July 25, 2023

5 Ways to Help Your Pet Live Longer: with Dr. Gary Richter

5 Ways to Help Your Pet Live Longer: with Dr. Gary Richter

Hey there!
In this episode, you’ll hear us refer to the show as Starlight Pet Talk—that’s what we called it before fully embracing the fur, mess, and mayhem. Don’t worry, you’re in the right place for Muddy Paws and Hairballs—same great content, just with a name that fits! - Amy

Join us for an insightful chat between Amy and Dr. Gary Richter, holistic veterinarian and founder of Ultimate Pet Nutrition, as we explore ways to boost your pet's health and longevity. They uncover the pitfalls of processed pet foods, myths about pet nutrition, and the importance of tailored care for your pets.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The truth about pet vaccinations and how they affect your pet’s overall health.
  • Key insights into parasite prevention and lifestyle factors that contribute to pet well-being.
  • How to choose the right pet insurance to ensure financial security for your pet’s care.
  • The dangers of processed pet foods and how to make better dietary choices for your pets.
  • Myths about pet nutrition and how to navigate the complexities of feeding your furry friends.

Join us on this journey to ensure your furry friends live their best, healthiest lives!

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Thanks for listening to Muddy Paws and Hairballs, your go-to resource for all things pet care. From dog training, behavior, and socialization to cat enrichment, pet adoption, and tackling behavior problems, we provide expert advice and real talk to help you create a happy, healthy life with your pets. Whether you're dealing with dog anxiety, looking for puppy training tips, or exploring enrichment ideas for your cat, we've got you covered. Be sure to check out all our episodes!


00:02 - Improving Pet Nutrition for Longevity

12:37 - Vaccinations Decisions

23:34 - Parasite Control for Pets

30:39 - Diet and Lifestyle for Pets

35:02 - Choose the Right Pet for You

41:02 - Pet Insurance and Informed Choices


00:00:02.081 --> 00:00:14.795
Welcome to the Starlight Pet Talk podcast, where we'll talk about and explore ways to help pet parents and future pet parents learn everything they need to know to have a happy and healthy relationship with their pet.

00:00:14.795 --> 00:00:22.934
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00:00:56.621 --> 00:00:57.942
Welcome to Starlight Pet Talk.

00:00:57.942 --> 00:01:10.000
I'm your host, amy Castro, and I have to say, in all the years that I've worked with people and pets, and in my own personal experience with my own pets, I've never heard anybody say that they wish their time with their pet was shorter.

00:01:10.000 --> 00:01:15.591
I think if most of us had our way, our beloved pets would live forever, or at least as long as we do.

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And although we know that's not possible, what we do have control over is doing everything we can as pet parents to make sure that they live the longest, healthiest lives that they can.

00:01:25.974 --> 00:01:30.450
So my guest today is Dr Gary Richter, and I'm really excited to have him here today.

00:01:30.450 --> 00:01:40.251
He is a holistic veterinarian, author of several books, including Longevity for Dogs, an individualized approach to helping your canine companion live longer and healthier.

00:01:40.251 --> 00:01:48.453
And he's the founder of Ultimate Pet Nutrition, which is a place where pet lovers can go for premium, veterinary approved solutions for their furry friends.

00:01:48.453 --> 00:01:51.328
So, dr Richter, thank you so much for being with us today.

00:01:52.079 --> 00:01:52.643
Oh, thank you.

00:01:52.643 --> 00:01:53.626
I'm thrilled to be here.

00:01:54.219 --> 00:02:00.492
Yeah, I'm really excited because the whole thing about pet nutrition obviously it's nothing new and obviously it's been something that's been important for a while.

00:02:00.492 --> 00:02:12.727
But for me, working in animal rescue, it's always been that juggling act of trying to do provide healthy food and the right things for pets but at the same time be able to do that in quantity.

00:02:12.727 --> 00:02:17.979
And I've kind of maybe lived that same way when it comes to my own pets and I know that I can definitely do better.

00:02:17.979 --> 00:02:22.979
And that's why I was hoping today that we could talk about some of the things that pet parents can do to improve.

00:02:22.979 --> 00:02:33.975
And that's why I love the title of the book Live Longer and Healthier because I think it is not just about the length of a pet's life but the quality of it.

00:02:34.240 --> 00:02:44.960
And you had said the other day when we were talking before the recording, you kind of laid out a couple of key areas that pet parents do have that control over, and the first one was nutrition.

00:02:44.960 --> 00:02:46.631
And it sounds like a dumb question.

00:02:46.631 --> 00:02:48.000
So why is nutrition so important?

00:02:48.000 --> 00:02:48.943
But I guess it's.

00:02:48.943 --> 00:02:58.979
Why is it so important for our pets and what kind of mistakes have pets parents been making when it comes to nutrition, or what kind of changes could they make to improve the quality of their pets nutrition?

00:02:59.706 --> 00:03:05.960
Yeah, that's a great question and I think that to a certain extent, it's an intuitively obvious question why is nutrition important?

00:03:05.960 --> 00:03:12.000
But I also think that people don't they don't often give it as much sort of credit as it deserves.

00:03:12.762 --> 00:03:17.960
You know I think a good way for people to think about nutrition is think about your car for a second.

00:03:17.960 --> 00:03:33.979
So, like your car, my car, they're all designed to work on a certain type of gas, a certain type of oil, various other types of fluids, and if you put those various types of gas and oil in the car, it is going to run as well as it is mechanically designed to run.

00:03:33.979 --> 00:03:41.753
If I put the wrong kind of gas and the wrong kind of oil in my car, the car will probably still run, at least for a period of time.

00:03:41.753 --> 00:03:46.852
It's not going to run as well as it should and it's going to be much more likely to break down over time.

00:03:46.852 --> 00:03:49.000
That is exactly what happens with nutrition.

00:03:49.000 --> 00:04:07.974
The only difference is that, as a biological system, our bodies, our pets' bodies, are a lot more forgiving than, say, our cars are, which means you can get away with doing the wrong thing for longer, but at the end of the day, those proverbial chickens will come home to roost and things will start to break.

00:04:08.341 --> 00:04:13.830
And when we start to think about, you know what is optimal nutrition for an animal or even for a person.

00:04:13.830 --> 00:04:18.041
You know the place where you start is what did that?

00:04:18.041 --> 00:04:21.987
You know we'll call it a machine, a biological machine, which is our body.

00:04:21.987 --> 00:04:25.774
What did that machine evolve to thrive on?

00:04:25.774 --> 00:04:28.528
What types of nutrients did it evolve to thrive on?

00:04:28.528 --> 00:04:29.480
And you know I mean.

00:04:29.500 --> 00:04:38.074
The one thing that we can say without question is that every animal on the planet evolved eating a fresh, whole food diet.

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Nobody evolved to eat processed food out of a bag or a can.

00:04:43.009 --> 00:04:51.754
You know, we all know from our own health that the more processed foods we eat, the more problematic things tend to be for us.

