Jan. 16, 2024

Pet Care Goals for the New Year

Pet Care Goals for the New Year

Hey there!
In this episode, you’ll hear us refer to the show as Starlight Pet Talk—that’s what we called it before we decided to embrace the fur, mess, and mayhem. Don’t worry, you’re in the right place for
Muddy Paws and Hairballs—same great content, just with a name that fits! - Amy

If you haven't set your new year's resolutions as a pet parent, we're here to help!  In this first episode of Season 2, Bev and I serve up a playful yet practical guide to ensuring the well-being of your precious pets. From the significance of regular vet visits to grooming you can do on your own, we're here to help set you and your pets on a path to a joyous and healthy year ahead. 


  1. Regular veterinary checkups are important for catching health issues early.
  2. Balanced nutrition is crucial for pets' overall health and well-being.
  3. Daily exercise routines help keep pets physically and mentally stimulated.
  4. Training and enrichment activities can improve pets' behavior and mental health.
  5. Grooming and hygiene are essential for pets' health.
  6. Updating identification can help ensure pets can be easily identified and returned if lost.
  7. Spending quality time with pets strengthens the bond between you and your pets.
  8. Socialization opportunities help pets become comfortable around other animals and people.
  9. Changing up the living space and toys can provide environmental enrichment for pets.
  10. Having an emergency preparedness plan and kit is essential for pet owners.

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Thanks for listening to Muddy Paws and Hairballs, your go-to resource for all things pet care. From dog training, behavior, and socialization to cat enrichment, pet adoption, and tackling behavior problems, we provide expert advice and real talk to help you create a happy, healthy life with your pets. Whether you're dealing with dog anxiety, looking for puppy training tips, or exploring enrichment ideas for your cat, we've got you covered. Be sure to check out all our episodes!


00:00 - New Year's Resolutions for Pet Parents

07:04 - Feeding, Treating, and Exercising Pets

15:31 - Training, Enrichment, and Grooming for Pets

27:20 - Improving Pet Socialization and Environment

35:10 - Pet Parents' Emergency Preparedness and Resolutions


00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:07.105
Every year, millions of people around the world make New Year's resolutions, but have you ever thought about making resolutions in your role as a pet parent?

00:00:07.105 --> 00:00:11.384
Well, we did, and so that's what we're gonna talk about on today's episode.

00:00:11.384 --> 00:00:12.567
So stay tuned.

00:00:12.567 --> 00:00:26.629
You're listening to Starlight Pet Talk, a podcast for pet parents who want the best pet care advice from cat experts, dog trainers, veterinarians and other top pet professionals who will help you live your very best life with your pets.

00:00:26.629 --> 00:00:34.485
We also share inspiring rescue and adoption stories from people who've taken their love of pets to the next level by getting involved in animal welfare.

00:00:35.179 --> 00:00:41.588
My name is Amy Castro and I'm the founder and president of Starlight Outreach and Rescue and a columnist for Pet Age Magazine.

00:00:41.588 --> 00:00:46.826
I've rescued thousands of animals and help people just like you find the right pet for their family.

00:00:46.826 --> 00:00:57.284
My mission is to help pet parents learn all the ways that they can care for, live with and even have fun with their pets, so they can live their very best lives and their pets can too.

00:00:57.284 --> 00:01:00.505
Welcome to Starlight Pet Talk.

00:01:00.505 --> 00:01:10.629
I'm your host, amy Castro, and we are coming to you live, my best friend Bev and I, to kick off our second season of Starlight Pet Talk.

00:01:10.629 --> 00:01:23.063
And what better to do when you're talking about a new season and a new year than to talk about resolutions, and I just happened to be the other day looking around the internet at New Year's resolutions, because I hadn't made any.

00:01:23.480 --> 00:01:31.549
And I started thinking to myself well, do pet parents make resolutions for themselves, as pet parents, to do better by your pets?

00:01:31.549 --> 00:01:38.665
And sure enough, there were tons of articles out there about what you can do to be a better pet parent, what resolutions you can make.

00:01:38.665 --> 00:01:49.186
And so then I got really conniving and decided I was going to ask ChatGPT what would be the top 10 New Year's resolutions for pet parents for 2024.

00:01:49.186 --> 00:01:53.850
And so, very kindly, chatgpt set me up with top 10.

00:01:53.850 --> 00:01:55.766
So what I figured Bev and I would do?

00:01:55.766 --> 00:02:02.826
First of all, we're not doing all of these resolutions, and I don't want you to try to do them either, because I mean, what do you think?

00:02:02.867 --> 00:02:03.528
happens when you.

00:02:03.528 --> 00:02:04.861
But what do you think?

00:02:04.861 --> 00:02:06.929
If you tried to do all of these, what's going to happen?

00:02:06.929 --> 00:02:09.307
You set yourself up for failure, that's right.

00:02:09.307 --> 00:02:19.765
You're going to be a big failure, and so therefore, we don't want you to do all of them, but we're going to go through the 10 and kind of discuss our feelings about them and maybe you can pick two.

00:02:19.765 --> 00:02:25.625
I think two or three is probably more than enough to get you started, and they may be.

00:02:25.625 --> 00:02:29.669
Some of these things might be things you're already doing and some of them might be things you haven't really thought about.

00:02:29.669 --> 00:02:31.503
So let's see what we have.

00:02:31.503 --> 00:02:32.445
Are you ready, bev?

00:02:32.445 --> 00:02:33.007
I am ready.

00:02:33.007 --> 00:02:34.490
Okay, all right.

00:02:34.490 --> 00:02:47.626
So number one on our list, or actually ChatGPT's list, was regular veterinary checkups, and I'm a big believer in this, although I will say that I can sometimes fall behind on my schedule with my pets.

00:02:47.626 --> 00:02:50.824
But you have a million pets, I know that's the problem, isn't?

00:02:50.844 --> 00:02:50.884

00:02:50.884 --> 00:02:51.427
I have one.

00:02:51.719 --> 00:03:01.810
Yeah, she's got one pet and so it can be a challenge to keep up with your pets, but it is really important that we do the regular checkups for our pets.

00:03:01.810 --> 00:03:08.127
I think a lot of times people think, well, my pet's only two, my pet's only three, it doesn't need to go to vet, it's not sick.

00:03:08.127 --> 00:03:09.525
What's your thought on that?

00:03:09.699 --> 00:03:13.828
I think if you have a regular checkup you might be able to catch something very, very early.

00:03:13.828 --> 00:03:22.943
So you can spend a few dollars on a regular annual, semi-annual vet checkup and they can catch something early, rather than four years down the road where it's a huge surgery.

00:03:22.943 --> 00:03:26.645
So just do the regular checkups, everybody's happier for it.

00:03:26.805 --> 00:03:29.487
Yeah, once a year, and we've talked about that on past episodes.

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We've talked about pet insurance in season one.

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That can make those types of things more affordable.

00:03:34.587 --> 00:03:56.010
But yeah, I definitely agree that you can definitely do some really good preventative screening and save yourself some money down the road, even for things as simple as getting their teeth checked when they're at the vet, because you wait until that's gone too long and you're looking at a really, really extensive not only extensive and expensive dental treatment.

00:03:56.010 --> 00:04:00.564
But why wait until your pet's teeth are so bad that they have to have all their teeth pulled out?

00:04:00.860 --> 00:04:07.906
So when the check engine light comes on on the kitty, take the kitty for a checkup, that's right or the dog or the dog, and especially for those of you who have bigger dogs.

00:04:08.879 --> 00:04:18.170
Bigger dogs aren't gonna have the same dental issues that little dogs are, so unfortunately those of us who have smaller dogs in the mix you're gonna deal with those issues a little more often.

00:04:18.170 --> 00:04:22.184
So the sooner you get in, the more you do as far as maintenance, the better off you're going to be.

00:04:22.184 --> 00:04:36.064
Yeah, well, one of the things that I like about my dentist and this is probably something we could all do with our pets too is when I'm sitting there in the chair waiting for the dentist to come, they're already gonna start booking my six month appointment.

00:04:36.942 --> 00:04:43.490
So certainly something you can ask your vet about While you're checking out and you get that next year's appointment scheduled.

00:04:43.490 --> 00:04:47.425
Get it on your calendar, put it on your Google calendar, set yourself some reminders.

00:04:47.425 --> 00:04:50.923
It is important to do those check-ins and how often they are.

00:04:50.923 --> 00:04:52.069
Notice we said regular week.

00:04:52.069 --> 00:04:55.670
I did mention annual, but not every pet may need annual.

00:04:55.670 --> 00:04:56.644
Talk to your vet about it.

00:04:56.644 --> 00:05:00.766
Maybe your two year old cat can go every other year for a couple of years to a certain age.

00:05:00.766 --> 00:05:04.365
But that's a conversation you definitely want to have with your veterinarian.

