If you watch TikTok and you like cats, you've probably seen the viral videos of The Healthy Cat Guy! He's just a regular cat dad from Chicago who made it his mission to educate himself about all things cat so his cats can live their very best lives. He shares his videos on TikTok and YouTube so that others can learn the lessons he's learned.

In this episode Amy and The Healthy Cat guy discuss some fundamental dos and dont's all cat parents should live by, including:

Why you must clean your litter box every day
What the contents of your cat's litter box can tell you about their health
Why spaying and neutering your pets is so important
Why play is important to cats just like it is with dogs
Why you should never punish your cats
Why vomiting isn't normal cat behavior, despite what people say
And much more!

Check out The Healthy Cat Guy's videos on TikTok
Check out The Healthy Cat Guy's videos on YouTube