00:04:51.754 --> 00:05:03.956
You know, if you're eating a bunch of preserved garbage, if you're eating fast food, whatever it may be, you know you don't have to have a PhD in nutrition to know that that's potentially going to be problematic for you down the road.

00:05:04.500 --> 00:05:11.814
The problem when it comes to animal health is that is exactly what everybody is being told to feed their dog or their cat.

00:05:11.814 --> 00:05:16.959
You know, feed this bag of kibble, feed these cans of dog food or cat food.

00:05:16.959 --> 00:05:34.000
These are highly processed foods that come with all of the baggage that highly processed foods come with, and we see the effects of that play out in these animals over years, whether it's skin issues, gi issues, onset of disease like arthritis or cancer or premature aging.

00:05:34.000 --> 00:05:41.000
All of these things can originate from a poor diet, a suboptimal diet.

00:05:41.000 --> 00:05:55.959
So really getting started on the right foot or at any point that it is possible to change and get these guys on an optimized, fresh, whole food diet is absolutely the foundation of not only good health but longevity in general.

00:05:56.360 --> 00:06:03.738
Yeah, and I think, as a consumer, when you're looking at whether it's the commercials or the packaging, it's the same thing with human food.

00:06:03.738 --> 00:06:04.000
You know.

00:06:04.000 --> 00:06:11.913
There are things that advertisers will say that kind of trick you into believing that this is something healthy.

00:06:11.913 --> 00:06:16.834
Look, it's beef flavored or it's beef, and it's like okay, well, there's a big difference between beef and beef flavored.

00:06:16.834 --> 00:06:18.619
It's all natural.

00:06:18.619 --> 00:06:21.146
Well, yeah, there's poisons that are natural too.

00:06:21.146 --> 00:06:26.959
So, you know, how is a person supposed to kind of filter through that and find what's best for their pet?

00:06:27.896 --> 00:06:39.338
Yeah, unfortunately that's a really difficult landscape for pet owners, in part because and it pains me to say this, but my profession is not necessarily making that landscape any easier for people.

00:06:39.338 --> 00:06:51.401
You know, when I was in vet school, what they taught us was put the dog on a kibble that they do well on and leave them on that for the rest of their life, or at least until they need to go on a prescription diet when they're older.

00:06:51.783 --> 00:06:57.576
That's a disaster, you know, and it's a shame, but I mean that is the way that a lot of the veterinary profession operates.

00:06:57.757 --> 00:07:12.355
There is not a lot of education as far as nutrition goes amongst veterinarians and there is not a lot of guidance that most people get from their veterinarians about what they should feed, which unfortunately puts the burden on the pet owner to do their due diligence.

00:07:12.355 --> 00:07:21.538
I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to understand that you don't want to necessarily trust the person who's selling you the product to tell you why that product is superior.

00:07:21.538 --> 00:07:23.084
You know that's just common sense.

00:07:23.084 --> 00:07:28.463
I mean manufacturers, they have a product to sell, so what they're going to tell you is not necessarily the whole picture.

00:07:28.463 --> 00:07:37.177
So that means we as consumers have to educate ourselves about what optimal nutrition looks like, what's good, what's not so good.

00:07:37.658 --> 00:07:43.800
There are certainly resources out there for people to avail themselves of my first book, the Ultimate Pet Health Guide.

00:07:43.800 --> 00:07:54.569
There is a very, very long and involved discussion about optimal nutrition and how to get from A to B with dogs and cats and you know that's certainly not the only resource out there for people.

00:07:54.569 --> 00:08:10.966
I think people just need to take an active role in their pet's health care and particularly their pet's nutrition, and not necessarily take the word of either what's going on in the pet store or the commercials that they see or, unfortunately, sometimes even what their veterinarian has to say.

00:08:11.415 --> 00:08:16.194
And I think the quality of the research too is really important, at least in my experience.

00:08:16.194 --> 00:08:21.324
It's kind of like the television commercial that says well, you know, it's got to be true, it's on the internet, kind of thing.

00:08:21.324 --> 00:08:43.722
You have to look at the source of the information when you're out there researching and I know I've tried to do at least my due diligence in the recent years and even when you do and you kind of get in your head, all right, well, I'm trying to avoid these certain things in my pet's food, and then it can become very tricky to find well, okay, it doesn't have this thing, but it's got the other thing that's on my list that I'm trying to avoid.

00:08:43.722 --> 00:08:54.365
Is there kind of a hardened fast from the standpoint of looking at ingredients that you'd say, hey, you know, you want to definitely at least start by avoiding these certain things in your pet's food, or is it not that simple?

00:08:55.015 --> 00:09:03.384
Oh well, I mean, sadly, nothing's that simple, but there are absolutely things that you can look out for, things that you should, if at all possible, avoid.

00:09:03.384 --> 00:09:09.090
Certainly, you want to avoid things like any kind of byproducts, so meat byproducts.

00:09:09.090 --> 00:09:14.669
You want to avoid anything that is termed meal, so meat meal, chicken meal, what have you?

00:09:14.669 --> 00:09:29.460
The problem with those ingredients is you honestly have no idea what's actually in there, because every batch of that stuff is that's made, can be made from different things, so you really just have no idea what is or is not present in those sorts of things.

00:09:29.460 --> 00:09:37.724
Also, I would recommend that people avoid feeding foods that are very, very high in carbohydrates.

00:09:37.724 --> 00:09:40.307
Carbohydrates are not bad by definition.

00:09:40.307 --> 00:09:45.633
By that token, grains are also neither good nor bad by definition.

00:09:45.692 --> 00:09:48.123
I know there's a whole lot of concern out there about grain.

00:09:48.123 --> 00:09:49.769
We can talk about that for days.

00:09:49.769 --> 00:09:54.484
There are plenty of properly formulated grain free foods out there that are just fine.

00:09:54.484 --> 00:09:56.677
Generally speaking, they're going to be fresh, whole foods.

00:09:56.677 --> 00:10:01.118
There are also foods out there that have grains in them that are also fine.

00:10:01.118 --> 00:10:18.947
So that, unfortunately, is not a very it's not a black and white situation either, but, generally speaking, what you want to look for is you want to look for a food that has ingredients in it that sort of makes sense to you as a human Meat, vegetables, plus or minus grains, depending on the food.

00:10:18.947 --> 00:10:25.719
Most foods are going to have a certain amount of vitamins and minerals added into them, which is completely fine, but that's really what you're looking for.

00:10:25.719 --> 00:10:32.697
There's a lot of stuff in there that just looks off or hard to pronounce, unless it's vitamins, because vitamins can be a little hard to pronounce.

00:10:32.697 --> 00:10:37.067
But as far as food ingredients go, I mean look for stuff that you would consider eating.

00:10:37.736 --> 00:10:49.386
So kind of keeping it basic, keeping it to things that you would eat as a human being and trying to avoid the meals on the byproducts, because we don't really know what's in that and so that's just kind of an unknown factor in there.

00:10:49.909 --> 00:10:55.086
That at least gives people a place to start and still leaves the door pretty well open to having options.