00:05:04.540 --> 00:05:08.985
Can I ask a question about large dog teeth problems versus small dog teeth problems?

00:05:08.985 --> 00:05:11.528
Is that common or why the difference?

00:05:11.959 --> 00:05:22.666
I don't know why, but it is common that smaller dogs just their teeth go bad, they yellow, they get a lot more tartar buildup than bigger dogs, sometimes like a big dog.

00:05:22.666 --> 00:05:24.266
My dopamine pincher was a prime example.

00:05:24.266 --> 00:05:26.809
He died at 13, never needed a dental treatment.

00:05:26.809 --> 00:05:28.627
And then I've got Tinky the little.

00:05:28.627 --> 00:05:29.663
What is she like?

00:05:29.663 --> 00:05:34.803
A six pound Chihuahua and she's had I mean she almost needs one every year, every other year at the most.

00:05:35.185 --> 00:05:38.887
Because the tartar gets built up and she's lost a lot of teeth because I didn't keep up with it.

00:05:38.887 --> 00:05:43.906
So I'm trying to do a better job on that front, all right.

00:05:43.906 --> 00:05:53.168
Number two was balanced nutrition, and we've talked a ton in season one about balanced nutrition and obviously it's going to depend on the animal.

00:05:53.168 --> 00:06:06.543
I mean, we're talking about all pets at this point, so part of it would be, I'm sure, doing, you know, doing your homework about your particular species of pet, but also drilling down to how old is the pet, gender of the pet all of those things can impact what they might need.

00:06:06.543 --> 00:06:10.689
Nutrition wise, I know you do a lot of little different things when you feed Cuzzy.

00:06:10.689 --> 00:06:12.427
How does that play out and why?

00:06:12.427 --> 00:06:14.726
Why not just throw down the bowl of food I wish?

00:06:14.766 --> 00:06:16.545
I could All my other cats I've ever had in my life.

00:06:16.545 --> 00:06:18.908
You can leave a dish out and they self-regulate.

00:06:18.908 --> 00:06:23.927
Here comes Cuzzy and my neighbors can attest to this too what, how regulated it has to be.

00:06:23.927 --> 00:06:30.002
So when I first got him, he was a stri and I put down a bowl of food like I would normally, and he ate the.

00:06:30.002 --> 00:06:31.687
I mean, we're talking like this much food.

00:06:31.687 --> 00:06:32.630
He ate the entire thing.

00:06:32.630 --> 00:06:33.925
I didn't know he was gonna eat the whole thing.

00:06:33.964 --> 00:06:40.141
He cuts the food, it was huge ate the whole thing and then, of course, barfed it up the next day or whatever, and it was just.

00:06:40.141 --> 00:06:40.785
It was a nightmare.

00:06:40.785 --> 00:06:50.672
Sorry, I have to regulate it and just through a series I mean, if you listen to the other podcast about the stuff that I've done to regulate him, we'll call it whatever.

00:06:50.672 --> 00:07:03.685
It's quite complicated but he has to be portion-controlled, he has to have a special diet, he has eating complications, but it's very complicated but it's manageable if you do the work and figure out what's gonna work best for him.

00:07:03.685 --> 00:07:05.209
Each pet is different.

00:07:05.209 --> 00:07:09.925
Obviously, I can't leave food down for him, so it's gotta be on a timer and it's gotta be, unfortunately, prescription.

00:07:09.925 --> 00:07:11.624
So it's expensive, but he's totally worth it.

00:07:12.185 --> 00:07:12.848
Yeah, yeah.

00:07:12.848 --> 00:07:16.444
And so the concept of balance includes a lot of different things.

00:07:16.444 --> 00:07:19.786
Obviously there's the nutritional balance, which he'd want to talk to your vet about.

00:07:19.786 --> 00:07:27.105
I know there's so much controversy out there as to grain free, not grain free, can food versus dry food.

00:07:27.105 --> 00:07:28.670
Should you cook your own food?

00:07:28.670 --> 00:07:41.288
And I don't wanna advise in any real direction, although I will say that I have switched my cats from dry to canned food because cats are kind of chronically dehydrated and we've talked about that before on the show.

00:07:41.288 --> 00:07:45.326
But that's something definitely talk to your veterinarian about what that balance is about.

00:07:45.720 --> 00:07:51.305
The other thing I would say is think about measuring, because that's one of the things the vet always asks well, how much food are they getting?

00:07:51.305 --> 00:07:55.625
And I am notorious because I have so many pets that I did it today.

00:07:55.625 --> 00:08:09.007
I scooped out like seven cups of food into a giant container and then went around and dumped it into people's bowls and then I kind of use their body type, like if somebody starts looking fat, then I kind of mentally think, okay, maybe I should cut them back a little bit.

00:08:09.007 --> 00:08:16.887
Maybe that'll be one of my new year's resolutions this year is to really determine how much each animal needs and measure that out appropriately.

00:08:16.887 --> 00:08:24.747
I mean, there's no reason where I can't gather up all the bowls and dole out and I was doing it for a while and I just got lazy, especially because we've got these extra fosters in the house.

00:08:25.300 --> 00:08:34.221
So I think, measuring the food, so you, number one, you can tell your vet this is exactly how much I'm eating, and then they can say it's too much, it's not enough.

00:08:34.221 --> 00:08:38.626
Whatever the case may be, it's also probably better for the pet, just on a daily basis, not to be.

00:08:38.626 --> 00:08:42.885
One day I get three cups of food, one day I get one, and they're all kind of messed up that way.

00:08:42.885 --> 00:08:43.970
What about treats?

00:08:43.970 --> 00:08:47.083
Cause that's another thing that kind of came up in the little search.

00:08:47.083 --> 00:08:49.206
I am not a treat giver.

00:08:49.206 --> 00:08:57.888
We have them and occasionally we'll do it from a training perspective, but I'm not somebody that just generally gives my cats or dogs treats, do you?

00:08:57.947 --> 00:09:10.869
do treats I do, but because Kasi is so food motivated, his regular dry kibble, which only gets about two tablespoons a day, he likes it so much I can use those as treats so I know he's guaranteed to get the same nutrition.

00:09:10.869 --> 00:09:22.048
But then also I'm afraid to give him Other treats that I don't really know the ingredients or how it's gonna affect him, because he did have a the stones in the urinary, yeah, and that was very scary, very expensive.

00:09:22.048 --> 00:09:23.172
Don't want to do it again.

00:09:23.172 --> 00:09:25.909
So I'm very careful about what I give him.

00:09:25.909 --> 00:09:28.379
So his regular dry food works good for treats.

00:09:28.379 --> 00:09:36.118
And then he gets like occasionally like freeze dried chicken, oh nice, so it's just guaranteed chicken, there's nothing else, yeah and whatever.

00:09:36.118 --> 00:09:37.726
But yeah, that's like the only treats he gets.

00:09:37.726 --> 00:09:39.779
But he definitely gets treats, unlike in this house.

00:09:40.995 --> 00:09:47.791
Yeah, well, you know when I think about it, when you think about from that standpoint, when I was originally saying treats, I was thinking like packaged.

00:09:47.791 --> 00:10:00.159
I won't name any brands, but a Lot of the treats that you buy that are pre-packaged have a lot of junk in them and they're really unhealthy, especially if you give too many, and not only from a weight gain but just from a stomach upset.

00:10:00.581 --> 00:10:05.918
But I will say that my animals do get, like people food, treats, and that's something you want to be careful about.

00:10:05.918 --> 00:10:08.044
How you dole, yeah you think about the salt.

00:10:08.505 --> 00:10:13.674
You know, yeah, yeah, I mean I'm not giving him, like you know, a little piece of chicken, a piece of broccoli, use some fruit.

00:10:13.674 --> 00:10:28.668
You know, like today you were, you're eating an apple, right, and it's like, yeah, I, you know, I would have given him a chunk of apple if I was sitting outside with him and actually on that prescription diet thing, I mean, you really could Navigate that without having a mouth to do some more research on it.

00:10:28.707 --> 00:10:30.712
Yeah, yeah, that'll be my nearest resolution.

00:10:30.941 --> 00:10:32.086
There you go, you know.

00:10:32.086 --> 00:10:35.419
Another thing too would be just keeping up with knowing what they weigh.

00:10:35.419 --> 00:10:45.352
You know that's one of the things that I always and I don't look at it for myself waistline, but I am constantly watching my pets waistline and it's like, do they have a waist?

00:10:45.352 --> 00:10:49.948
Or like my chihuahua tinky, for a while there she just kind of looked like a tube.

00:10:49.948 --> 00:10:55.947
You know she had no waist where she should have had a waist, and now she's got a nice little waist, but she's not overly ribby.

00:10:55.947 --> 00:11:00.850
So knowing and that's something you can get out in Google you know there's condition charts with.

