Wrapping up Season 1, Amy and Bev journey through your favorite episodes & theirs. We laughed, learned, and built a community around our love for pets. In this episode, we reviewed listeners' top episodes and shared our own. Looking ahead, Season 2 will bring even more enlightening content to support pet parents. We're not just here to guide you through the challenges of pet ownership; we're here to celebrate the joyous, tough, and funny sides of life with our animal companions. Join us as we continue this incredible journey, sharing stories and strategies to help create happier, healthier lives for pets and those who love them.

Top Episodes Mentioned:

Ar You Feeding Your Pet the Right Food?
20 Favorite Pet Products Every Pet Parent Must Have
The Lifesaving Importance of Microchipping Your Pets
Fostering Saves Lives: Why You Should Consider Becoming a Pet Foster
The Truth About Service Dogs and How Fakes Hurt Everyone
How a Passion for Pets Became a Pet Business With Impact
Rescuing Kaiser: A Tale of Dedication, Recovery, and Love
How to Choose the Right Shelter Dog for You
Myths and Truths About Mutts and Purebred Dogs
Navigating Pet Loss and Grief
Optimizing Your Pet's Nutrition