00:10:55.086 --> 00:11:13.485
Because I think that's a challenge is, sometimes you listen to other podcasts or videos about nutrition and sometimes people can get so hard lined about it that it's like, okay, obviously I'm going to have to now raise my own chickens to feed my dog, and not everybody's willing or able to do that, so that's very helpful advice, thank you.

00:11:14.195 --> 00:11:25.166
You bring up an interesting point that I think is worth highlighting, which is when it comes to anything that you're going to do for your pet, whether it's nutrition or anything else I mean, whatever you choose to do it needs to be sustainable.

00:11:25.386 --> 00:11:39.426
So I am more than aware of how much fresh whole foods cost, and if you're somebody that has like two big Labradors, it may not be financially feasible for you to feed a fresh food diet exclusively.

00:11:39.426 --> 00:11:56.519
So my recommendation to people is find the best thing that you can do that is sustainable in your life, and that might mean feeding some fresh food and some processed food, because that's just the reality of what has to happen.

00:11:56.519 --> 00:12:02.582
Just like for me, it's not a situation that every single meal I eat is perfectly balanced whole food.

00:12:02.582 --> 00:12:08.784
If I go out and eat garbage food from time to time, it's not the end of the world, it's not a.

00:12:08.784 --> 00:12:10.335
It's not an all or nothing thing.

00:12:10.335 --> 00:12:19.946
So you feed as much fresh whole food as you can and do the rest with whatever becomes necessary, but just make sure that it's sustainable for you to do.

00:12:20.375 --> 00:12:21.578
Yeah, that's great advice.

00:12:21.578 --> 00:12:25.398
You know, I've been doing some experimenting myself and even with my own pets.

00:12:25.398 --> 00:12:28.385
Right now I'm feeding, for I'm focusing on the cats for the moment.

00:12:28.385 --> 00:12:30.023
I've gotten some different options.

00:12:30.023 --> 00:12:38.902
Well, by the time you feed four cats, whatever it was, that would have maybe lasted a normal cat, like I sometimes will say to myself well, this would work great for me if I only had one cat.

00:12:39.182 --> 00:12:45.756
But, because I've got four, this is going to cost me a fortune and this cat's are going to be costing more to feed the cats than in my family.

00:12:45.756 --> 00:12:50.126
And you get all gung ho in the beginning and then the bills start adding up and you're like, yeah, this isn't going to work.

00:12:50.126 --> 00:13:02.644
So that's a great point and I think the ability to mix it a little bit kind of like when we were doing some healthy male order meals and it's like, well, better to do it three days a week and then, if you can't do it five days a week, it's better than not doing it at all.

00:13:02.783 --> 00:13:05.320
So yeah, and that's exactly the thing you do.

00:13:05.320 --> 00:13:23.682
You do as much as you can, and that's probably a good time to you know if it's within sort of somebody's ability to do so to have a conversation with a holistic veterinarian or a nutritionist or somebody that's a little bit more knowledgeable about this kind of stuff, to give you a little bit of guidance about sort of the best way to do this in a sustainable fashion.

00:13:24.095 --> 00:13:24.976
Yeah, definitely.

00:13:24.976 --> 00:13:36.081
So, moving on from nutrition, another thing that you had mentioned and I know this is also something that I have kind of questioned as life has gone on is vaccinations for pets.

00:13:36.081 --> 00:13:37.606
You know it used to be.

00:13:37.606 --> 00:13:38.691
It was not questioned.

00:13:38.691 --> 00:13:45.015
You gave them everything you got from the time that they're first able to get those vaccines until the day that they die.

00:13:45.015 --> 00:13:53.066
And there's just been a lot of information that has come out and a lot of people are questioning what vaccinations does my pet really need and do they really need it forever?

00:13:53.066 --> 00:13:58.821
So what would be some thoughts on that that would be helpful for pet parents to make some of those decisions.

00:13:59.235 --> 00:14:00.721
Yeah, let's talk about that.

00:14:00.721 --> 00:14:06.177
So I'll preface this by saying that I am not anti-vaccine.

00:14:06.177 --> 00:14:08.812
I am, however, anti-ovavaxine.

00:14:08.812 --> 00:14:11.432
Probably most pets are over-vaccinated.

00:14:11.432 --> 00:14:25.893
What I mean by over-vaccinated is that they're being vaccinated for diseases that either A they already have immunity to, or B the odds of them getting exposed to or so astronomically slim that there's probably no point in them being vaccinated.

00:14:25.893 --> 00:14:30.235
Without question, puppies and kittens need to be vaccinated full stop.

00:14:30.235 --> 00:14:31.730
There's no discussion there.

00:14:31.965 --> 00:14:39.136
Anybody that has ever seen a dog get parvo will understand the necessity of why animals need to be vaccinated.

00:14:39.136 --> 00:14:54.832
However, the reality is that most dogs almost all dogs that are properly vaccinated for distemper and parvo as puppies, will actually retain immunity to those diseases for years, if not potentially their entire life.

00:14:54.832 --> 00:15:01.113
Most dogs that were vaccinated properly as puppies for distemper and parvo will never need a booster again.

00:15:01.113 --> 00:15:05.056
You can demonstrate that by running antibody titers.

00:15:05.056 --> 00:15:13.155
It's just a blood draw and find out what their antibody levels are to find out whether they actually need to be vaccinated, because most of them don't.

00:15:13.806 --> 00:15:22.474
The only vaccine that is a non-negotiable thing when it comes to dogs is rabies, because that's a legality Right.

00:15:22.474 --> 00:15:25.032
You don't have a choice in that.

00:15:25.032 --> 00:15:39.937
If anybody's wondering the reason why rabies is such a big thing is because not only is it 100% lethal to dogs, but rabies can be transmitted to people, where it is nearly 100% lethal in people as well.

00:15:39.937 --> 00:15:42.994
That's why the government cares.

00:15:42.994 --> 00:15:48.913
The truth is, if your dog gets parvo and gets sick, the government doesn't really much care because people aren't going to get parvo.

00:15:48.913 --> 00:15:52.610
If a bunch of people start getting rabies, that's going to be problematic.

00:15:53.769 --> 00:15:54.592
It could be a problem.

00:15:55.225 --> 00:16:01.629
Please, whatever your local regulations are as far as where rabies vaccines go, please follow that.

00:16:01.629 --> 00:16:07.929
Outside of that, quite frankly, everything else is on the table for discussion based on do they really need it?

00:16:07.929 --> 00:16:09.610
What is their lifestyle?

00:16:09.610 --> 00:16:11.572
Are they really going to get exposed to it?

00:16:11.572 --> 00:16:16.773
Vaccines as much good as they do, they are not completely benign substances.

00:16:16.773 --> 00:16:21.913
Vaccines, by definition, stimulate the immune system and cause inflammation.

00:16:21.913 --> 00:16:25.955
Neither of those things are things you really want to do if you don't have to.

00:16:26.424 --> 00:16:35.751
To me, the fact that on the calendar it says that a dog is due for this, that or the other thing that is the very beginning of the discussion, like, okay, here's what it's due for.

