 --> 00:36:53.510
Some of the groomers want to adopt the dog, which is really special.

00:36:53.510 --> 00:36:58.081
I mean I've been to rescue rodeos where I'm like, okay, how do I get this dog And take it home?

00:36:58.081 --> 00:36:59.507
because there should be bears.

00:36:59.507 --> 00:37:10.570
Some of these are just little terrier, little mixes that are just needing a home and they're so sweet And the rescues will only bring dogs that are well behaved and sweet and trusting.

00:37:11.739 --> 00:37:21.206
But now most, a lot of groomers who are really in the competitive world will buy purebred dogs to use for competition And also these groomers are obsessed.

00:37:21.206 --> 00:37:28.083
They will buy a purebred, gorgeous, perfectly bred Bichon or whatever And they'll show the dog.

00:37:28.083 --> 00:37:32.246
They'll groom the dog in competitions And these are their lifelong companions.

00:37:32.246 --> 00:37:40.831
So it's not just like I'm meeting this dog and grooming it And what happens is they groom the dog throughout the dog's life in every competition.

00:37:40.831 --> 00:37:44.010
For the most part, i mean, they stop grooming the dog at like.

00:37:44.010 --> 00:37:47.427
I think when they get to be like eight or nine or something, they'll stop.

00:37:47.427 --> 00:37:54.010
But what happens is the groomer gets better and better and better And each competition is different depending upon who your competition is.

00:37:54.010 --> 00:37:59.184
But these groomers will use the same dogs in every competition just to try to tweak it to get better and better.

00:37:59.184 --> 00:38:07.686
There's so much to know about perfecting a groom that it takes years upon years to learn one breed standard perfectly.

00:38:08.280 --> 00:38:10.106
I can't even imagine the amount of hours.

00:38:10.106 --> 00:38:14.291
I don't have any that need haircuts at this stage, thank God.

00:38:14.291 --> 00:38:22.025
But I did have this little Rescutarier Mix name buddy, and I used to try to give him my version of a schnauzer cut.

00:38:22.025 --> 00:38:26.766
He wasn't a schnauzer, but I wanted him to have the little beard, and when I took my time it would look okay.

00:38:26.766 --> 00:38:33.070
But sometimes it was just like, yeah, i'm not doing this, and then my husband would look at the dog and say, oh, buddy, did mama give you a haircut again?

00:38:33.070 --> 00:38:34.012
I'm so sorry.

00:38:34.012 --> 00:38:35.762
It's like didn't.

00:38:35.762 --> 00:38:38.811
I wasn't exactly a professional, should have left it to the professionals.

00:38:38.811 --> 00:38:50.806
So I couldn't wrap this up without asking if you have either a great story to share or something that you're particularly proud of, or just maybe some want to know a little about your celebrity clients.

00:38:50.806 --> 00:38:52.719
Can you tell us who any of those are?

00:38:52.719 --> 00:38:54.286
Well, those are three questions.

00:38:54.286 --> 00:38:58.248
Which one do you want to answer All of them, and then we'll decide.

00:38:58.268 --> 00:39:01.019
Okay, What do you want to answer?

00:39:01.019 --> 00:39:03.768
The first one is is there something I'm proud of?

00:39:03.768 --> 00:39:18.969
Yeah, i'm proud that I've been able to build a business that builds up groomers and teaches groomers and helps groomers Not only the groomers who work for me, my employees and I want to empower them with knowledge, but I want to empower groomers everywhere.

00:39:18.969 --> 00:39:21.469
So I'm able to do that with my online platform.

00:39:21.469 --> 00:39:22.905
So that's something I'm really proud of.

00:39:22.905 --> 00:39:25.487
And I'm leaning more into pet parents too.

00:39:25.487 --> 00:39:31.293
I'm starting a YouTube series soon, so stay tuned for my YouTube channel, which is going to be.

00:39:31.293 --> 00:39:36.909
I still I put up some videos, but I'm going to be more mindful about it throughout the rest of the year and next year.

00:39:36.909 --> 00:39:43.085
But that's one thing I'm proud of is my online courses and just being able to reach more people and help more people.

00:39:43.085 --> 00:39:45.226
And then, what was the other question?