00:11:00.850 --> 00:11:10.559
You know, with different scales about body type, you know, based on whether you can see ribs, fine things like that, but you know that's for dogs and cats, I'm not sure about other critters right, I remember seeing that for the first time at the vets office.

00:11:11.083 --> 00:11:17.427
If you're looking straight down at your cat, you know you have the head and the neck and then the chest and then the you know Nipping in at the waist or whatever.

00:11:17.427 --> 00:11:28.759
And I started looking at my cat differently, looking straight down to him, yeah, and see, you know, if we do monitor his weight, but it's always nice to see that he does have a shape, yeah, and then he's fine, he doesn't need to add anymore, he doesn't need to lose any.

00:11:28.899 --> 00:11:30.708
So he gets plenty of exercise to he does.

00:11:30.708 --> 00:11:43.895
Yeah, that's true so so, yeah, just you know, know what's, know what's an appropriate weight or weight range for your pet and obviously monitor that so that you're staying within that zone, because especially losing weights in pets if they start to get overweight.

00:11:43.895 --> 00:11:45.868
We were driving somewhere the other day.

00:11:45.868 --> 00:11:48.440
There's an elderly couple walking a really fat dog.

00:11:48.660 --> 00:11:54.221
It was really having chunky, yeah, really having trouble walking and it's like it's so easy to it's.

00:11:54.221 --> 00:11:58.611
It is so easy to control what your pet gets or doesn't get, because they can't get it themselves.

00:11:58.611 --> 00:12:00.750
They're not opening the fridge and taking out food themselves.

00:12:01.253 --> 00:12:02.759
So, but as humans it's so hard.

00:12:02.759 --> 00:12:10.649
Oh, just give him a little, oh just little, cream cheese or a little this little, that next thing you know he's got joint problems and he's having difficulty breathing walking down the street.

00:12:10.649 --> 00:12:11.312
Yeah, terrible.

00:12:11.681 --> 00:12:16.100
Yeah, all right, moving along, number three, daily exercise routine.

00:12:16.100 --> 00:12:28.470
And when I think one of the mistakes that pet parents make along this front or at least many do, I did, and it comes up a lot when we do adoptions because people will say, well, I can't have a big dog because I don't have a big yard.

00:12:28.470 --> 00:12:39.253
So somehow people equate the fact that if I open the back door and my dog runs out, that that's adequate exercise and for some animals it might be adequate exercise but for others it might not.

00:12:39.253 --> 00:12:44.849
And especially with cats, people think oh well, you know, cats run around the house, so they're climbing things and are they getting enough exercise?

00:12:44.849 --> 00:12:57.019
So again, you're gonna have to monitor, you know, obviously, talk to your veterinarian, base that on your animals, I think, health, their physical condition as well as behavior, because I think they're a lot of times.

00:12:57.019 --> 00:13:06.879
Dogs that aren't getting enough exercise and cats that aren't getting enough exercise Are more prone to getting into mischief and causing trouble and being bothersome around the house.

00:13:06.938 --> 00:13:08.969
Sometimes that's usually the key factor.

00:13:08.969 --> 00:13:10.940
Yeah like when they start, when he starts to be a jerk.

00:13:10.940 --> 00:13:18.047
That's when we know it's time to put the harness on them and we go outside or bust out some you know a play toy or something.

00:13:18.047 --> 00:13:20.635
They'll tell you when it's time to burn off some energy.

00:13:20.635 --> 00:13:21.639
Yeah, they're good at that.

00:13:22.020 --> 00:13:28.399
Yeah, and if you have a big, like a big dog, you know thinking that taking my big dog for a walk is not gonna be adequate exercise.

00:13:28.399 --> 00:13:29.803
I'm gonna need to do something else.

00:13:29.803 --> 00:13:30.405
So that's I know.

00:13:30.405 --> 00:13:35.206
When we had our Doberman, I had a Walkie dog, which was this awesome bicycle.

00:13:35.206 --> 00:13:43.340
I still have it, I just don't have a bike, but I had this walkie dog bike attachment and that allowed him to be able to run, because I couldn't run.

00:13:43.340 --> 00:13:48.602
Even back then, when I was thinner, I couldn't run fast enough to really get him to burn Steam off.

00:13:48.764 --> 00:13:51.794
There's got to get that cardio up and burn all that energy off.

00:13:51.815 --> 00:13:53.059
Yeah, yeah, muscles.

00:13:53.321 --> 00:13:54.085
Yeah, for their brain.

00:13:54.740 --> 00:14:04.432
Yeah, definitely something to take into consideration to when you're thinking about what kind of pet, because, like around here, we see a lot of cattle, dogs, we see huskies, we see things like that, and a lot of men up in shelters.

00:14:04.432 --> 00:14:16.144
Because people don't realize their need for Exercise and so many of us are sedentary, sitting around on the couch is not getting that in all the exercise that it needs and that's not exclusive to dogs.

00:14:16.144 --> 00:14:24.636
Because you exercise, you're like I don't really exercise my cats, yeah, but he let's me know like the three of them maybe exercise.

00:14:24.657 --> 00:14:25.159
I think so too.

00:14:25.159 --> 00:14:28.419
Yeah, and him in the house by myself, with you know just the two of us.

00:14:28.419 --> 00:14:30.532
He starts climbing the walls and he becomes a jerk.

00:14:30.532 --> 00:14:32.039
He just becomes an absolute pest.

00:14:32.039 --> 00:14:34.285
So out we go, burn it off.

00:14:34.285 --> 00:14:36.692
Be a cat in the brain, be a cat, yeah.

00:14:36.994 --> 00:14:39.100
But you have a harness and a leash or a long.

00:14:39.261 --> 00:14:41.059
I know you got harness on a leash, but it's a very long leash.

00:14:41.059 --> 00:14:55.371
So if you see something that he wants to run after it, he can do that ridiculous zoomies and do that outside so he can run like I don't know 50 feet, 100 feet, whatever, and there's a long Rope that's attached to the leash and he can like burn that off and he doesn't keep running.

00:14:55.371 --> 00:14:56.302
For some reason he stops.

00:14:56.302 --> 00:14:58.519
I don't know why he waits for me to walk up to him.

00:14:58.519 --> 00:15:03.171
He's very good that way, but it just you just know he's just burning off that electric energy that they all have.

00:15:03.171 --> 00:15:09.340
When everybody, how's a pet, knows about zoomies and that's what he'll, he gets to do that, but he does it outside, so it works out really well.

00:15:09.340 --> 00:15:15.299
He gets to see the sunshine and the birds and he tries to attack turkeys which are three times bigger than him.

00:15:15.660 --> 00:15:18.288
He chased a deer one time he chased a deer in the backyard.

00:15:18.288 --> 00:15:21.600
That's right, yeah, yeah, making that a part of the routine.

00:15:21.600 --> 00:15:26.405
I think it, you know, not just something that's sporadic, just like we should all have an exercise routine.

00:15:26.405 --> 00:15:29.894
Maybe that's what I need to set as another resolution for this year.

00:15:29.894 --> 00:15:31.383
All right.

00:15:31.383 --> 00:15:33.831
Number four was training and enrichment.

00:15:33.831 --> 00:15:36.279
You know that's beyond the exercise is.

00:15:36.279 --> 00:15:41.972
You know there are other things that you can do that will mentally challenge your pet cat, dog or otherwise.

00:15:41.972 --> 00:15:46.049
That's In many ways just as good as learning exercise.

00:15:46.049 --> 00:15:49.508
So I know that's something that Kelsey's been doing with her dog is pretty.

00:15:49.508 --> 00:15:51.293
I don't know if y'all remember producer Kelsey.

00:15:51.293 --> 00:15:53.183
He was on our live episode.

00:15:53.183 --> 00:15:59.865
She's got this crazy dog named Gigi and Gigi has all kind of food puzzles that she does and snuffle Matts and things like that oh.

00:16:01.284 --> 00:16:02.460
Yeah, yeah, so that was the new one.

00:16:02.460 --> 00:16:06.668
I actually got her that as a Christmas present, but then I did couldn't wait to give it to her, so I gave it to her late.

00:16:06.668 --> 00:16:08.299
But yeah, there's a little button pass.

00:16:08.299 --> 00:16:14.000
You've probably seen, if you've seen the videos on tick tock or Instagram, things like that, where the dogs are communicating.

00:16:14.000 --> 00:16:24.519
I'm not sure how far I buy the whole communicating thing, but I haven't done my homework so I'm not gonna poo poo it, but I do think that an animal can, you know, can know that a certain sound or whatever it might be.

00:16:24.519 --> 00:16:33.080
I mean, people have trained their dogs to go, you know, to let them know they need to go outside by Nudging the doorknob or ringing a bell or whatever it might be.

00:16:33.080 --> 00:16:45.264
And so this one just is just a little button and it says outside, and she recorded it with her own voice, so it's Kelsey saying outside, and then the work and the practice is to teach you, gigi, to Step on the button.

