In this episode of Starlight Pet Talk, host Amy Castro discusses disaster preparedness for pets with Roxana Petzold from the American Red Cross. They cover common disasters that pet parents need to prepare for, such as hurricanes and wildfires, and provide tips on how to make a plan, pack a go bag, and stay informed during an evacuation. They also discuss the importance of microchipping pets, developing a buddy system, and training pets for emergencies. The Red Cross offers resources and tools on their website, including a free pet first aid app.


--Every pet parent should have a disaster preparedness plan in place, regardless of where you live
--Make a plan, pack a go bag, and stay informed during an evacuation
--Microchip your pets and keep medical and other records up to date
Develop a buddy system with friends/family to support each other during disaster
--Train your pets basic commands and familiarize them with carriers and crates
--Be sure to check out the American Red Cross offers resources and tools for pet owners on their website

Learn more about the MANY Red Cross pet preparedness resources!