00:39:45.579 --> 00:39:57.012
A particularly interesting dog grooming story like oh one of the ones I tell and I've told this before but I had this very flamboyant, very colorful client.

00:39:57.012 --> 00:40:06.349
This was like 15 years ago and color on your dog was not that popular, so I cringe thinking about it.

00:40:06.349 --> 00:40:13.233
He wanted like a pastel you know white Pomeranian and he wanted a pastel beautiful, like mint.

00:40:13.233 --> 00:40:32.246
I had done a beautiful sunset on the dog before where I did like pastel yellow, blended ombre into pinks and oranges And the tail was like an orange, the whole dog And I accidentally did like a dark Smurf blue and he did not like it And it was too dark And it's a palm and the coat just didn't.

00:40:32.246 --> 00:40:37.702
It took like two years for it to grow back, like it was a whole thing And it was.

00:40:38.543 --> 00:40:43.447
I was devastated, i was so sad, like I just I wish that I could go back to that moment.

00:40:43.447 --> 00:40:44.769
But I got to learn.

00:40:44.769 --> 00:40:46.402
You got to learn.

00:40:46.402 --> 00:40:55.405
He was so, so sweet about it and so kind to me and like was not angry And that was just.

00:40:55.405 --> 00:40:56.266
That was a.

00:40:56.266 --> 00:40:57.530
That's just a crazy story.

00:40:57.530 --> 00:40:59.648
I mean the dog looks really cute, it was really cute.

00:40:59.648 --> 00:41:05.032
I mean this was a really long time ago, but yeah, well, didn't ever do that again.

00:41:06.182 --> 00:41:06.887
It's permanent.

00:41:06.887 --> 00:41:13.643
We all, yeah, we learned from our mistakes, but it was nice that he was, that he was nice about it and didn't have a big cause.

00:41:13.643 --> 00:41:14.827
I would have been two years of help.

00:41:15.862 --> 00:41:16.304
Oh yeah.

00:41:16.304 --> 00:41:24.706
And also now they have, you know, shampoos where you could do a nice pastel wash on the dog, where it's not like you know a whole thing.

00:41:24.706 --> 00:41:26.670
But this was a long time ago, okay.

00:41:26.670 --> 00:41:35.827
So, celebrity clients Well, my biggest one is Katy Perry and she is a huge supporter of my business and really helped me so much.

00:41:35.827 --> 00:41:38.027
Like she put a blurb on the front of my book.

00:41:38.027 --> 00:41:41.588
She's just been a dream and I love her so much.

00:41:41.588 --> 00:41:46.164
She's a pleasure to work with, she's a delight, she's such an inspiration.

00:41:46.164 --> 00:41:49.947
I'm so inspired by her and love her so much.

00:41:49.947 --> 00:41:55.768
And I mean I have, like Jane Lynch as a client.

00:41:55.768 --> 00:42:04.193
Natasha Leon We have I have a list written down Maya Rudolph, cause I'm like, who are my celebrity clients?

00:42:04.420 --> 00:42:09.400
It's just, it's funny because I grew up in LA and it's like celebrities are so cool and fun.

00:42:09.400 --> 00:42:17.914
But I don't, i mean they're just like When you grow up in LA, they're just kind of everywhere and it's not really a big deal.

00:42:17.914 --> 00:42:33.563
I mean it's a big deal because you're like, wow, i kind of describe it, as you know, when you see like some sort of great wonder of the world, like Yosemite Falls or you know, like the Egyptian Pyramid, something like where you're kind of awestruck by something.

00:42:33.563 --> 00:42:41.007
That's sort of how I feel when I see Katy Perry or someone where I'm like wow, you're a wonder of the world.

00:42:41.007 --> 00:42:50.088
You're a wonder, you're a magical, sparkly, special type of person that has this talent and charisma and magic.

00:42:50.088 --> 00:43:04.429
So of course, i'm going to have some kind of reaction to them And then, after knowing them for a little while, you're like oh, you're just like a normal person that just happens to be extremely talented, and you can honestly say that about a lot of people.

00:43:04.429 --> 00:43:10.905
If you're really talented at woodworking and the world is obsessed with woodworking you're going to be famous.