00:16:45.846 --> 00:16:46.868
You just have to be consistent.

00:16:46.868 --> 00:16:48.152
Yeah, make it work, yeah.

00:16:49.221 --> 00:16:51.566
So and that's I think you know, with with training in general.

00:16:51.566 --> 00:16:59.049
I mean, that's so many of the problems that we see with Animals that people are trying to relinquish is a lack of training.

00:16:59.049 --> 00:17:12.949
I think people Either they don't put any time into training and they let that, especially with puppies, you know they let that puppy get big and now it's hard to train it because it's a big, 80 pound dog that's jumping all over you and jumping all over the furniture, climbing on the counters, things like that.

00:17:12.949 --> 00:17:30.767
Or people will have a tendency and I've been guilty of this in the past is you're all excited about the new puppy, so you take the puppy to puppy kindergarten and they learn sit and maybe even stay and come, but then we don't practice that over time and, yeah, they start running their own agenda.

00:17:30.906 --> 00:17:34.907
At that point and as a puppy, it's really cute that they're jumping up on the furniture and jumping up on you.

00:17:34.907 --> 00:17:40.230
Oh, he loves me, he's jumping up, but, like you said, when he's 80 pounds you're not so fun anymore.

00:17:40.230 --> 00:17:45.144
Or if you're going to go out for dinner and you dress nicely and they jump up on you, because that's what we do all the time.

00:17:46.468 --> 00:17:52.884
Or people come over, nobody wants that and people will say it's okay, it's okay, it's like no, it's not okay.

00:17:52.884 --> 00:17:54.603
I'm constantly working on.

00:17:54.603 --> 00:18:00.532
We've got one dog here named Sassy that she just can't, she just doesn't give up.

00:18:00.532 --> 00:18:01.534
She wants to get up on you.

00:18:01.534 --> 00:18:03.748
Now she is totally blind, so that could be part of it.

00:18:03.748 --> 00:18:07.430
Maybe she just needs that more physical connection.

00:18:07.430 --> 00:18:14.113
But nobody wants, or most people don't want a 50 pound pit bull claw on them up.

00:18:14.113 --> 00:18:29.751
So you just got to work on that consistency and I think the idea of engaging in their natural engaging activities that are their natural instincts, kind of like what you're doing with Cuzzy and letting them go out and hunt things and be in the outdoors but, safely where he's not able to get away.

00:18:30.039 --> 00:18:34.652
Anyone who has a cat knows that when they have an empty cardboard box, that's always a great cat toy.

00:18:34.652 --> 00:18:37.528
Cut a couple of holes in it and they're in and out there investigating it.

00:18:37.528 --> 00:18:40.611
It's all that mental stimulation that they need, not just the physical stuff.

00:18:40.611 --> 00:18:42.298
Yeah, definitely All right.

00:18:43.441 --> 00:18:49.353
Number five is one that I've been remiss in some forms and fashions.

00:18:49.353 --> 00:18:53.450
But I also don't have high maintenance pets from the standpoint of grooming.

00:18:53.450 --> 00:18:55.145
But number five is grooming and hygiene.

00:18:55.145 --> 00:19:01.653
So that includes beyond just brushing, but things like teeth brushing, nail trimming.

00:19:01.653 --> 00:19:08.490
A lot of times people think they can't do that themselves and you actually can do a lot of that yourself and you save yourself some money that way.

00:19:08.839 --> 00:19:14.292
But the more you get your animal used to that routine, the easier it's going to be.

00:19:14.292 --> 00:19:22.268
Like I've had so many people say to me when I'm sitting at Pet Supplies Plus and we're getting ready to adopt out a cat and I'll say, well, let me just cut her nails real quick.

00:19:22.268 --> 00:19:23.189
Oh, you can do that.

00:19:23.189 --> 00:19:26.203
And they're like oh, freaked out, Like, oh, my other cat won't, let me do that.

00:19:26.203 --> 00:19:26.866
He'll tear me up.

00:19:26.866 --> 00:19:34.020
And it's like well, because we start when they're little kittens and getting them used to it and making it a positive experience With dogs.

00:19:34.020 --> 00:19:40.190
Some dogs are more resistant to that than others, but I think getting them in that habit early is a big thing.

00:19:40.190 --> 00:19:47.746
And another thing too if you're new to, let's say, nail trimming, just as an example, nobody said you have to do all four feet in one sitting.

00:19:48.086 --> 00:19:53.884
Yes, and I think too many times people think they've started and now they're going to fight the dog or the cat or whoever.

00:19:53.884 --> 00:19:54.728
It is all the way.

00:19:54.728 --> 00:20:00.327
Maybe you do two nails, you give them a treat and you let them go, praise them and move on to something more fun.

00:20:00.380 --> 00:20:02.968
I've done that with Cuzzy and I try to remember which foot I've done.

00:20:02.968 --> 00:20:05.165
He's only got claws on his back feet.

00:20:05.165 --> 00:20:07.103
I didn't do it, he came that way as a stray.

00:20:07.103 --> 00:20:08.468
He was declawed in the front.

00:20:08.468 --> 00:20:11.880
So I try to remember like that, lift, lift, lift, right, left.

00:20:11.880 --> 00:20:13.204
I'm like, oh, which one did I do first?

00:20:13.204 --> 00:20:13.866
I try to remember.

00:20:13.866 --> 00:20:17.943
But yeah, go back another day when he's more tolerant of it, or even a couple hours later.

00:20:18.023 --> 00:20:25.548
I mean, it's depending on the animal and I think that's also something that people need to think about when they're choosing a pet is how much grooming is it going to need?

00:20:25.548 --> 00:20:53.647
Like we've got these doodles that are all the rage right now and I don't know that people realize and I know we actually did a whole episode with a celebrity groomer, jess Rona, and doodles are the scourge of dog groomers, because the owners don't maintain them in between visits to the groomer and then they want this fluffy teddy bear of a dog but the thing's matted to the skin because their fur gets so tangled that, really.

00:20:53.647 --> 00:20:56.510
So it's not short and curly like a poodle, no, it can get long.

00:20:56.510 --> 00:20:57.715
Definitely this.

00:20:57.715 --> 00:20:58.599
I'm going to get really poofy.

00:20:59.080 --> 00:21:00.064
Oh, you need to keep up with that.

00:21:00.164 --> 00:21:01.248
Yeah, Well, and that's the thing.

00:21:01.248 --> 00:21:08.009
But if you're going to get a doodle or a husky or something else with longer hair, yeah, you're going to need to do that every day.

00:21:08.009 --> 00:21:09.405
Are you ready to commit to do it then?

00:21:09.405 --> 00:21:11.230
And it's not just this, is the other thing.

00:21:11.230 --> 00:21:22.311
I remember her saying it in that episode is that there'll be certain parts of the dog that are really well brushed out but then, like underneath the back legs are giant matted mess, you know, because it's like oh yeah, I brushed my dog.

00:21:22.311 --> 00:21:24.865
Yeah, you brushed his head and the top of his back.

00:21:25.006 --> 00:21:26.588
Yeah, but did you go down every leg?

00:21:26.588 --> 00:21:27.853
Did you get under on the belly?

00:21:27.853 --> 00:21:30.208
Did you get all the way down to the end of the tail Right?

00:21:30.208 --> 00:21:32.318
And you know that could probably take 20, 30 minutes.

00:21:32.400 --> 00:21:34.086
Especially if the dog doesn't particularly like it.

00:21:34.086 --> 00:21:40.988
Yeah, a tender spot or whatever on his tummy, yeah, so you got to do that definitely regularly.

00:21:41.189 --> 00:21:42.461
Other thing, too Cleaning.

00:21:42.461 --> 00:21:51.067
That's something I am good about keeping an eye on everybody's ears because I don't want ear infections to start keeping those ears clean and making sure you know what you're doing as far as cleaning.

00:21:51.067 --> 00:21:54.567
And then the scourge of my existence the tooth brushing.

00:21:56.230 --> 00:21:56.872
I've never done it.

00:21:56.872 --> 00:22:02.444
No, no, I know, I know I've never had a dog, though, and the cats just get it done with the vet.

00:22:02.444 --> 00:22:04.608
Yeah, it needs to be done.

00:22:04.608 --> 00:22:06.391
That's the thing you have to brush your dog's teeth.

00:22:06.612 --> 00:22:07.913
Yeah Well, you're supposed to.

00:22:09.180 --> 00:22:10.425
And what they're going to sit there and let you do it.

00:22:10.680 --> 00:22:13.650
Yeah, because the toothpaste is flavored like chicken or whatever else.

00:22:13.941 --> 00:22:15.426
Yeah, I don't know about all that They'll put up.

00:22:17.784 --> 00:22:18.305
I want to talk.

00:22:18.305 --> 00:22:19.307
Let you do that.