00:16:35.751 --> 00:16:40.495
Now let's look at the individual and figure out what does it really need or what does it not need.

00:16:40.495 --> 00:16:44.894
I think that's a thing that medicine really needs to work on.

00:16:44.894 --> 00:16:48.594
Is medicine should be personalized to the individual.

00:16:48.594 --> 00:16:54.371
My health care needs are surely different than your health care needs, because we're two completely different people.

00:16:54.371 --> 00:17:02.870
I think sometimes what happens is the medical profession just wants to do what it says to do in the chart and move on to the next thing.

00:17:02.870 --> 00:17:12.736
That's certainly the case if somebody's getting their vaccines at, say, like a vaccine clinic, because let's be honest that's how those businesses make money is by vaccinating.

00:17:13.826 --> 00:17:19.192
They're probably not going to be super quick to tell people oh, you don't need this, right Right.

00:17:19.192 --> 00:17:22.994
These are the kinds of things that people need to think about.

00:17:22.994 --> 00:17:33.315
I mean, if you're thinking big picture, long-term health plan, then you have to think about everything that you're doing now and how it may impact your pet's life down the road.

00:17:34.027 --> 00:17:35.270
Yeah, you got me to thinking about.

00:17:35.270 --> 00:17:42.574
A couple of years ago I went to India and I had to go to the health department and get some vaccines that I had never had.

00:17:42.574 --> 00:17:51.393
The only time I had some of those vaccines was when I was in the Air Force and I was going to be shipped off to the Middle East, and it's like now you're going to get these special vaccines.

00:17:51.393 --> 00:17:55.696
So what that comes down to is, like you said, it's the lifestyle and the exposure.

00:17:55.696 --> 00:18:04.669
A person who lives in one place and never travels to a country, that has certain diseases that maybe have been eradicated in the US, for example, they don't need those vaccines.

00:18:04.669 --> 00:18:08.874
But a person who's going to be traveling and being in different parts of the world might need those.

00:18:08.874 --> 00:18:12.692
The same goes for your pets, and I'm assuming it's regional to a certain degree.

00:18:12.692 --> 00:18:14.348
Oh sure, or is that not?

00:18:14.388 --> 00:18:14.569

00:18:14.569 --> 00:18:16.411
No, it's absolutely true.

00:18:16.411 --> 00:18:17.848
So part of its regionals.

00:18:17.848 --> 00:18:23.953
For example, if you have a dog and you live in New England, you're probably going to want to vaccinate your dog for Lyme.

00:18:23.953 --> 00:18:40.805
And while here in the San Francisco Bay Area we do have Lyme, it is not anywhere close to the prevalence that it is in, say, new England and we don't really vaccinate dogs for Lyme because it's very, very uncommon and not only is it geographic, but it's also a lifestyle thing.

00:18:40.965 --> 00:18:46.651
I think a great example for dogs is a border televaccine, so the vaccine for Kennelkopf.

00:18:46.651 --> 00:18:53.085
That is a vaccine that I never recommend, unless a dog is going someplace that requires it.

00:18:53.085 --> 00:18:59.553
So if they're going to boarding, if they're going to daycare, grooming, and the facility requires it, then fine, we'll give it.

00:18:59.553 --> 00:19:02.845
Otherwise it's just not a vaccine that I give.

00:19:02.845 --> 00:19:06.335
The bottom line is border tele-as-a-disease is not that bad.

00:19:06.335 --> 00:19:09.085
It's kind of like if you or I were going to get a chest cold.

00:19:09.085 --> 00:19:12.605
You're probably going to cough for a week or two and then you're going to get better Big deal.

00:19:12.605 --> 00:19:15.153
Does that mean I'm going to go out and get vaccinated for that?

00:19:15.726 --> 00:19:16.796
No, it doesn't.

00:19:16.796 --> 00:19:23.713
Yeah, that's a good point, and I know one of the things that I think is important too for people have these conversations with your veterinarian.

00:19:23.713 --> 00:19:40.369
When it comes around to that annual thing and you get that postcard or now that email that says Gunny is due for these things, if you don't know what they are and what they're supposed to be preventing and you haven't had a conversation with your vet to say, yeah, she's had that for six years, do we still need to keep giving that?

00:19:40.369 --> 00:19:41.173
What does that do?

00:19:41.173 --> 00:19:42.509
Here are the things that we do.

00:19:42.509 --> 00:19:50.265
We either go to a dog park or we don't go to a dog park, or for us, part of the conversation is we do bring unvaccinated animals right off the street.

00:19:50.265 --> 00:20:00.904
I mean, we try to keep them isolated, but my dogs and my cats might be at slightly higher risk than your average person for catching things that other people's pets might not catch.

00:20:00.904 --> 00:20:07.471
So have those conversations with your vet and educate yourself about what's being put into your pet, just like with the food.

00:20:07.827 --> 00:20:21.116
Yeah, I totally agree, and as it pertains to going to your veterinarian, you absolutely are allowed to and, in my mind, are encouraged to respectfully ask questions of your veterinarian.

00:20:21.116 --> 00:20:22.765
There should be no problem with that.

00:20:22.765 --> 00:20:27.436
If you don't understand what something's necessary for or whether or not your pet actually needs it, ask.

00:20:27.436 --> 00:20:34.993
If you find that your veterinarian is not receptive to respective questions, then you might need to find another veterinarian.

00:20:34.993 --> 00:20:43.537
I've always had a rule in my office as long as somebody is respectful, I will answer your questions all day long, because I want you to be an informed pet owner.

00:20:43.537 --> 00:20:51.404
It benefits me as well as you for you to be informed and to understand the rationale of why I'm recommending or not recommending something.

00:20:51.547 --> 00:20:56.760
That's always a plus to build on that issue of creating a relationship with your veterinarian.

00:20:56.760 --> 00:21:10.689
I can only imagine how frustrating it can be when we get out there and we consult with Dr Google and we read all these things on the internet from who knows what sources and then maybe go into the, into the vet, with an attitude I'm not getting that.

00:21:10.689 --> 00:21:11.771
You know, I read, I read.

00:21:11.771 --> 00:21:13.135
I say blah, blah, blah, blah.

00:21:13.135 --> 00:21:17.784
You know, and I think it is important to have a respectful conversation and ask questions.

00:21:17.784 --> 00:21:22.851
Don't go in and just start like acting like you're suddenly a veterinarian because you read a few articles on the internet.

00:21:23.071 --> 00:21:46.057
Yeah, no, it's very true, and there's a lot of information out there online, obviously, and you know some of it's good and some of it's not, and you know, like I say, I mean, if you see something and it raises a question, then respectfully ask it when you go in and you know, maybe you'll find that, lo and behold, what you read was correct, or maybe the person that wrote it was a maniac, and I have an opportunity to educate you and tell you why.

00:21:46.057 --> 00:21:48.650
So, one way or the other, it's a win.

00:21:48.650 --> 00:21:51.557
Being able to make an informed decision is always a good thing.