00:43:11.086 --> 00:43:18.177
You know, i just feel like it's hard for me to remember who all my celeb clients are, but definitely Natasha Leon, jane Lynch.

00:43:18.177 --> 00:43:29.648
When I met Jane Lynch Best in Show is probably my favorite movie of all time I was like I don't usually do this, but I just have to tell you I'm a huge fan, i love you.

00:43:29.648 --> 00:43:32.847
I'm like my world is sort of like that world.

00:43:32.847 --> 00:43:39.030
It's not the dog show world, but it's the dog grooming world and it's very similar And I'm obsessed with you.

00:43:39.030 --> 00:43:40.936
And then, okay, now let's talk about your dog.

00:43:40.936 --> 00:43:43.367
I had to get that out of the way.

00:43:43.367 --> 00:43:44.391
Get it out in the open.

00:43:44.391 --> 00:43:48.826
Yeah, yeah, there's been some celebrities where I'm like okay, i love you a lot.

00:43:48.826 --> 00:43:50.713
This is cool, that's nice.

00:43:50.934 --> 00:43:52.097
It's nice, yeah, it's great.

00:43:52.097 --> 00:43:58.960
Anything else to kind of pull it together, anything that we didn't talk about that you feel like pet parents need to know?

00:43:59.503 --> 00:44:08.262
Yeah, i think just being a caretaker and just making sure that you're taking care of this little beast that relies upon you.

00:44:08.262 --> 00:44:18.885
So making sure their dental is up to date, like get their teeth cleaned And if they can't go under anesthesia, do an anesthesia-free dental cleaning every six months or every year.

00:44:18.885 --> 00:44:26.360
Make sure their nails are short and they're not growing too long, Make sure they're not getting mad and make sure you check their ears.

00:44:26.360 --> 00:44:27.846
Just keep up with them.

00:44:27.846 --> 00:44:29.494
Just make sure they're well-maintained.

00:44:29.494 --> 00:44:32.423
Senior dogs have a different lifestyle.

00:44:32.423 --> 00:44:33.467
As a younger dog.

00:44:33.467 --> 00:44:36.898
If you have a younger dog, don't keep them outside all day in the backyard.

00:44:36.898 --> 00:44:38.706
Take them on a walk, Keep them inside.

00:44:38.706 --> 00:44:39.889
Dogs are pack animals.

00:44:39.889 --> 00:44:47.177
It's just very isolating and sad and lonely if a dog's outside in the backyard with no one else, They're pack animals.

00:44:47.177 --> 00:44:50.445
So at least get them another dog or bring them inside if they're part of your family.

00:44:50.445 --> 00:44:54.972
I don't really know how common it is for people to just leave their dogs outside anymore.

00:44:54.972 --> 00:44:56.255
I think like it's.

00:44:56.556 --> 00:45:03.518
I mean, I don't know, maybe It's sadly common I mean, i shouldn't say common It's a real issue in Texas.

00:45:03.518 --> 00:45:10.413
Here there are a lot of people who a dog is property.

00:45:10.413 --> 00:45:17.115
Well, in the state of Texas it considers dog property And so you have a lot more leniency as to what you can do with it.

00:45:17.115 --> 00:45:25.445
Although there's a lot of people working super hard to fight a lot of that, right now the biggest fights are about dogs being chained outside.

00:45:26.027 --> 00:45:30.521
So it's like, let alone being outside, being chained to a tree or something.

00:45:30.983 --> 00:45:32.088
Yeah, it's inhumane.

00:45:32.088 --> 00:45:33.572
Dogs are pack animals.

00:45:33.572 --> 00:45:37.248
They need to be socialized, they need to be with other dogs or with people.

00:45:37.248 --> 00:45:41.487
A lot of people are like, oh, i'm going to get another dog for my dog to like help them.

00:45:41.487 --> 00:45:46.184
But sometimes that backfires because you're their pack, you're their pack leader.

00:45:46.184 --> 00:45:53.688
If they're isolated outside, it's inhumane And I feel like that's my opinion And I feel like it shouldn't be allowed.

00:45:53.688 --> 00:45:56.398
Or if they're outside, yeah, don't chain them to.