00:22:19.307 --> 00:22:19.807
That's crazy.

00:22:19.807 --> 00:22:20.891
I will show you later.

00:22:20.891 --> 00:22:21.592
I will show you.

00:22:21.592 --> 00:22:33.819
But I will say, as far as the tooth brushing is, that there's a lot of different toothbrushes out there, and so there's and there's everything from a toothbrush that looks like a regular toothbrush, which would be fine for Gunny.

00:22:33.819 --> 00:22:41.869
I can lift her big old flappy bulldog lips and brush her teeth, no problem, because I've got a tiny, tiny Chihuahua and that brush is not really going to get in there.

00:22:42.359 --> 00:22:46.108
But there are little finger brushes like a little rubber ones.

00:22:46.150 --> 00:22:46.790
I've seen those.

00:22:47.299 --> 00:22:49.548
And then there's actually even green moistened.

00:22:49.548 --> 00:22:56.086
It's almost like a little textured cloth that goes over your finger, and I've seen people brush with that too.

00:22:57.140 --> 00:23:00.388
So, and I'm thinking well, why should we have to do that in the wild?

00:23:00.388 --> 00:23:05.208
They wouldn't do that, but in the wild they're eating animals and bones and all sorts of things, and that's what.

00:23:05.208 --> 00:23:07.413
Yeah, we'll get rid of the tarnor.

00:23:08.141 --> 00:23:15.164
And along those same lines too as far as the bones go, because I remember the episode that we did with Dr Jeff Grognet.

00:23:15.204 --> 00:23:33.171
We brought up the issue of people thinking that you know, giving my dog like a milk bone, just as an example, and the commercials for the milk bones when they first came out are like a milk bone in a toothbrush holder kind of thing, like equating it to brushing your dog's teeth and in reality your dog's not chewing that long enough to do any good for his teeth.

00:23:33.171 --> 00:23:42.766
So all these dental chews you know if it's going to be a dental chew it's got to be a special one that lasts long enough to really do some good but it doesn't take the place of teeth brushing.

00:23:42.766 --> 00:23:47.631
But there are other things, like there are water additives that you can put in their water.

00:23:47.631 --> 00:23:53.132
There's actually bought a powder, but I didn't end up using it but the powder that you can put in their food.

00:23:53.132 --> 00:23:55.929
But obviously you want to talk to your veterinarian before you do any of that.

00:23:55.929 --> 00:24:01.008
But good old fashioned tooth brushing Never knew, got to get in there and do that, got to get in there.

00:24:01.028 --> 00:24:01.950
Didn't know it was a regular thing.

00:24:01.950 --> 00:24:02.230

00:24:02.270 --> 00:24:03.372
And they really they don't mind it.

00:24:03.372 --> 00:24:05.734
You know it's harder with, like I said, it's harder with the smaller dogs.

00:24:05.734 --> 00:24:15.592
The tinky definitely does not like it, but with bigger dogs they tend not to have a problem with it, especially again, if you start while they're young, start when they young, yep, all right.

00:24:15.592 --> 00:24:19.810
Number six reminds me of our almost our second to last episode from season one.

00:24:19.810 --> 00:24:22.688
So update identification and microchips.

00:24:22.688 --> 00:24:31.627
So new year would be a good time to confirm with your microchip company that they've got all your latest phone numbers addresses.

00:24:31.627 --> 00:24:38.345
And then I also hadn't thought about and I only got me thinking about it the other day, because I noticed that we've got what?

00:24:38.345 --> 00:24:44.567
Five dogs here now Five, there's five dogs in my house right now and I noticed some of them have tags and some of them don't.

00:24:44.567 --> 00:24:57.410
So one of them one of them I know came off because it was the little ringy thing was bent out and it was sitting over on the floor, did not get put back on yet they're all microchipped, but microchips only as good as a scanner.

00:24:58.381 --> 00:25:00.547
And so if somebody finds your pet and doesn't take it to get scanned.

00:25:00.547 --> 00:25:01.650
It's not going to do you much good.

00:25:01.650 --> 00:25:07.785
It's making sure your tags are on, making sure your tags are up to date and making sure your tags aren't worn off.

00:25:07.785 --> 00:25:10.047
Oh, good point, Because that's the other thing.

00:25:10.047 --> 00:25:13.534
Especially if you put, a lot of people will put the rabies tag with the.

00:25:14.217 --> 00:25:17.929
ID tag and then you get the metal rubbing on metal and it wears off over time.

00:25:17.929 --> 00:25:18.461
One of them.

00:25:18.461 --> 00:25:19.967
Doesn't one of them haven't stitched on the collar.

00:25:19.967 --> 00:25:21.305
Did I see one of your dogs?

00:25:21.305 --> 00:25:25.950
Maybe it was your other home, but isn't it like stitched right into the collar?

00:25:25.950 --> 00:25:32.208
You can do that Like a phone number or whatever, and easy peasy I remember with Bonnie, our dog that we had many years ago.

00:25:33.310 --> 00:25:44.509
It used to drive me crazy that her tags would clang clang clang, clang, clang, clang, yeah all the time, and so I put I kind of taped him, which doesn't do any good, but there are so many things now, like little rubber rings that go around the tags.

00:25:44.509 --> 00:25:51.308
There's the collars that you can stitch, and then there are tags that actually go on the collar itself, that loop around the collar.

00:25:51.308 --> 00:25:53.113
Okay, I can't know how to describe it.

00:25:53.113 --> 00:26:00.587
It's like it's more of a visual thing, but instead of being a dangling tag, it's it runs parallel with the actual collar itself.

00:26:00.587 --> 00:26:03.707
Yeah, and there's metal ones and rubber ones, things like that.

00:26:04.279 --> 00:26:06.047
So definitely a good idea.

00:26:06.047 --> 00:26:09.865
So does well, cause he doesn't go outside loose, but he doesn't he?

00:26:09.865 --> 00:26:10.786
Doesn't wear a collar, does he.

00:26:10.806 --> 00:26:11.326
He does not.

00:26:11.326 --> 00:26:12.327
He does have a microchip.

00:26:12.327 --> 00:26:13.470
Yeah, everything's up to date.

00:26:13.470 --> 00:26:14.631
He likes to be naked.

00:26:15.011 --> 00:26:19.440
Yeah, so yeah, just make sure everything is up to date and make sure they've got it on.

00:26:19.440 --> 00:26:20.826
It's only as good as if they're wearing it.

00:26:20.826 --> 00:26:37.396
Number seven was quality time together, and actually this was the trigger for this whole conversation is that I morphed my idea for this episode from how do you spend more quality time with your pet which I still want to delve into and then it kind of morphed into this idea of doing New Year's resolutions.

00:26:37.396 --> 00:26:49.839
But I know that I feel like, as opposed to the time that you spend with your pet, I feel like I don't spend quality time with my pets, and part of it is because I'm running a rescue, but I feel like my pets sometimes they're not even.

00:26:49.839 --> 00:26:51.522
They're not even like individuals.

00:26:51.522 --> 00:26:52.384
It's a herd.

00:26:52.765 --> 00:26:54.448
Everybody in, everybody out.

00:26:54.667 --> 00:26:58.416
Everybody grab some food, but I will say that I did try at least.

00:26:58.416 --> 00:27:03.470
Well, and one of the other resolutions, which will be the next one, number eight, which is socializing your pet.

00:27:03.470 --> 00:27:11.807
My pets have spent a lot of time here at the rescue ranch and not out in public, and so to try to spend that quality time, like really it's tinky.

00:27:11.807 --> 00:27:15.713
The little Chihuahua that I can take out because she's a little bit more, she loves to go for a ride in the car.

00:27:15.713 --> 00:27:16.695
She's good in the car.

00:27:16.695 --> 00:27:23.450
She doesn't get overly excited and get crazy and slobbering everywhere and anxious when you go in the car and she's just easy to take places.

00:27:23.450 --> 00:27:31.169
So I feel like, like this last year, I did a pretty good job of taking her out and about places and getting her a pup cup or something like that I know.

00:27:31.209 --> 00:27:32.154
I know, but she didn't eat.

00:27:32.355 --> 00:27:33.624
I ended up eating the pup cup.

00:27:33.624 --> 00:27:34.430
I hope that's human.

00:27:34.430 --> 00:27:35.721
I hope so it's human grade.

00:27:35.742 --> 00:27:36.066
I hope so.

00:27:36.066 --> 00:27:37.338
That's too late.

00:27:37.358 --> 00:27:41.988
I poured it on my coffee, so, oh, I think it's just whipped cream in a little cup.

00:27:42.067 --> 00:27:42.470
Fingers crossed.

00:27:43.791 --> 00:27:49.098
She wanted nothing to do with the pup cup, and so I didn't want it to go to waste, so I put it in my coffee.