00:21:51.826 --> 00:22:11.317
Yeah, well, one thing I would just put out there, for listeners too, is you know, as these questions come up or as you're reading things that you might have questions about for your veterinarian, you know, write those questions down, because I think sometimes we get into the office and we're getting asked a lot of questions about our pets that we might forget the things that come up and it's like, oh, I forgot to ask this or I didn't ask that.

00:22:11.317 --> 00:22:14.393
Those are definitely things that you can kind of plan for ahead.

00:22:14.393 --> 00:22:17.386
What are you going in there for, what's your appointment going to be about?

00:22:17.386 --> 00:22:23.429
And have those questions ready to go, so you can kind of be efficient not only with your time but with the veterinarian's time as well.

00:22:23.829 --> 00:22:28.147
Along that same same lines of vaccinations, what about parasite control?

00:22:28.147 --> 00:22:31.075
You know that's a big thing that we have, especially in Texas.

00:22:31.075 --> 00:22:38.288
Fleas are just rampant and it's pretty much a year round thing, or at least it feels like it is, because of our warm climate.

00:22:38.288 --> 00:22:44.314
What are your guidelines or what do pet parents need to be thinking about when it comes to worms and whatever?

00:22:44.314 --> 00:22:46.542
What else falls under the umbrella of parasites?

00:22:46.542 --> 00:22:47.468
I mean, I'm thinking about worms.

00:22:47.468 --> 00:22:49.499
I'm thinking about is heartworm a parasite or is?

00:22:49.499 --> 00:22:52.469
Yeah, it's a parasite, because heartworm is also a huge thing down here.

00:22:53.310 --> 00:22:54.113
Absolutely so.

00:22:54.113 --> 00:23:07.076
I mean, I think I think again, those are things that you balance, based on exposure, based on the sort of relative pros and cons of the preventative that you're using, and based on, like, how bad is it if my pet gets exposed?

00:23:07.076 --> 00:23:12.928
So let's start with heartworm, because you know, from a major medical perspective, that's the one that counts the most.

00:23:12.928 --> 00:23:17.945
If a dog gets heartworm and it goes untreated, they are more than likely going to die.

00:23:17.945 --> 00:23:26.358
Heartworm for those of you that are not aware of it is transmitted by mosquitoes, so that's not necessarily something that you have a lot of control over.

00:23:26.358 --> 00:23:30.635
In the same way that you say do like fleas, which we can talk about as well.

00:23:30.635 --> 00:23:36.212
But of course you know mosquitoes are a very sort of climate driven thing, so it's heat and humidity.

00:23:36.212 --> 00:23:44.938
I grew up in Florida and you know when I was in Florida, if you did not have your dog on heartworm preventative, it was just a question of when they were going to get it and die.

00:23:45.357 --> 00:23:53.518
I live here now in the San Francisco Bay area where many of my patients are not on heartworm preventative and they do.

00:23:53.518 --> 00:23:56.106
Just great, because it's relatively cooler here.

00:23:56.106 --> 00:23:58.896
We have very little humidity, not so much heartworm.

00:23:58.896 --> 00:24:01.625
So it very much depends on where you live.

00:24:01.625 --> 00:24:03.711
You know you can talk to your veterinarian about this.

00:24:03.711 --> 00:24:08.315
There is actually there's an organization called the American Heartworm Society.

00:24:08.315 --> 00:24:16.977
You can look them up online and they have incidence maps on their website so you can look up where you live and see how big of a problem heartworm is.

00:24:16.977 --> 00:24:25.611
So these are all things that are in your power to do, but just realize that the consequences of your dog getting heartworm are bad.

00:24:26.092 --> 00:24:32.050
And even if you do catch it, just because I know as a rescue, we pay for it, the treatments a lot.

00:24:32.050 --> 00:24:45.467
Not only is the treatment quite expensive, you know because people will complain well, heartworm preventative is expensive it's like it ain't as expensive as the treatment and obviously just the damage that's done to the animal's heart the longer the worms are there.

00:24:45.467 --> 00:24:50.304
But the treatment can also be deadly in some parts of the process Down here.

00:24:50.304 --> 00:24:53.050
It's an extensive treatment, I mean it's several months.

00:24:53.332 --> 00:25:02.538
It's true, heartworm treatment is expensive, is painful for the dog and a dog can literally die from the treatment for heartworm disease.

00:25:02.538 --> 00:25:03.727
You know so.

00:25:03.727 --> 00:25:06.657
It's no joke, it's a very, very serious thing.

00:25:06.657 --> 00:25:12.640
So you know, heartworm, of all of the various parasites, is the one that you really need to take the most seriously.

00:25:12.640 --> 00:25:16.575
The other side of it are like fleas, ticks and gastrointestinal worms.

00:25:16.575 --> 00:25:25.897
With the exception of tick-borne disease, it's very, very rare for a dog to get significantly ill or die from fleas, ticks or intestinal parasites.

00:25:25.897 --> 00:25:30.765
So there's a little bit more flexibility from the standpoint of what you're going to do.

00:25:30.765 --> 00:25:39.371
Just as an FYI, if your dog is on heartworm preventative, they're also almost certainly getting a monthly dose of a intestinal parasite preventative.

00:25:39.371 --> 00:25:41.414
So you're covered there regardless.

00:25:41.414 --> 00:25:47.474
Again, in my area, because most GI parasites again it's kind of a heat and humidity thing.

00:25:47.474 --> 00:26:02.279
So there's far more GI parasite issues, say, where you live in Texas than there would be where I live in Oakland, Not to say we don't have the occasional dog that comes in with roundworms or something of that effect, but we just don't see it like you guys would see it down there.

00:26:02.279 --> 00:26:07.997
Fleas and ticks on the other hand, fleas for the most part are their annusance.

00:26:07.997 --> 00:26:19.195
They're gross and they make your dog itchy, and if your dog has an allergy to fleas, the itching can be pretty severe, but usually that's as bad as it gets, except in rare occasions.

00:26:19.657 --> 00:26:27.104
There's a lot of choices that, as it pertains to flea control, there's orally administered products, there's topicals, there's natural products.

00:26:27.104 --> 00:26:30.131
To be quite frank with you, there's no perfect answer.

00:26:30.131 --> 00:26:33.626
The orally administered products work very, very well.

00:26:33.626 --> 00:26:36.798
However, there is some concern for side effects.

00:26:36.798 --> 00:26:48.557
It is not recommended to give those products and animals that have a predisposition to having seizures, and there is some concern that has been raised about could there be long-term neurologic related side effects to those medications?

00:26:48.557 --> 00:26:54.253
Truthfully, I don't think that anybody really knows the answer to that question, but the question has been posed.

00:26:54.253 --> 00:26:56.138
The topicals work pretty well.

00:26:56.242 --> 00:27:03.663
Some people have concerns about topicals in the sense that they, as a person, are going to get exposed as well, because it's on your dog.

00:27:03.663 --> 00:27:04.767
So you're getting exposed.

00:27:04.767 --> 00:27:06.230
Is that a concern?