00:45:56.398 --> 00:45:57.443
I mean, what's that life?

00:45:57.443 --> 00:45:58.547
What life is that?

00:45:58.547 --> 00:46:00.916
That is just so sad, why have a dog.

00:46:01.338 --> 00:46:02.019
Why have a dog.

00:46:02.320 --> 00:46:06.954
Yeah, But these are people that are just unevolved.

00:46:06.954 --> 00:46:08.699
They're people that don't understand.

00:46:08.699 --> 00:46:11.489
They're just, it's just old school.

00:46:11.489 --> 00:46:12.072
They don't.

00:46:12.072 --> 00:46:12.833
They don't get it.

00:46:12.833 --> 00:46:17.251
They're not tapped into their empathy, They're not tapped into the dog at all.

00:46:17.251 --> 00:46:17.952
They don't care.

00:46:17.952 --> 00:46:20.019
They have numbness or they're shut off.

00:46:20.019 --> 00:46:27.302
They're not like these people that are in therapy and learning about healing and all that stuff.

00:46:27.342 --> 00:46:29.610
I feel like they're just whatever who cares?

00:46:29.610 --> 00:46:33.583
So it's a little bit of a harsher way And there's just some people like that.

00:46:33.583 --> 00:46:34.666
It's part of the world.

00:46:34.666 --> 00:46:37.778
I love that it's getting this changing.

00:46:37.778 --> 00:46:40.003
It's still a thing, I think in LA.

00:46:40.003 --> 00:46:41.967
I don't think it's as big of a problem.

00:46:41.967 --> 00:46:49.744
Maybe I'm just sheltered and I don't know, but I don't see it very often And it's also very much not the type of person I attract as a client.

00:46:49.744 --> 00:47:00.563
People I attract as a client are like I'm obsessed with my dog, Do anything, Please, just keep, take great care of my dog, And I feel like that's probably the person who's listening to this.

00:47:00.563 --> 00:47:12.385
But if a person who's listening to this knows of someone whether it's a neighbor or a friend or someone who has a dog being chained outside and just lives their life like that, maybe you can do something to help the dog.

00:47:12.385 --> 00:47:13.248
Maybe it's time.

00:47:14.132 --> 00:47:22.800
Yep, like I said, there's a lot of people, a lot of people working to fight that on a daily basis, thank goodness, but it's a process like everything else.

00:47:22.800 --> 00:47:23.824
Like everything else.

00:47:23.824 --> 00:47:27.818
Well, gosh, jess, i really appreciate you taking the time.

00:47:27.818 --> 00:47:32.476
I know you're super busy and you have a business to run and all kinds of things going on.

00:47:32.476 --> 00:47:43.639
So thank you so much for being with us today and sharing these tips to make make everybody's lives easier and make our dogs happier, which is what we're definitely all about, of course.

00:47:43.639 --> 00:47:44.722
Thank you for having me.

00:47:45.646 --> 00:47:47.753
Thank you for listening to Starlight Pet Talk.

00:47:47.753 --> 00:47:49.119
We really appreciate you.

00:47:49.119 --> 00:47:56.722
We also want to remind you that Starlight Pet Talk is brought to you from Starlight Outreach and Rescue and our rescue ranch outside of Houston, texas.

00:47:56.722 --> 00:48:05.168
So if you love animals and you want to help us do more to rescue and save animals, please consider getting involved.

00:48:05.168 --> 00:48:16.114
Whether it's donating, volunteering, fostering or just sharing our social media posts, everything helps to help get animals off the streets and into loving forever homes.

00:48:16.114 --> 00:48:20.126
So, again, make sure that you follow us at Starlight Outreach and Rescue.

00:48:22.076 --> 00:48:24.927
You've been listening to the Starlight Pet Talk podcast.

00:48:24.927 --> 00:48:30.467
We're glad you joined us to gain new insight on the many loving ways to adopt and care for your pets.

00:48:30.467 --> 00:48:37.010
Be sure to subscribe so you'll never miss an episode, and if you want more information, go to starlightpettalkcom.

00:48:37.010 --> 00:48:39.076
Because your pet can't talk.

00:48:39.076 --> 00:48:42.545
Be sure to join us next time for Starlight Pet Talk.