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Muddy Paws and Hairballs is going to be ready to launch in 2025.
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But this last episode is our final episode of Starlight Pet Talk and we're going to wrap up by talking about the top episodes of the year and why they were so popular.
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So stay tuned.
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All right, everybody, welcome to Muddy Paws and Hairballs.
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But in reality, this is the final episode of Starlight Pet Talk and, as I said in my I know it's sad, it's a.
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You know it's.
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It's a chapter.
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Yes, I was going to say the end of an era, but I don't know.
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Does it?
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Does two years really count as an era?
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It's a chapter.
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It's a chapter.
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End of a chapter, beginning of a new and exciting chapter.
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I'm here with my friend Bev, as you can hear her cackling in the background.
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So what we're going to do is we're going to talk about the top episodes of Starlight Pet Talk for 2024, not overall.
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If you want to go back and know what the overall ones, then you've got to listen to the top episodes of 2023 and 2024, and then you can do the math on your own.
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But we will get to that in just a minute.
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But first of all, I want to talk about good news and bad news, because I wanted to share a little.
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Like I said when we started Muddy Paws, that we're going to get down and dirty and real, and so I just want to tell you a little bit about my morning so far, because we're going to start with the bad news so far, because we're going to start with the bad news.
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Can I just tell everybody that this is how most of our conversations start.
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We speak several times a week and they usually start with let me tell you what happened last night.
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Yeah Well, yeah so, yeah.
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So Bev actually has relatives who thinks I don't have any friends because I call Bev so much.
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It's kind of like talking to your sister, right, you get up, you do your little chores, you sit down with your cup of coffee and you call your sister and you'll be like, hey, what happened to me?
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But usually the conversation starts with you know what my favorite thing is, or what I like to do is I call up and I asked to speak to the complaint department and then she does this whole routine.
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Would you like to do it?
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Let's just demonstrate it, okay.
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I haven't done it in so long?
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All right, we'll give it a shot.
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It's been a little while, so I'll actually I'll launch into the bad news by using this as the platform and then I'll give you all the good news, but anyway.
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So ring, ring, ring, phone rings.
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Bev answers the phone, she says Hello and I say I'd like to speak to somebody in the pet complaint department, please.
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Hold on one second please.
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The complaint department.
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Is it involving a mineral, a animal or a?
00:03:04.592 --> 00:03:06.317
vegetable Animal and vegetable because it involves a pet and puke?
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Is that vegetable Animal and vegetable because it involves a pet and puke?
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Complaint department.
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This is the vegetable department.
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Can I help you?
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And then the conversation goes like from there.
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Because I have seven animals living in my house right now, I have been trying to identify which of the seven animals is pooping and peeing around my house, because I'm tired of stepping in it, I'm tired of picking it up.
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And so I spent the weekend, while Kelsey was out of town, trying to isolate certain pets at night to see who leaves the big surprise in the morning and where it is.
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And so this morning, since Kelsey is now back from her trip, she took her dog Gigi, because I think she's one of the suspects personally, I've seen her in action.
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She took her back in her room overnight and I put all of the dogs in the dining room, which is now just a giant dog pen in there last night and figured we would see what happens.
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Well, there was nothing on the floor in the dining room.
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I'm assuming nobody peed in Kelsey's bed.
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But there were two turds by the front door and upon closer inspection, when I went to clean them up, they were cold.
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So it wasn't like somebody did it like after I let them out this morning, because it was like five o'clock in the morning it was dark, so somebody did it a while ago.
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So it was either a cat, because the cats were on the loose, or it happened last night before I put everybody up.
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So I'm no no wiser, but I did spend my morning, once again, cleaning up poop.
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Oh, and then somebody puked from the kitchen out all the way out to the front door.
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It was like a long day.
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Yeah, I think it was puke.
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I mean I, I didn't want to, I didn't want to inspect it too closely.
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Couple of thoughts?
00:04:56.182 --> 00:04:58.088
Yeah, Couple of thoughts.
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This sounds very complicated, but definitely necessary.
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But cold turds yeah.
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How did we discover that?
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Well, when I picked them up in the paper towel, it wasn't soft and warm.
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So you didn't step in it and discover it that way.
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No, no, but that has happened before.