00:27:06.230 --> 00:27:08.998
I don't know that anybody really knows the answer to that question.

00:27:08.998 --> 00:27:11.693
And then, of course, there's the natural products.

00:27:11.693 --> 00:27:20.651
Natural products are never going to work as blanketly effectively as, say, the more pharmaceutical, chemical type products, but they have far fewer side effects.

00:27:20.951 --> 00:27:29.943
So I think a lot of this has to do with your personal level of risk aversion, where you live, what the parasite load is, what your dog situation is.

00:27:29.943 --> 00:27:39.412
If you have a dog that can walk around with a couple of fleas on him and it doesn't bother you and it doesn't bother the dog, then maybe that's a different calculus than a different situation.

00:27:39.412 --> 00:27:51.549
And I think the last thing to say as a pertain to flea and tick control is depending on where you live, you need to think about tick control through the lens of not only is this healthcare for your dog, but it's healthcare for you.

00:27:51.549 --> 00:27:57.296
Interestingly, your average dog can get exposed to Lyme disease and more often than not they don't actually get sick.

00:27:57.296 --> 00:28:03.394
If a person gets Lyme disease, your life is ruined if it's not diagnosed and treated soon enough.

00:28:03.394 --> 00:28:05.618
Literally it will ruin you.

00:28:05.618 --> 00:28:11.345
So if your dog is bringing home ticks, that is a problem for more than just the dog.

00:28:11.787 --> 00:28:19.085
Yeah, it kind of goes back to the rabies issue Once it starts crossing species lines to humans, you're exposing more than just your pet, obviously.

00:28:19.949 --> 00:28:24.126
Yeah, it's true, and your dog brings home ticks and then lays in your bed and then there's ticks in your bed.

00:28:24.126 --> 00:28:25.328
That's real bad.

00:28:26.111 --> 00:28:27.253
Yeah, definitely.

00:28:27.253 --> 00:28:30.261
What about heartworm in cats?

00:28:30.261 --> 00:28:35.816
Because I know that's something that, like back in the day, nobody ever talked about cats being able to get heartworm.

00:28:35.816 --> 00:28:38.409
And now it's becoming more of an issue.

00:28:38.409 --> 00:28:42.817
I will be the first to admit I do not give heartworm preventative to my cats.

00:28:42.817 --> 00:28:44.602
They're indoor cats, my barn cats.

00:28:44.602 --> 00:28:46.347
You can't catch them to give them anything.

00:28:46.971 --> 00:28:54.566
Every once in a while we'll get a little flea medicine on somebody while they're eating and kind of drop it from a, drop it from a height like and hope it lands on them, kind of thing.

00:28:54.566 --> 00:29:02.863
But we just do our best with the outside cats, yeah, so you know, cats are what's called an aberrant host for heartworm.

00:29:03.284 --> 00:29:06.298
It's not the natural host for heartworms.

00:29:06.298 --> 00:29:18.662
It is much, much less likely for cats to get heartworm disease, and the heartworms don't actually reproduce very effectively in cats either, so they tend to not get heartworm disease as severely as, say, would a dog.

00:29:18.662 --> 00:29:22.756
That said, is it possible for a cat to get sick from heartworm disease?

00:29:22.756 --> 00:29:23.278
Sure, it is.

00:29:23.278 --> 00:29:30.179
So I think for people who live in very highly endemic areas that may be something to consider.

00:29:30.179 --> 00:29:35.057
I would never dream of putting a cat in the San Francisco Bay area on Heartworm Preventive.

00:29:35.057 --> 00:29:36.381
It's just not nice.

00:29:36.381 --> 00:29:37.002
I think.

00:29:37.002 --> 00:29:41.489
Even if you live in Texas and Florida, probably the odds are in your favor that your cat's going to be fine.

00:29:41.489 --> 00:29:45.521
I think it boils down a little bit to like what is your personal level of risk aversion?

00:29:47.046 --> 00:29:58.019
So last major topic area would be general lifestyle factors that increase longevity and health, and that's probably bigger than all the other areas combined.

00:29:58.019 --> 00:30:04.184
But what advice do you have for pet parents related to that, or what do you mean by that as far as lifestyle factors?

00:30:04.244 --> 00:30:05.410
Sure, a lot of people.

00:30:05.410 --> 00:30:16.730
When we talk about longevity, people very rightly get very excited about, you know, a lot of the sort of technological advances regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy, peptides, what have you?

00:30:16.730 --> 00:30:22.545
And that's all great stuff and all very well, very well gone over in the longevity books that are coming out.

00:30:22.545 --> 00:30:27.226
But the reality is that diet and lifestyle is the foundation to everything.

00:30:27.226 --> 00:30:36.961
And you can throw all the peptides and stem cells at an animal or a person that you want, but you know if they're eating like crap and they're living a high stress lifestyle, none of it's going to do anything.

00:30:36.961 --> 00:30:41.021
So that's what this is really all about is how do we set the stage?

00:30:41.021 --> 00:30:48.548
And you know diet and lifestyle are the ultimate low hanging fruit when it comes to things that anybody as a pet parent can do.

00:30:48.548 --> 00:30:51.900
It's not expensive, especially when it comes to lifestyle.

00:30:51.900 --> 00:30:58.963
That's a really easy thing to do and as a benefit, you know, as a side benefit, it's good for us as people as well.

00:30:58.963 --> 00:31:01.333
So you know what do we mean by lifestyle.

00:31:01.333 --> 00:31:06.930
A lot of it is very similar to what an optimal lifestyle will look like for us as a person.

00:31:06.930 --> 00:31:15.574
So we're trying to minimize stress, we're trying to optimize social interactions for what works for our particular personality type.

00:31:15.574 --> 00:31:25.448
We want to make sure that there's a certain degree of regularity and routine, particularly as it pertains to dogs and cats, because dogs and cats like routine.

00:31:25.448 --> 00:31:29.106
They like to know what is going to happen on any given day.

00:31:29.106 --> 00:31:41.339
Think about it this way If you think about almost anything in your life that you've ever had stress or anxiety about, it almost always roots back to uncertainty.

00:31:41.981 --> 00:31:44.607
I don't know what's going to happen, I don't know what's coming next.

00:31:44.607 --> 00:31:45.859
I'm frightened about it.

00:31:45.859 --> 00:31:48.109
That's what we all get stressed out about.

00:31:48.109 --> 00:31:51.223
It's just that you know the particular flavor of whatever.

00:31:51.223 --> 00:31:54.037
You're worried about changes, but that's what it always boils down to.

00:31:54.037 --> 00:31:58.308
Right Is uncertainty, and that's the same thing with dogs and cats.

00:31:58.308 --> 00:32:13.721
If they know when and where their next meal is coming from, if they know when it's time for walks, if they know when it's time for play, if they know what their owner's schedule looks like, for the most part they are going to be more relaxed and less anxious.

00:32:13.721 --> 00:32:24.118
And it is no mystery to science that stress and anxiety leads to higher levels of cortisol, which leads to all kinds of other problems in the body insulin resistance, what have you?