00:27:49.098 --> 00:27:51.303
It was whipped cream, I'm pretty sure.

00:27:51.303 --> 00:27:52.785
I'm pretty sure.

00:27:52.785 --> 00:27:53.326
Sure, let's go ahead.

00:27:53.326 --> 00:27:55.470
So yeah, quality time could be.

00:27:56.391 --> 00:27:58.114
I beg to differ you do spend quality time.

00:27:58.114 --> 00:28:03.040
Everybody knows when it's like lights out TV time right, and that's when it all happens.

00:28:03.040 --> 00:28:05.364
The magic happens when you turn the TV on at night time.

00:28:05.364 --> 00:28:07.366
Here comes one, here comes the other.

00:28:07.366 --> 00:28:09.450
The other night you had three cats on your legs.

00:28:09.450 --> 00:28:11.736
I think everybody knows it's.

00:28:11.736 --> 00:28:16.647
You know, now I got you, you're sitting down, you're watching TV, you're going to be at least an hour, at least.

00:28:16.647 --> 00:28:18.535
Captive audience, captive audience.

00:28:18.535 --> 00:28:19.760
So there is that.

00:28:19.760 --> 00:28:21.470
Oh, it's our special quality time.

00:28:22.196 --> 00:28:22.621
That's true.

00:28:22.621 --> 00:28:23.388
Yeah, I'm not about it like that.

00:28:23.990 --> 00:28:27.840
But during the day it is quite the movement of herds in and out of the house.

00:28:27.840 --> 00:28:28.241
Yeah, for sure.

00:28:28.891 --> 00:28:34.882
And I have tried to with my cat, with the cats, because I generally don't like having them sleep in the bedroom.

00:28:34.882 --> 00:28:42.320
I pretty much kick everybody out and really there's only one of the three cats that lives inside the house that is okay to sleep with.

00:28:42.320 --> 00:28:43.603
The other ones are pain in the butt, yeah.

00:28:43.603 --> 00:28:57.701
But I have at least tried to cycle them through, like if I'm going to go back and, you know, sit in my bed for 45 minutes and play a game or watch TikTok or something like that, to let one yeah, and secretly tell them they're your favorite cat.

00:28:57.760 --> 00:28:58.324
Yeah, that's right.

00:28:58.324 --> 00:28:59.430
And the next one, you're my favorite.

00:28:59.830 --> 00:29:05.654
Yeah, and then I pick them up, like Fred Flintstone, and put them outside, not outside of the house, outside in the hallway.

00:29:05.654 --> 00:29:07.538
So yeah, I do.

00:29:07.538 --> 00:29:07.980

00:29:07.980 --> 00:29:16.470
So I'm not so bad at that one, but I think sometimes just that kind of ties, like I said, to the next one, number eight, which was socialization opportunities.

00:29:16.470 --> 00:29:17.332
That's one of the reasons.

00:29:17.332 --> 00:29:24.114
Like Gunny, my big bulldog, I would like to take her out more places because she is cute, but she just gets so freaking wound up.

00:29:24.114 --> 00:29:26.938
I mean she's just and she doesn't calm down quickly.

00:29:26.998 --> 00:29:31.604
Like she stays wound up for a long time even though she's almost nine or 10 at this point, you wouldn't know it.

00:29:31.604 --> 00:29:37.390
Yeah, yeah, she gets very wound up, but I wonder if she would have been better had I started younger getting her out and about more.

00:29:37.390 --> 00:29:39.480
She was so mangy and disgusting.

00:29:39.480 --> 00:29:41.450
When I got her I was embarrassed to bring her out in public.

00:29:41.450 --> 00:29:44.596
She was gross Really and she's stuck.

00:29:44.596 --> 00:29:47.403
She definitely stuck.

00:29:47.403 --> 00:29:54.403
What got me thinking too about the whole socialization thing, especially for dogs, is we did this puptopia event.

00:29:54.403 --> 00:30:00.143
We had a booth at this puptopia event and it was meant for people and their dogs and all kind of great activities for dogs.

00:30:00.143 --> 00:30:06.470
And there were some dogs that were really you know, and it's a combination of training and socialization but there were some dogs that were obviously really well trained.

00:30:06.470 --> 00:30:12.803
You could tell they were obviously used to being out around other animals and there were some that were just out of control.

00:30:12.903 --> 00:30:13.103

00:30:13.470 --> 00:30:24.450
Dragging their owners all over the place barking, growling at people, growling at other dogs, and it's like a lot of that can be prevented if you start getting that dog out early and often when they're young.

00:30:24.650 --> 00:30:26.213
Yeah, and everybody benefits from that.

00:30:26.213 --> 00:30:29.382
Who wants to go anywhere if the dog is going to be misbehaving all the time?

00:30:29.382 --> 00:30:30.492
Yeah, it's not fun for you.

00:30:30.492 --> 00:30:32.380
It's probably very stressful for them.

00:30:33.090 --> 00:30:34.634
They're like having a screaming baby on a plane.

00:30:34.634 --> 00:30:38.039
To me it's kind of the same thing like the out of control.

00:30:38.039 --> 00:30:52.405
So yeah, if your dog is not socialized, you know you probably don't want to start off by like, hey, I know my dog's a maniac around other animals because they act like a maniac at the vet, just as an example.

00:30:52.405 --> 00:30:56.237
So yeah, maybe you don't go to Puptopia or go to some big public event.

00:30:56.337 --> 00:31:02.430
But maybe you create a play date for lack of a better term with a friend or a couple of friends and kind of start with that.

00:31:02.430 --> 00:31:07.676
Or maybe take them to Home Depot or some of the other places that allow you to bring your pets.

00:31:07.676 --> 00:31:16.470
You know, go to a pet smart or a pet co or something like that, but go at an off hour like not Saturday afternoon when everybody else is there with their pet, and kind of build them up to it.

00:31:17.154 --> 00:31:19.430
So do you think a dog park is a good place to do all that?

00:31:19.430 --> 00:31:22.053
I am very anti dog park.

00:31:22.594 --> 00:31:26.839
I just I know there's a lot of people that love them.

00:31:26.839 --> 00:31:34.470
I just feel like it's a place to catch diseases and to end up in a dog fight or end up with a fight with some other dog owner.

00:31:35.132 --> 00:31:38.573
And a bad experience all around For everybody, yeah, so.

00:31:38.573 --> 00:31:45.470
So if you do play dates, at least you know who you're getting and they're vaccinated and all that stuff.

00:31:45.470 --> 00:31:49.239
Yeah, and it's organized and it's timed.

00:31:49.239 --> 00:31:59.876
You'll come to my house for half an hour or whatever, and it seems a lot less stress, because at a dog park everyone else is running around too, not just the dog that's being supervised with you.

00:32:00.390 --> 00:32:00.490

00:32:01.470 --> 00:32:09.849
But if it's with friends who are all backed up and your dogs are so socialized because they're constantly having fosters coming through, yeah, they're good with other animals.

00:32:09.849 --> 00:32:12.178
To see them interact is just amazing.

00:32:12.178 --> 00:32:16.554
They are very polite about distance and all the posturing.

00:32:16.554 --> 00:32:20.896
You can read posturing better than I've never seen it done that well.

00:32:20.896 --> 00:32:25.817
I look at two dogs that are sizing each other up and I'm like, oh, here we go, they're going to fight.

00:32:25.817 --> 00:32:27.276
And you're like, no, they're just going to play.

00:32:27.276 --> 00:32:29.155
And sure enough, boom off, they go and they're fine.

00:32:30.089 --> 00:32:42.522
That actually makes a good point too is that you really need to understand, if you're going to take your dog out amongst other dogs, even if it is friends' dogs to understand what the body language is telling you, because people misinterpret it.

00:32:42.522 --> 00:32:43.493
Oh, they're wagging their tails.

00:32:43.493 --> 00:32:51.000
We had this recently where somebody wanted to adopt a dog and she was like, oh, look, they like each other, they're wagging their tails.

00:32:51.000 --> 00:32:55.018
And man, that tail was straight up and it was alert.

00:32:55.018 --> 00:33:02.579
Yeah, very alert, very high alert tense body and next thing, you know, it turned into an almost dog fight.

00:33:02.579 --> 00:33:04.675
So luckily it was small dogs.

00:33:04.675 --> 00:33:06.236
I have less of an issue with smaller dogs.

00:33:06.236 --> 00:33:07.213
It's easier to break it up.

00:33:07.213 --> 00:33:09.153
But yeah, just be careful.

00:33:11.199 --> 00:33:11.601

00:33:11.601 --> 00:33:12.914
I never really thought about that.

00:33:12.914 --> 00:33:14.596
No, your doggy body language.

00:33:15.009 --> 00:33:16.877
I don't know, but what about socialization for cats?

00:33:16.877 --> 00:33:17.914
Is that even possible?

00:33:17.990 --> 00:33:20.038
There is no socialization for Kaz.