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The other morning I came out of my bedroom at 5.15, and luckily there was enough light coming from outside that I could see two things on the floor directly.
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I think they do it directly in line of a door, so somebody steps in it.
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Because there were two things on the ground spaced about two feet apart between my route from my bedroom to the back door to let the dogs out.
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So of course I circumvented those things, because they could have been anything right.
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They could have been turds, they could have been toys, and it was two turds, two separate piles of turds, small piles.
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So what is happening?
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What is happening.
00:05:55.538 --> 00:05:56.021
I don't know.
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Somebody's lost their damn mind, so I got to figure out who it is, because I'm getting ready to move into an RV with all of these jerks and it's not going to be pretty.
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But we'll, we'll work on it.
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I think I probably just need to start leaving out maybe one or two, cause I know for sure it's not Gunny and it's not Sassy the two big dogs.
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So maybe leave one little dog, one big dog out and then see what happens.
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And then I'll miss that little dog, but anyway yeah, I wonder if other people have this issue.
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I'm sure, I'm sure they do.
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I mean not people that don't have pets.
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Well, I mean someone who's got a good quantity.
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Would you have five, seven animals, seven?
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There's seven running around inside the house right now.
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Is that counting Kelsey?
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No, that, no, that would be eight, and two of them are blind.
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So I know that, especially the blind cat, probably her life is a little stressful.
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We just started her on Prozac.
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Yeah, so yeah, I just, it's just, I wish there was a solution.
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You're doing the right thing, like the process of elimination, you know, yeah, elimination.
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You see what I did there.
00:07:02.701 --> 00:07:07.184
Yeah, very funny, all right, so let's move on from elimination and the bad news.
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So that was the bad news.
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Is that my life continues to be mornings of cleaning up poop or pee or both.
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Today it was just poop, so that I guess wasn't too bad, oh and puke Sorry.
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So two out of three peas.
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It makes me feel better about my life.
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Yeah, you don't have any bad news you want to share.
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No, because he's perfect in every way.
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When he's going to puke, he gives me a lot of warning, so I can grab some newspaper, and you know we're good Newspaper what you read while he's doing it.
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Yes, I read while he's puking.
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Poor little thing.
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So what do you do?
00:07:42.396 --> 00:07:44.156
Toss the paper in front of his mouth.
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Yeah, oh, good Lord, have mercy, oh, yeah, there's no privacy, there's no secrets.
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I'll tell you what, though.
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The house is cold, he's got two heating pads and he is cold.
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It's like 62 degrees in here.
00:08:00.259 --> 00:08:01.603
Yeah, okay, all right.
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So on to the good news, because I'm only allotting a certain amount of time to this BS that's happening in the beginning of this show.
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So the good news is and I'll give you the Reader's Digest version of the story so a very nice donor and supporter of Starlight Outreach and Rescue named Julie went I don't know if it was when she moved, but anyway she donated a really nice Dyson vacuum cleaner to us for the rescue and it has been a godsend.
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I mean, it's a great vacuum cleaner, it really.
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It's got that clear canister so you can see how much crap is on the floor.
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It's crazy.
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It's a hot mess.
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It's got a super long vacuum cord, so it's a really nice, nice vacuum cleaner.
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Anyway, we've put it to great use here at the rescue and unfortunately, as happens with most things, I don't put things away, and so at one point I did not put the vacuum cleaner away, I left it unattended and somebody decided to chew off the plug.
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So yeah, yeah, because that's what we do.
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Because that's what we do.
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This is nothing new.
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This is nothing new.
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It happens all the time at your house.
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I know I just for the second time fixed the hose to the pool, the $700 pool cleaner that they chewed through the electric cord on that one too.
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Luckily it wasn't plugged in.
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But anyway.
00:09:23.881 --> 00:09:25.761
So they chewed the cord off.
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I fixed it, but I'm always afraid that it's going to catch fire, because obviously I'm not an electrician.
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Um, so anyway I I thought, well, maybe I could contact Dyson and see if I can purchase a replacement cord, which you apparently can.
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So I'm chatting with them online and they're going to send me a replacement cord for free.
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This is back in June.
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So I'm chatting with them online and they're going to send me a replacement cord for free.
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This is back in June.