00:32:24.118 --> 00:32:30.200
You could go on and on for days, but it puts excessive wear on the body and accelerates aging.

00:32:30.200 --> 00:32:33.487
It's true for people, it's true for dogs, it's true for cats.

00:32:33.895 --> 00:32:41.931
Right, it's good to know because there are many facets to it and I think, like you said, it's the low hanging fruit because it's something that we have 100% control.

00:32:41.931 --> 00:32:45.642
Maybe it's not 100%, maybe it's 90% control over it in some instances.

00:32:45.642 --> 00:33:04.124
And I know one of the things that we've tried to stress on this show and it's come up in several episodes, and I'm a big proponent because I've made this error myself is that when you are selecting a pet, to think about what your lifestyle is and whether that pet is a fit and vice versa.

00:33:04.124 --> 00:33:13.288
And the example that I've given before is I had always, having worked at a veterinarian's office for eight years, I got to see a lot of different kinds of animals and I had wanted my entire life.

00:33:13.288 --> 00:33:14.595
I wanted a Doberman Pinscher.

00:33:14.615 --> 00:33:19.834
Well, I finally got to the point where I got a Doberman Pinscher and he lived a good long life.

00:33:19.834 --> 00:33:35.638
He lived to be 13 years old, but I don't know that he lived his best life with us, because I believe he had a much higher need for enrichment, for exercise, and I finally got him a really awesome attachment for my bike.

00:33:35.638 --> 00:33:53.160
But even when I was a runner, there's no way I could run far enough fast enough at five, two and a half to get that dog to kind of exercise that he needed, and so I think he had more anxiety in his life and pacing and things like that because we weren't the active person that he really needed to have.

00:33:53.160 --> 00:33:58.221
Do you see that as being a big issue, like people just kind of picking the wrong pet for their lifestyle?

00:33:58.482 --> 00:34:07.298
Oh, I think that's a huge issue and I'm so grateful that you brought that up, because that's where this all starts Like this whole longevity discussion starts before you even get the pet.

00:34:07.298 --> 00:34:14.590
The example that I always give people is if you're a person that works a 14 hour day and you live in a one bedroom condo, you better not get a border collie.

00:34:14.891 --> 00:34:22.016
Or a husky, or a husky or any number of other dogs, because both you and the dog are going to be profoundly unhappy.

00:34:22.016 --> 00:34:25.523
Certain dogs have certain personality types, just like with people.

00:34:25.523 --> 00:34:35.360
I have clients who their lifestyle is such that they literally have the dog out walking on the trails five hours a day, every day.

00:34:35.360 --> 00:34:40.155
That is absolutely amazing and I'm very happy for both those people and those dogs.

00:34:40.155 --> 00:34:41.978
That ain't happening in my life.

00:34:44.061 --> 00:34:45.704
I'm not that guy.

00:34:45.704 --> 00:34:54.067
What I'm looking for in a dog is a sweet, loving, fluffy little dog that wants to hang out on the couch with me and is more than happy to walk for a half hour a day.

00:34:54.067 --> 00:34:55.393
They're good.

00:34:55.393 --> 00:34:58.059
Border collies are not my jam.

00:34:58.059 --> 00:35:04.516
One of the things I love about being a veterinarian is I get to play with all these various breeds of dogs, but then I don't have to take them home and deal with them.

00:35:04.516 --> 00:35:10.036
If anybody's considering veterinary medicine, that is a good part of the career.

00:35:11.092 --> 00:35:13.079
Hey, same thing with animal rescue, yeah right.

00:35:14.231 --> 00:35:16.380
I have an employee with a 200-pound mastiff.

00:35:16.380 --> 00:35:17.815
I love that dog.

00:35:17.815 --> 00:35:19.576
Do I want that dog in my house?

00:35:19.976 --> 00:35:27.536
Hell, no, we just had a great Pyrenees that was living in our dining room and it's like God he was such a nice dog, but that was just too much dog.

00:35:27.536 --> 00:35:28.775
I mean, he was as big as I was.

00:35:28.775 --> 00:35:32.273
I kept thinking I was just going to get swept off my feet by this dog every time he moved.

00:35:33.130 --> 00:35:34.840
You're going to get lost in a snow drift of white fur.

00:35:34.840 --> 00:35:43.275
But yeah, I mean, I think it's really important for people to not get a pet based on aesthetics.

00:35:43.275 --> 00:35:45.235
I like the way that dog looks.

00:35:45.235 --> 00:35:49.612
I've got a whole mental list of animals I would love to own purely based on aesthetics.

00:35:49.612 --> 00:35:51.297
But I never will because I know better.

00:35:51.297 --> 00:35:56.396
So you've got to pick an animal that works for your lifestyle and then you tweak it a little bit.

00:35:56.396 --> 00:36:03.172
So if you have a dog that needs a little bit more outing time than you can deal with with your life, have a dog walker.

00:36:03.172 --> 00:36:05.460
Come and walk the dog for a couple of hours in the middle of the day.

00:36:05.460 --> 00:36:06.514
Your dog will thank you.

00:36:06.514 --> 00:36:09.297
Your couch will thank you when it doesn't get eaten.

00:36:11.213 --> 00:36:21.000
So, these are the kind of things that is really important for people to think about, and while it's never too late to think about that stuff, the earlier you think about it, the easier everybody's life is going to be.

00:36:21.909 --> 00:36:24.605
Yeah, because it becomes part of the routine for you and the pet.

00:36:24.664 --> 00:36:26.393
Exactly, exactly.

00:36:26.393 --> 00:36:42.458
So I don't want to leave cats out of this discussion too, because I've actually got an episode coming up I don't know if it'll be next week or the week after with my best friend, bev, we've been friends we used to show horses together when I was in seventh grade and we've been friends for 40 years now.

00:36:42.458 --> 00:36:45.416
And she has this cat, cuzzy.

00:36:45.416 --> 00:36:47.942
That is not a normal cat.

00:36:47.942 --> 00:36:58.114
I mean, this is a cat that I mean the stuff that she does I don't want to tip my hand on the episode but the stuff that she does to give this animal mental and physical enrichment, because he's like a wild.

00:36:58.114 --> 00:37:00.916
He's not a Bengal, but he's like a wild cat living in a home.

00:37:00.916 --> 00:37:04.398
But and I know, not all cats are like Cuzzy.

00:37:04.398 --> 00:37:12.833
But do you think that sometimes people don't take into consideration that cats need stuff, that they're not just a potato to have around the house and feed periodically and scoop the litter box?

00:37:13.295 --> 00:37:13.878
No, it's true.

00:37:13.878 --> 00:37:14.972
I mean cats are.

00:37:14.972 --> 00:37:32.260
They're predatory creatures, which means that instinctually they're on the prowl, they're on the hunt, and there's this weird balance between cats need a lot of environmental enrichment, they need a lot of stimulus, but at the same time it's so critical that people keep their cats indoors.