00:33:20.038 --> 00:33:24.698
He sees a cat outside the window and he almost threw himself at the front door storm door.

00:33:24.698 --> 00:33:27.917
Oh my god, he'll have none of that.

00:33:27.917 --> 00:33:29.355
No dogs, no cats.

00:33:29.355 --> 00:33:30.894
Now he's a one man show.

00:33:30.894 --> 00:33:32.834
He'll have none of that.

00:33:32.834 --> 00:33:47.019
Amy's cats here are even today, when you brought one of the foster cats inside and each one of her cats approached it very cautiously, very politely, and when the foster cat said no way, they all backed off.

00:33:47.019 --> 00:33:47.319

00:33:47.670 --> 00:33:48.534
Well, they don't get it.

00:33:48.534 --> 00:33:52.334
Well, they're so used to having that's amazing Rando's in the house.

00:33:52.654 --> 00:33:53.417
It's just so amazing.

00:33:53.417 --> 00:33:57.000
You just think that, oh, two cats see each other, boom, they're going to be a fight, but no, All right.

00:33:57.210 --> 00:34:08.657
Moving along to our last two items, number nine was environmental enrichment, and I really got to thinking about this improving your pet's living space, changing out toys, things like that.

00:34:08.657 --> 00:34:19.375
I really started thinking about that with my birds Because I set up that new aviary for lack of a better term and put all the toys in there, but I hadn't switched them out at all and it's been like that for months.

00:34:19.375 --> 00:34:20.655
So I probably need to consider.

00:34:20.949 --> 00:34:22.454
But have you ever seen them playing with the toys?

00:34:22.454 --> 00:34:28.800
No, I never seen them playing with the toys, so you wouldn't even know what new toys to put in.

00:34:28.800 --> 00:34:31.155
Yeah, but you could experiment a little bit.

00:34:31.449 --> 00:34:38.699
I mean, I have seen evidence Like a lot of the bird toys are things where they can chew on things or pull things apart.

00:34:39.550 --> 00:34:45.115
You should put a critter camera in there I could To watch them and see what they enjoyed they could be doing, having a lot of fun you don't know about.

00:34:45.115 --> 00:34:45.838
Yeah, that could be.

00:34:46.050 --> 00:34:50.179
They just all the fun stops when the dream crusher comes in.

00:34:50.721 --> 00:34:52.092
Put away the disco ball, here she comes.

00:34:52.693 --> 00:34:53.577
But even toys Like.

00:34:53.577 --> 00:34:54.199
Remember the other day.

00:34:54.199 --> 00:34:57.699
So the other day we were cleaning out our dog storage room.

00:34:57.699 --> 00:34:59.835
Yeah, that was sort of a fiasco.

00:34:59.875 --> 00:35:00.938
I don't know, but we'll see.

00:35:01.349 --> 00:35:14.099
Anyway, we were changing offices around, moving things around, trying to consolidate all the pet toys into one tote and despite the fact that there have to be, I don't know, at least 10 toys laying around the house.

00:35:14.099 --> 00:35:15.313
Yes, that's right.

00:35:15.313 --> 00:35:18.900
Gigi was still very interested in the new stuff.

00:35:18.900 --> 00:35:26.376
So I think the idea of taking things up, washing them and then putting some new stuff out changes up the environment.

00:35:26.376 --> 00:35:28.257
I know our dogs get their beds changed a lot.

00:35:28.458 --> 00:35:30.836
Right and then brings back the old toy and all of a sudden it's new again.

00:35:30.978 --> 00:35:35.112
Yeah, so, just like with kids, I guess something new and different to play with.

00:35:35.630 --> 00:35:36.775
I think because Cousy's getting older.

00:35:36.775 --> 00:35:43.715
Nothing impresses him all that much, although that feather toy from it's called D'Bird D'Bird, those are the best.

00:35:43.715 --> 00:35:47.655
He doesn't do it as much as he used to in the past, but he still is interested in that.

00:35:47.655 --> 00:35:50.414
But you've got to put it away each time or else they're going to destroy it.

00:35:50.414 --> 00:35:52.416
But it's always the cardboard box.

00:35:52.416 --> 00:35:54.255
Yeah, it's always the cardboard box.

00:35:55.130 --> 00:35:57.097
Well, because maybe that's what it is.

00:35:57.097 --> 00:35:57.550
It's not.

00:35:57.550 --> 00:36:03.597
I mean, part of it probably is just that it's fun to get in a box, but that just sounds so weird.

00:36:03.597 --> 00:36:05.753
But it's new right.

00:36:05.893 --> 00:36:06.235
It's new.

00:36:06.235 --> 00:36:07.358
I do switch those out, yeah.

00:36:07.710 --> 00:36:14.313
So I know, when I added that new cat tower, suddenly everybody, even though there's already another one, or new water fountain.

00:36:14.313 --> 00:36:17.295
That's suddenly fascinating, because it was something new and different.

00:36:17.295 --> 00:36:27.195
So, changing things up, even if it's just putting that same cat tower into rotation, sticking it in a closet and get it back out, put it in a different room, maybe give them a different vantage point.

00:36:27.315 --> 00:36:35.135
Yeah, the fact that they become so interested in something new forces me to think that they're not getting enough stimulation, forces me to try something new.

00:36:35.135 --> 00:36:40.896
If they think a new cardboard box is the cat's nuggets, then we need to do something more.

00:36:41.398 --> 00:36:42.380
We can try harder.

00:36:42.510 --> 00:36:43.152
We can try harder.

00:36:43.730 --> 00:36:43.951
All right.

00:36:43.951 --> 00:36:58.257
Last but not least, I thought this was a good one Emergency preparedness, and I'll just read you the tips, because I thought they were pretty good Develop a pet emergency kit that includes essential supplies such as food, water, medication, medical records and a first aid kit.

00:36:58.257 --> 00:37:02.597
Familiarize yourself with the location of your nearest emergency vet clinic.

00:37:02.597 --> 00:37:09.039
Have a plan for evacuation in case of natural disaster and ensure your pet's identification is readily available.

00:37:09.039 --> 00:37:16.916
And then I added to this plan for what will happen to your pet if something happens to you illness, hospitalization or death.

00:37:16.916 --> 00:37:20.436
All right, so that's good, let's end this on death.

00:37:23.150 --> 00:37:30.255
But I find it shocking when we have people that want to adopt a pet from us and they've already got cats, let's just say, and they don't have a cat carrier.

00:37:30.255 --> 00:37:31.556
How can you not have a cat carrier?

00:37:31.556 --> 00:37:34.293
How do you take your cat to the vet if you don't have a carrier?

00:37:34.293 --> 00:37:38.297
And I hope it's not in your arms, because that's a disaster waiting to happen yeah, that's no good.

00:37:38.297 --> 00:37:49.797
So having those types of things, even if it's just for emergency purposes and they have collapsible cat carriers and dog carriers, for that matter, and I know when we evacuated, oh my gosh.

00:37:50.070 --> 00:37:50.994
I was just thinking about that.

00:37:51.250 --> 00:38:03.496
When we evacuated for Rita and we're sitting in traffic for I don't know 17 hours to go make a trip that normally would have taken two hours to have that stuff ready on the go, Everybody gives in their crates.

00:38:03.496 --> 00:38:05.657
We were able to put litter boxes in for them to use.

00:38:05.657 --> 00:38:11.416
We didn't need cats and dogs just flying around loose inside the car and that would have been a fiasco.

00:38:11.476 --> 00:38:12.039
You do anyway.

00:38:12.039 --> 00:38:17.012
Right, when the weatherman says prepare for power outages, you get the batteries, the flashlights, everything that's ready.

00:38:17.012 --> 00:38:27.394
You don't have to bring the cat carriers out, but just make sure you have them at the ready in case you do have to evacuate or you lose power and it's the middle of winter and there's no heat in the house You're going to have to go to, maybe a shelter, maybe a friend's house maybe a hotel.

00:38:28.932 --> 00:38:32.998
Have those as long as you know where they are and they're ready to go clean, not full of cobwebs and whatnot.

00:38:32.998 --> 00:38:37.711
Have a bed ready and if something happens when you're ill, make sure that.

00:38:37.711 --> 00:38:42.340
I think one of your episodes on the podcast had one of the people suggested a jump drive.

00:38:43.224 --> 00:38:44.731
Oh yeah with all the medical records, with the many traveling.

00:38:45.469 --> 00:38:46.755
Easy enough, bring that to the vet.

00:38:46.755 --> 00:38:48.215
And the vet will have the information.

00:38:48.215 --> 00:38:58.980
If you can't just say you're in a horrible car wreck and you can't get home and your cat or dog needs assistance in some way, whoever is doing that can take that jump drive and bring it to the vet Because they don't know.

00:38:58.980 --> 00:39:03.213
They don't know your pet's history or whatever, so store it on a jump drive.