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So, super excited, I'm going to get this replacement cord.
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And then I kind of forgot about it, and now it's six months later and I still don't have the cord.
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So I decided the other day to follow up.
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Well, apparently that cord for that vacuum cleaner is on back order to infinity, Like it's just not going to happen.
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So and this is the kicker, you guys, this is good customer service right here, because, even if people don't necessarily always give Dysons the best review, I probably will buy Dysons from here on out when I need a new vacuum cleaner for myself, just because of this, because not only were they very apologetic that the cord never came and that they were still waiting on it, but they are going to replace the entire vacuum cleaner and I and I will be on.
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I am very honest, like I specifically told them, my dogs chewed this cord Cause.
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When they were going to give me a free cord, I was like, well, it's not like it just broke, but my animals chewed through it, it's my fault and they were like we don't care, it's under warranty till 2026.
00:10:49.134 --> 00:10:50.255
Crazy, crazy.
00:10:50.620 --> 00:10:51.241
Thank you, Julie.
00:10:51.241 --> 00:11:01.504
So yeah, so now I'm going to get a brand new, new model like not a refurbished, a new vacuum cleaner, and they're going to pay for me to ship the whole vacuum cleaner back.
00:11:02.966 --> 00:11:03.586
That's crazy.
00:11:03.586 --> 00:11:04.326
I would.
00:11:04.326 --> 00:11:06.447
I would buy a Dyson just based on that too.
00:11:06.447 --> 00:11:10.251
Yeah, that's awesome that they'll do that.
00:11:10.692 --> 00:11:11.452
That's the good news.
00:11:11.753 --> 00:11:12.994
That's the very good news.
00:11:13.594 --> 00:11:25.778
Here's the other beautiful thing is that the new Dyson will come in a box and so that when I go to move, when I will keep the box, and when I go to move in a couple of months, I will be able to put the Dyson in the box and protect it during the move.
00:11:25.798 --> 00:11:26.179
There you go, win-win.
00:11:26.900 --> 00:11:27.345
00:11:27.446 --> 00:11:31.750
So thank you, dyson no that is very good customer service, absolutely yeah.
00:11:32.961 --> 00:11:33.221
All right.
00:11:33.280 --> 00:11:39.260
So moving right along we're going to get into our top episodes of 2024 of Starlight Pet Talk.
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We are not going to discuss all 10, but I do want to let you know what the top 10 ones were and then we're going to discuss the top five.
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So number 10 was season and all of 2024 was basically season two.
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So it was season two, episode 81.
00:11:55.638 --> 00:11:59.547
And it was does your dog have separation anxiety?
00:11:59.547 --> 00:12:02.373
With our trainer friend Ruth Hegarty.
00:12:02.921 --> 00:12:08.807
So I think that was a great episode because I think things get labeled as separation anxiety when maybe they're not.
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So you definitely need to listen to that one.
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We're not going into gory detail.
00:12:11.761 --> 00:12:34.552
Episode number the ninth most popular episode was season two, episode 62 on lap of love, home hospice and euthanasia for pets Again, a great option for being able to plan and coordinate your pet's euthanasia if you have to, and make it a pleasant experience for, or as pleasant as it can be for you and for your pets.
00:12:34.552 --> 00:12:45.291
Number eight was season two, episode 67, unlocking the Human-Animal Bond Secrets from the Human-Animal Bond Research Institute, which I thought was really fascinating.
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I mean a whole organization that is just dedicated to research on how much our pets positively impact our lives.
00:12:54.706 --> 00:12:55.350
Yeah, yeah.
00:12:56.221 --> 00:13:03.374
Episode number seven was season two, episode 82, 1,672 Miles to a Forever Home Bonnie's Journey.
00:13:03.374 --> 00:13:10.688
Yeah, so that was Bev and my rescue road trip where we drove crazy Bonnie, Although she was really good on that trip, wouldn't you say.
00:13:12.302 --> 00:13:14.089
She was more sane than both of us put together.
00:13:14.089 --> 00:13:19.311
Although, yeah, yeah, it doesn't take much, it doesn't take much, yeah.
00:13:20.482 --> 00:13:23.631
So that was a fun episode to do, just to kind of recount our journey.