00:37:32.260 --> 00:37:40.275
The statistics are so clear about the relative lifespan of an indoor cat versus an outdoor cat.

00:37:40.275 --> 00:37:45.161
I think according to the SBCA, the average lifespan of an outdoor cat is less than five years.

00:37:45.161 --> 00:37:52.563
It's ridiculous, not to mention the fact that outdoor cats are absolutely decimating the wild bird population.

00:37:52.563 --> 00:37:53.894
It's a disaster.

00:37:54.449 --> 00:37:57.940
So you got to keep your cat indoors, but then you're left with these.

00:37:57.940 --> 00:38:02.139
How do I keep my cat's life interesting if they're indoors?

00:38:02.139 --> 00:38:04.155
There's a lot of ways to do it.

00:38:04.155 --> 00:38:07.175
There's environmental enrichment, there's play time with cats.

00:38:07.175 --> 00:38:10.117
You've probably seen these products called catio.

00:38:10.117 --> 00:38:22.313
Oh yeah, yeah, right, so it reminds me of like a habit trail you had for your hamster when you were a kid, except it's way bigger and your cat can run around outside, but they're not sort of really free roaming outside, loose outside, yeah.

00:38:22.710 --> 00:38:27.313
But, they get the sights and the smells and they can watch the birds and the squirrels and do all that sort of stuff.

00:38:27.313 --> 00:38:29.253
But they're safe, so you can do it.

00:38:29.253 --> 00:38:29.655
That way.

00:38:29.655 --> 00:38:31.516
People can engage in play time.

00:38:31.516 --> 00:38:36.222
You can sort of train your cat to hump for snacks and treats throughout your house.

00:38:36.222 --> 00:38:39.981
You can leverage their predatory instincts and get them to hunt.

00:38:39.981 --> 00:38:41.916
So there's a lot of things that you can do.

00:38:41.916 --> 00:38:44.114
But you're right, I mean, cats are not.

00:38:44.114 --> 00:38:45.038
They're not furniture.

00:38:45.038 --> 00:38:48.400
They're not supposed to just sit there and look pretty, although they're quite good at that.

00:38:48.400 --> 00:39:06.298
You know, keeping these guys interested and active is really important and I think, because cats are not very emotive from a facial expression perspective, I think a lot of people don't realize the degree of stress some cats live with because you just don't really see it because it's all internalized with them.

00:39:06.639 --> 00:39:09.498
Right, we've talked about this in a couple of different episodes as well.

00:39:09.498 --> 00:39:13.822
It's like you know, whereas a dog is a predator, a cat is not only a predator but also prey.

00:39:13.822 --> 00:39:17.637
So it's kind of like I'm going after something, but I'm wondering what's coming after me at the same time.

00:39:18.150 --> 00:39:37.469
And I think, in my experience, being on the receiving end of lots of calls for people wanting to give up their pets, whether it's dogs or cats, a lot of times it has to do with the lifestyle factors, like you know, the poor choices that people make, but then also not being willing or able to provide that enrichment, even with cats.

00:39:37.469 --> 00:39:46.846
You know when cats are being quote, unquote, bad, you know they're climbing on the counters, they're throwing things on the floor, they're it's because they need something else to do than what you're providing for them.

00:39:46.846 --> 00:39:48.599
So, yeah, definitely bored.

00:39:49.003 --> 00:39:56.255
Yeah so definitely a lot of things out there you can do to provide better quality of life for your cats as well.

00:39:56.871 --> 00:39:57.413

00:39:58.510 --> 00:40:06.657
Anything else related to lifestyle factors, oh gosh, I mean, I think that's, I think that's the biggest thing, and it pertains to lifestyle with dogs.

00:40:06.657 --> 00:40:09.559
I mean, again, it's just a function of you have to know your dog.

00:40:09.559 --> 00:40:12.760
What is a safe and healthy amount of exercise for them to get.

00:40:12.760 --> 00:40:14.195
What kind of exercise?

00:40:14.195 --> 00:40:17.719
If you have a pugger and English bulldog, you probably don't want to take them jogging.

00:40:17.719 --> 00:40:24.619
So you got to understand what works right for them as an individual and optimize their lifestyle based on that.

00:40:24.619 --> 00:40:29.197
You know, just like the conversation about vaccines, there's no one size fits all answer here.

00:40:29.197 --> 00:40:32.860
It's all individualized based on what your pet really needs.

00:40:33.251 --> 00:40:41.237
OK, so I just wanted to wrap up because I wanted to ask this question, because I see things popping up on my Facebook feed or on the Internet, or I see it in my vet's office.

00:40:41.237 --> 00:40:45.922
You know, when we're talking about proving the health or being able to improve the health of our pets.

00:40:45.922 --> 00:40:48.197
What are your thoughts about pet insurance and how that helps?

00:40:48.610 --> 00:40:55.478
Sure, yeah, you know, when I, when I first became a veterinarian about 25 years ago, number one pet insurance was a terrible product.

00:40:55.478 --> 00:41:04.697
And number two I used to tell people well, you know, if you can afford five thousand dollars at a moment's notice and it's not going to hurt too badly, then you're probably fine without pet insurance.

00:41:04.697 --> 00:41:15.822
That number is now north of twenty thousand dollars and pet insurance is a far, far better product than it has ever been before.

00:41:15.822 --> 00:41:19.300
When I first started as a veterinarian, there was literally one company.

00:41:19.300 --> 00:41:22.300
They had no competition, so they really had no reason to be good.

00:41:22.300 --> 00:41:29.938
Now there's there's a million companies out there and there's all kinds of competition and they're fighting each other for your business, which is great for you as a consumer.

00:41:30.250 --> 00:41:44.880
And the bottom line is, you know, one of the most tragic things as a veterinarian that you will ever see is somebody having to make a decision to euthanize an animal that can be saved because they can't afford it.

00:41:44.880 --> 00:41:46.592
Right, that is.

00:41:46.592 --> 00:41:48.739
That is an absolutely horrifying thing.

00:41:48.739 --> 00:41:59.621
And just in case it might be crossing anybody's mind, do not think for a second that your veterinarian is going to be able to offer treatment for free purely because you cannot afford it.

00:42:00.539 --> 00:42:01.309
Veterinary medicine is a business.

00:42:02.141 --> 00:42:05.518
I have employees to pay, I have rent to pay, I have bills to pay.

00:42:05.518 --> 00:42:12.938
If I do too much stuff for free, then I go out of business and nobody gets helped and a whole bunch of people get unemployed.

00:42:12.938 --> 00:42:22.668
So I do everything I can, but it is not a fair thing for somebody to to assume that somebody is going to cover this for them, right?

00:42:22.668 --> 00:42:25.597
So ultimately, the answer to the question is yes.

00:42:25.597 --> 00:42:33.690
Pet insurance Get it, and get it early, before your pet has anything that could be considered a preexisting condition, and do your homework.

00:42:33.690 --> 00:44:42.653
You know, the thing about pet insurance is it's exactly like my own health insurance, in the sense of you have to make it, you, you, you, you.