00:39:03.755 --> 00:39:04.458
Or have a folder.

00:39:04.458 --> 00:39:05.635
So now I'm going to put you on the spot.

00:39:05.635 --> 00:39:08.574
So your neighbors have been watching your cat since you've been down here.

00:39:08.574 --> 00:39:12.253
If something happened to you, well, they would have access to me.

00:39:12.253 --> 00:39:15.077
But would they know, like do they know where Kasi goes to the vet?

00:39:15.469 --> 00:39:23.621
They do know where Kasi goes to the vet because there's a magnet on the fridge and beyond that, Kasi's got his own folder that has all his information.

00:39:23.621 --> 00:39:33.137
But I guess the vet would have all the information that they need, whether it's medication, the food, and they even do boarding at the vet so they can just pack them up and send them off over there if need be.

00:39:33.197 --> 00:39:35.094
But yeah Do they know where his carrier is?

00:39:35.094 --> 00:39:36.239
I don't know.

00:39:36.239 --> 00:39:37.012
Do you guys know where it is?

00:39:37.012 --> 00:39:38.838
I think they do.

00:39:38.838 --> 00:39:39.672
I think they can figure it out.

00:39:39.672 --> 00:39:42.938
But yeah, make sure anyone who's going to care for your pets knows what to do.

00:39:42.938 --> 00:39:46.117
You don't want to put them in a situation where they're going to be panicking and not knowing what to do.

00:39:46.117 --> 00:39:49.057
Leave instructions and make sure they're supported.

00:39:50.030 --> 00:39:52.355
Yeah, we're definitely in that episode that we did with Dr Zoo.

00:39:52.355 --> 00:39:58.625
Oh yeah, On boarding versus pet sitting, we talked about different things that people might want to have information, have available.

00:39:58.806 --> 00:40:00.813
So yeah, and I think, just long term too.

00:40:00.813 --> 00:40:10.137
We've had this come up so many times in the rescue, where Mom, grandma, uncle, whoever somebody, passes away and nobody wants their pet.

00:40:10.137 --> 00:40:20.092
Now I don't know if that person assumed that, oh, certainly my children will take my dog or my cat or whatever it will be, but that could be a whole episode right there.

00:40:20.092 --> 00:40:31.534
It's talking about what's going to happen to your pet if something happens to you, but for now let's at least just focus on having medication, on having food and water and even water bowl.

00:40:31.534 --> 00:40:34.454
That was one of the things that we didn't necessarily think about.

00:40:34.565 --> 00:40:40.454
Now you're trying to as you're sitting for 17 hours in the car because we didn't think we were going to be that long in there.

00:40:40.454 --> 00:40:42.251
It's like, how are we going to get water to the animals?

00:40:42.251 --> 00:40:54.911
And portable bowls, collapsible bowls, things like that are good to have handy, so you could probably even just take your pet crate and pack it up with supplies so that it's ready to go, and then, I think, the first aid kit too.

00:40:54.911 --> 00:40:59.730
A lot of times people will assume that human stuff will work on pets, but it doesn't necessarily.

00:40:59.730 --> 00:41:07.117
And even just having that especially if you are going to cut your own nails, having that quick stop powder on hand as part of your emergency kit.

00:41:07.204 --> 00:41:08.228
How would you know what's like?

00:41:08.228 --> 00:41:10.554
I guess you can ask your vet what's put in an emergency kit.

00:41:10.554 --> 00:41:13.735
Yeah, you can buy ready made for pets.

00:41:13.885 --> 00:41:15.813
Yes, pet ones, and add to it.

00:41:15.813 --> 00:41:18.313
But, yeah, you could certainly ask your vet what to go in there.

00:41:18.313 --> 00:41:21.152
Ok, so have that on hand.

00:41:21.152 --> 00:41:25.436
Oh, and then familiarize yourself with the location of the nearest emergency vet clinic.

00:41:25.784 --> 00:41:26.710
Yeah, where's yours?

00:41:27.105 --> 00:41:36.974
Brewster, brewster, ok, I know where mine is too yeah yeah actually we're lucky, being in Houston, that we've got them all over the place, but it would be good to know what is the closest.

00:41:37.065 --> 00:41:40.195
Yeah, hopefully we'll never have to visit there, but I know.

00:41:40.525 --> 00:41:41.047
Yeah, yeah.

00:41:41.047 --> 00:41:43.414
So those are our top 10.

00:41:43.414 --> 00:41:50.871
And there probably could be lots and lots more but at least certainly 10 items to consider as possible.

00:41:50.871 --> 00:41:53.077
New Year's resolutions for pet parents.

00:41:53.077 --> 00:41:57.695
So, Bev, I can tell you right now what are you going to do?

00:41:57.695 --> 00:41:59.010
You going to try to do any of these?

00:41:59.010 --> 00:41:59.869
Yes, All right.

00:42:00.050 --> 00:42:04.989
The one I'm going to try to nail down is learn a little bit more about his nutrition.

00:42:04.989 --> 00:42:13.909
Ok, because he has been getting the same prescription food for as long as I've had him, and we're talking like 10 years.

00:42:13.909 --> 00:42:25.130
It's rather pricey and perhaps there are other options available, so I need to learn what's up with the nutrition and perhaps switch it, because I know he'll eat anything.

00:42:25.425 --> 00:42:28.373
Yeah, on that note too that that can be a conversation.

00:42:28.373 --> 00:42:36.625
You know, my first thought was oh, you should seek out a holistic veterinarian, because most of them are not going to be in favor of those prescription diets and they're going to be in favor of some alternative.

00:42:36.625 --> 00:42:44.994
But you could always start the conversation with your vet and say, hey, I'm interested to know what other options, what else could I be feeding him, that would achieve these same goals?

00:42:45.585 --> 00:42:52.773
That's my New Year's resolution to drill down on the nutrition and see if I can do better by him, yeah, what's going to be yours?

00:42:53.025 --> 00:42:53.528
I don't know.

00:42:53.528 --> 00:42:54.766
I don't know.

00:42:54.766 --> 00:42:57.871
Maybe socialization, maybe I need to get Gunny out of the house more.

00:42:57.871 --> 00:43:02.945
I mean, she does get a lot of socialization, but maybe work on getting her out in public a little bit more so she doesn't act fool.

00:43:03.126 --> 00:43:05.074
Well, I think, like you said, I think she gets so excited.

00:43:05.074 --> 00:43:11.914
So, even if it's just a car ride to the post office and back with no interaction, yeah, it's just a car ride, yeah, and do that over.

00:43:11.914 --> 00:43:14.092
I mean, you guys are going to the post office so frequently.

00:43:15.365 --> 00:43:18.572
Right, so we do go to the post office, so it's like, oh, it's just another ride in the car.

00:43:18.644 --> 00:43:22.409
It's not like, oh, we're going to the dog park or, you know, meeting other dogs or whatever.

00:43:22.409 --> 00:43:22.891

00:43:24.025 --> 00:43:25.913
And maybe the grooming and hygiene.

00:43:25.913 --> 00:43:29.489
I used to be really, really good about the toenails too, and I've gotten a little bit lax.

00:43:29.489 --> 00:43:30.152
They're not terrible.

00:43:30.324 --> 00:43:31.208
That's not for anybody.

00:43:31.208 --> 00:43:32.193
They could be better yeah.

00:43:32.644 --> 00:43:33.909
But working on the nails and the teeth.

00:43:33.909 --> 00:43:39.007
I'll work on that and making it a positive experience, not pushing it too much, because she's going to show me.

00:43:39.268 --> 00:43:40.393
Yeah, I'll definitely show you.

00:43:40.764 --> 00:43:53.735
So, anyway, I hope that these 10 ideas for New Year's resolutions will give you some points to ponder on how you can be a better, more effective pet parent and improve the quality of life for you and your pet.

00:43:53.735 --> 00:43:58.452
We've picked out a couple of things we're going to try, and again, don't try to do all 10.

00:43:58.452 --> 00:44:00.251
Don't overwhelm yourself.

00:44:00.251 --> 00:44:08.355
Pick one or two, get started until those become a habit or a routine, and before you know it, you'll probably be doing all kinds of great things to make your pets life better.

00:44:08.355 --> 00:44:12.911
Thanks for listening to Starlight Pet Talk.

00:44:12.911 --> 00:44:24.449
Be sure to visit our website at wwwstarlightpettalkcom for more resources, and be sure to follow this podcast on your favorite podcast app so you'll never miss a show.

00:44:24.449 --> 00:44:28.871
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00:44:28.871 --> 00:44:32.335
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00:44:32.335 --> 00:44:38.255
Don't forget to tune in next week and every week for a brand new episode of Starlight Pet Talk.

00:44:38.255 --> 00:44:42.771
And if you don't do anything else this week, give your pets a big hug from us.