00:13:23.631 --> 00:13:32.594
The sixth most popular episode was Season 2, episode 78, life with Pets Hidden Benefits Revealed the original title.
00:13:32.594 --> 00:13:33.663
I've changed up some of the titles.
00:13:33.663 --> 00:13:41.071
The original title was the Surprising Mental, physical and Social Benefits of Living with Pets with my friend Denise Dudley out in Colorado.
00:13:41.071 --> 00:13:49.465
So she actually is a, you know, works with human beings but has pets and has done a lot of research on the impact of pets in our lives.
00:13:49.465 --> 00:13:50.547
So that was fun.
00:13:50.547 --> 00:13:53.793
And so those were 10 through 6.
00:13:53.793 --> 00:14:01.741
And so we're going to discuss 5 through 1, and then maybe throw in a couple of thoughts on our own personal favorite.
00:14:01.741 --> 00:14:03.566
Hold on, I've got notes I've got to file through here.
00:14:03.566 --> 00:14:07.293
So the number five I know you've got notes too.
00:14:07.293 --> 00:14:09.701
Mine are typed, yours are handwritten, okay.
00:14:10.221 --> 00:14:24.650
So the fifth most popular episode of season two was season two, episode 79, pro Tips for Extending your Pet's Life with my friend Dr Marlene Siegel down in Florida.
00:14:27.220 --> 00:14:37.312
I think this one probably resonated most with listeners because it really gave you some actionable steps, for you know things that you could do for focusing on longevity and well-being for your pets.
00:14:37.312 --> 00:14:48.750
So we talked about things like eliminating toxins, because there's so many that we are exposed to as humans, that also our pets are exposed to essential nutrients.
00:14:48.750 --> 00:15:01.792
Healing the gut which I thought was also super interesting, because it's such a tie over to human beings as well that our gut health impacts and who knew until the most recent years how much your gut health impacts the rest of your health?
00:15:01.792 --> 00:15:10.760
Detoxifying your organs and then really getting down on the DNA level, you know, supporting mitochondrial functions and then emotional health.
00:15:10.760 --> 00:15:12.024
That was another area.
00:15:12.024 --> 00:15:14.831
So those were kind of some of the things that came out in that episode.
00:15:14.831 --> 00:15:20.743
What were your and I don't know if that was one of your favorites or necessarily Bev, but what were your thoughts on that episode?
00:15:21.544 --> 00:15:24.029
The takeaway for me was anybody can do this.
00:15:24.029 --> 00:15:26.741
The changes are really, really doable.
00:15:26.741 --> 00:15:31.311
They're really small and it can make a huge impact down the road.
00:15:31.311 --> 00:15:44.041
You might not see an overnight makeover, but just by increasing water intake or little that's what I had written down inflammation and water intake and things like that such a simple thing can change your pet's life.
00:15:44.041 --> 00:15:45.427
I mean, it's just so simple.
00:15:45.427 --> 00:15:48.991
Yeah, my takeaway was that anybody can do this.
00:15:48.991 --> 00:15:52.244
It's very simple to make these little, small changes, absolutely.
00:15:52.845 --> 00:16:05.005
Yeah, and I think we've had a couple of episodes that have been around that issue and I know personally that, like every time I've done one of these episodes, I start looking at my pet's food and you know getting I got a water fountain.
00:16:05.005 --> 00:16:07.029
I've been adding water to the cat's food.
00:16:07.029 --> 00:16:24.630
You know, even the other day I was in the kitchen doing the dog's food and you know I've not gotten to the point where I'm going to be cooking dog food but it's like what do I have in the fridge that I can toss in here that would enhance this meal that I'm giving them Right, and it's such a simple thing, you know.
00:16:25.130 --> 00:16:29.495
And if you go buy a pint of blueberries in the grocery store and just toss it in there, it's fine.
00:16:29.495 --> 00:16:31.236
Anything helps.
00:16:31.236 --> 00:16:32.543
Yeah, that was definitely.
00:16:32.543 --> 00:16:44.554
It's definitely changed Kuzzy's lifestyle, perhaps not from this particular episode, but previous ones about water intake and reading the ingredient label, you can learn.
00:16:44.580 --> 00:16:45.660
And reading the ingredient label.
