The goal of Clear the Shelters is to find homes for as many animals as possible during what is generally the busiest and hardest time in animal rescue when there are too many animals and not enough fosters or adopters. To do this, we are hoping to waive all adoption fees for the month of August, but we need your help! Our adoption fees don't come close to covering the veterinary costs for the animals we adopt out, but if we can raise $3945, we can cover all of those adoption fees for the animals currently in our system.

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Clear The Shelters, NBCUniversal Local’s nationwide pet adoption and donation campaign, is returning in 2023 for its ninth consecutive year from Aug. 1 to 31. As part of the initiative, NBC and Telemundo owned and affiliated stations across the U.S. and Puerto Rico are once again partnering with local animal shelters and rescues to promote pet adoption and raise funds for animal welfare.

@GreaterGoodCharities @werescuepet @ClearTheShelters #cleartheshelters