If you've lost track of your pet for even a few minutes, you know how fast panic sets in. Over 10 million pets in the US alone go missing every year; of those, about 65% or 6.5 million never find their way back to their families. If there was one simple thing you could do to help ensure your pet comes home should they go missing, wouldn't you do it?

This episode of Starlight Pet Talk brings you a critical conversation about the importance of microchipping your pets. My special guest for this episode is Dr. Matt Goetz, DVM, MBA. Matt is the senior professional services veterinarian for Merck Animal Health, makers of the HomeAgain microchip, which we use at Starlight Outreach and Rescue. Matt and I share a candid conversation about microchips- from how they work to debunking myths about them. In this episode, we discuss:

--Why collars and tags may not be enough when it comes to reuniting lost pets with their owners
--Our own personal experiences with microchips
--The lifesaving benefits of microchipping your pet
--Practical tips for finding lost pets
--The importance of microchip registration and keeping information up to date
--Misconceptions about how microchips work
--Allaying your safety concerns - both for your pet's health and the privacy of your personal information
--And more!

Finally, we share heartwarming stories of reunions made possible by microchips. This episode is a lifeline for all pet parents, providing the knowledge and practical steps to ensure the safety and well-being of your pets.

Shoutouts in this episode:
HOMEAGAIN Pet Recovery
AAHA Microchip Registry Lookup

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