00:16:45.681 --> 00:16:46.000
You can learn.
00:16:46.000 --> 00:16:50.644
God bless you, amy, because it was a whole education for me all of last year and this year.
00:16:50.644 --> 00:16:56.529
Read those labels, people, and you will be shocked, absolutely shocked, so you can make better choices.
00:16:56.529 --> 00:16:58.270
You might pay for it, you might not.
00:16:58.270 --> 00:17:02.674
It might not be a huge monetary thing, but isn't your pet worth it?
00:17:03.316 --> 00:17:07.086
Yeah, I know, because he is Well and you're going to pay for it on one end or the other.
00:17:07.086 --> 00:17:17.173
You know, like the intake, this uh, the blind cat that we have, has uh already had bladder stone surgery when she was barely over a year old.
00:17:18.261 --> 00:17:18.402
00:17:18.561 --> 00:17:21.186
And she's already got some floating around in there again.
00:17:21.186 --> 00:17:24.553
So you know, the water intake, I think, has helped.
00:17:24.553 --> 00:17:26.582
You know, keep it at bay.
00:17:26.582 --> 00:17:28.526
At least they're not getting bigger.
00:17:28.526 --> 00:17:34.525
And so it's, yeah, like you said, little bitty changes along the way, for sure.
00:17:34.545 --> 00:17:36.211
Very, very doable, absolutely.
00:17:36.859 --> 00:17:43.113
So hopefully we'll get Dr Marlene back on the show and talk about more things we could be doing along the way.
00:17:43.113 --> 00:17:45.517
All right, moving along.
00:17:45.517 --> 00:17:54.814
The fourth most popular episode was season two, episode 53, responsible Rabbit Care Explained.
00:17:54.814 --> 00:18:06.087
Again, I've changed the titles a little bit with Muddy Paws, I've shortened them up a little bit, but the original title was Beyond the Fluff Rabbit Realities and Responsible Guardianship Cute, yeah, and that was with Marcy Berman.
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She is the president and founder of Save a Bunny Rabbit Rescue out in California and I think the thing for me, one of the biggest things for me, was how much care rabbits because I have had a rabbit and I knew something about rabbit care but in order for them to really live an optimal life, how much care they need, what things can go wrong with rabbits.
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I was super lucky, nothing ever went wrong with this bunny but things can certainly go wrong if they're not getting the proper diet and proper care.
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So some of the things that came up in that episode were misconceptions that you know that rabbits were super low maintenance and easy starter pets, the importance of spaying and neutering which I only had one bunny but even for having one bunny, how that could impact their behavior and things like that.
00:18:54.686 --> 00:19:01.551
Their need for mental stimulation and social interaction no idea, and that's what makes me feel really guilty about the bunny that I had.
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00:19:03.343 --> 00:19:04.886
I was going to say when you know better, you do better.
00:19:04.886 --> 00:19:06.190
That's why these podcasts are great.
00:19:06.190 --> 00:19:07.853
I didn't know anything about bunnies.
00:19:07.853 --> 00:19:12.611
I had no clue, so yeah, if I was to get one now, this is great.
00:19:12.611 --> 00:19:13.613
I know what I'm getting into.
00:19:14.420 --> 00:19:19.031
Yeah, yeah, there's quite a bit, even just their habitat and how that needs to be.
00:19:19.031 --> 00:19:20.401
Yeah, let's see.
00:19:20.401 --> 00:19:28.355
Oh, ethical consideration in shelters you know what happens to rabbits when they end up in shelters and you know what kind of specialized care they might need.
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Because I know we ran into that a couple of times where we've gotten, when I used to volunteer at a shelter and they'd get an animal in that you know it wasn't a dog or a cat and they had no supplies and not really a huge inclination to go and get them.
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It's like how long are you gonna leave that animal without food?
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And then educational outreach, I think, was another thing the importance of really educating, and I think Save a Bunny does a good job of not only matching appropriate bunny to the appropriate adopter but also educating people on their needs and their care.
00:20:01.869 --> 00:20:14.053
So I know that was a big thing to me, Like I've kind of decided that I probably wouldn't have a bunny, maybe once my herd got culled down a little bit, but I can't give it that attention and I certainly don't want multiples.